Category Archives: 2012 Meet Results

Tractor Pull Meet

by Roger LaPointe

The 2nd Annual Atomic Athletic Tractor Pull Weekend Meet went very well. Everyone had a blast.   While it is not yet official, it looks like we may have collectively broken 10 US records and 5 World Records. Each of our lifters broke some sort of record.

We had an unexpected surprise, thanks to the efforts of Scott Schmidt. We have two Ohio based officials that are getting back into the All Round Weightlifting game: John Kurtz and Jim Malloy. As John McKean pointed out, both were very active lifters, with John being both a founding member and an official at many of Howard Prechtel’s events, including the Nationals. I had never previously met them, but hope to make them a fixture at Atomic Athletic events. They each seemed to enjoy themselves and fit right in with our group. By the end of the meet, they each seemed to be itching to pick up some weights. Who knows, maybe we can convince them to do a little coaching or even get them on the platform. I know that I have learned a good deal from lifting with Dave Polzin, who has continued his annihilation of almost every record he sets his sights on. Maybe I will get a chance to learn a bit from Jim and John as well.

I would like to thank everyone who lifted, officiated and helped to clean up. I hope to see everyone at the next Atomic Athletic meet. If anyone would like to make some lift suggestions, please send the requests to me.  We also have meet shirts left over. If you would like to buy one,  the photo will be up on the site tomorrow, but it reflects the general design of the site graphic with black ink on a green shirt. I will make sure to note which sizes are left tonight.


2012 Atomic Athletic Tractor Pull Weekend Meet
August 18th, 2012
Atomic Athletic, Bowling Green, Ohio

Meet Director: Roger LaPoint
Officials: Scott Schmidt, Jim Malloy, John Kurtz, John McKean

Lifts: Deadlift – One Arm, Jefferson Lift – Fulton Bar, Crucifix
USR = New “possible” U. S. Record
WR= New “possible” World Record

LIFTER DL-1 Arm Jefferson FB Crucifix
David Polzin,216# BW,Age 62 311#R USR/WR 402#USR/WR 60#USR/WR
John McKean,165#BW, Age 66 267#R 303#USR/WR 35#USR
Scott Schmidt,242# BW, Age 59 282#R 281#USR/WR 90#USR
Roger LaPointe,167# BW, Age 41 267#R USR 303#USR 75#USR

If anyone is wondering about the odd weight increments for the 1 Arm Deadlift, we were using a 45 pound bar,but lifting with kilo plates. The Crucifix Hold was done with antique York Kettlebell Handles, which are about half a pound lighter than the current kettlebell handles we sell at Atomic Athletic, making the handles, bar and collars a combined weight of 10 pounds. It was a convenient set up for use with pound increment standard size plates.

Dino Days Record Day

by Al Myers

The first Team (2-Man) Neck Lift ever performed, by Al Myers and Chad Ullom, at the Dino Days Record Day. We lifted 1205 pounds.

Seven lifters performed record attempts at the Dino Days Record Day on August 12th.  Of these 7, three made it that didn’t compete the previous day in the Dino Gym – Tim Songster, Mike Murdock, and Molly Myers.

I’ll start the report with the youngest lifter of the day.  My daughter Molly continues to amaze me with her lifting ability. She has spent some time in her young life training, but never anything consistent.  I keep telling her that she has great ability lifting weights, but I haven’t over-pressured her to be a weight lifter.  Usually in record days, I have picked lifts for her that she could set records in easily, as I didn’t want her to feel disappointed if she couldn’t exceed a previous record.  But this time, I picked a few records that I knew she would have to get a great performance to exceed the current record on the books.  The first choice was the Fulton Bar Ciavattone Grip Deadlift.  The previous record was 148# (which I consider a very good mark) and Molly exceeded it with her last attempt at 151#.  This got her very excited and after that the records fell at a rapid pace, ending with a very fine 130# 12 inch base squat.

Mike Murdock performing one of the "first ever" Jackson Presses at the Dino Days Record Day.

Since I’m reporting in the order of age, that makes Chad at 40 the next in line!  Chad started the day off with a 135# Jackson Press.  When he finished he made the comment that he picked that lift to recognize the JWC, since none of the JWC members were in attendance.  He then started focusing on regaining his Neck Lift record, which he lost to Eric Todd at the Heavy Lift Championships.  I decided I would join him in the Neck Lift, but I knew I would only be his “pace car” as he proceeded to heavier and heavier poundages!  I dropped out at 700 but to Chad it seemed as he was still just warming up.  He finished with 915# for the new ALL TIME record in the Neck Lift. After that we decided to do some 2-Man Neck Lifts.  This was our first time trying out this new bar apparatus I had made to do this lift, and we finished with 1205#.  We could have done alot more, but we need some more training time to synchronize our efforts.  Unlike other 2-Man lifts, this one is performed “totally blind” as you are looking up and have no visual cues.  Add in the element of danger, and this lift becomes much more difficult than other 2-Man lifts.

I was glad to meet another lifter from Jobe’s Steel Jungle.  Tim Songster made his first appearance in the Dino Gym. Tim set 8 new records in various different lifts.  I could tell Tim is a true all-rounder, as he seems to really enjoy the variety of the different lifts.  If someone else was trying a different lift, he wanted to “give it a try” as well, and in the process learn how to do this new lift. Welcome to the USAWA Tim!

LaVerne made an appearance on both days at this year’s Dino Days.  The day before he teamed with Dean Ross in the Team Championships. It appeared to me that he must have still been on this “team approach” as it seemed they did all the same lifts!  LaVerne, Dean and Mike started the day off doing the Bear Hug. The Bear Hug is a lift very rarely contested in the USAWA, and it seemed like they were doing it for over an hour.  They must have tripled the weight they started with.  LaVerne ended up on tops with a lift of 206#, followed by Dean at 181#, and then Mike at 156#.  However, in the new USAWA lift, the Fulton Bar Bench Press, Dean and Mike had the best lifts (178#), followed by LaVerne at 123#. Another lift that “stuck out in my mind” was the 1250# Back Lift by Dean.  That is a huge lift!

Again, I want to thank everyone who attended this record day.  I really enjoy watching others have fun lifting weights, and afterall, that is what it should be all about.


Dino Days Record Day
Dino Gym
Abilene, Kansas
August 12th, 2012

Meet Director: Al Myers

Officials: Al Myers, Mike Murdock, Chad Ullom, Jesse Jobe, LaVerne Myers


Molly Myers – Female, Age 13, 164# BWT
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip: 151#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar: 201#
Deadlift – Heels Together: 182#
Bench Press – Feet in Air: 100#
Curl – Cheat: 75#
Jackson Press: 45#
Press – From Rack: 45#
Squat – 12″ Base: 130#

Chad Ullom – Age 40, 253# BWT
Jackson Press; 135#
Clean and Press – On Knees: 211#
Neck Lift: 915#
Turkish Get Up: 71#

Tim Songster Sr. – Age 45, 208# BWT
Bear Hug: 181#
Swing – 2 Dumbbells: 130#
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 85#
Turkish Get Up: 53#
Extension – Back: 110#
Swing – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 85#
Bench Press – Roman Chair: 65#
Jackson Press: 160#

Al Myers – Age 45, 248# BWT
Neck Lift: 690#
Extension – Back: 140#

LaVerne Myers – Age 68, 249# BWT
Jackson Press: 75#
Bench Press – Fulton Bar: 123#
Bear Hug: 206#

Dean Ross – Age 69, 275# BWT
Jackson Press: 95#
Arthur Lift: 75#
Bench Press – Fulton Bar: 178#
Bear Hug: 181#
Turkish Get Up: 35#
Back Lift: 1250#

Mike Murdock – Age 72, 225# BWT
Jackson Press – 115#
Bench Press – Fulton Bar: 178#
Bear Hug: 156#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip: 201#

Al Myers and Chad Ullom
Team Neck Lift: 1205#

NOTES:  All lifts are recorded in pounds.

Team Championships

by Al Myers

Group picture from the 2012 USAWA Team Championships. (front left to right): Al Myers, Chad Ullom, Mac Chapello, Jesse Jobe. (back row left to right): Jera Kressly, Doug Kressly, Darren Barnhart, LaVerne Myers, Dean Ross

What a GREAT WEEKEND!  The annual Dino Days Weekend started of with the USAWA Team Championships on Saturday and finished with the Dino Days Record Day on Sunday.   The Team Champs started out with a BANG, with 4 teams in attendance.  Chad and I lifted together again, Jobes Steel Jungle brought a team of Jesse Jobe and Mac Capello, two other Dino Gym members teamed up – Dean Ross and LaVerne Myers, and for the first time we had a Mixed Pair  (male & female) team compete.  Doug and Jera Kressly made their USAWA debut, and put up big lifts together. 

Jesse and Mac took "bragging rights" in the Team Bent Over Row, as they put up the top lift of the meet at 560 pounds.

Chad and I were able to defend our USAWA Team Title, but had some serious competition from the apes that represented Jobes Steel Jungle.  The KING APE Jesse brought a sibling primate along to team up with him, and Mac BABY CHIMP Chapello showed that he has what it takes to someday be the king of the jungle.  It was a close comp till the final event, the 12″ base deadlift, when Chad and I “pulled it out”.   We took what we needed for the win (1020#), and then took a fourth attempt which was successful with 1100#.   That now becomes the top 2-MAN deadlift of all-time in the USAWA, exceeding the effort of Bryan Benzel/Troy Goetsch (a couple other Jungle lifters) set earlier this year. 

Doug and Jera Kressly showed "perfect harmony" with each other all day long, as they won the first Mixed Pair Team Title in the history of the USAWA.

I can’t say enough how much I was impressed with Doug and Jera Kressly.  I have known both of them for many years (through the Highland Games), and I knew they would also be great All-Round lifters.  I sure hope they make it back to a USAWA competition soon.  Their Mixed Pair victory makes them the FIRST Mixed Pair team to win the USAWA Team Championships.  Hopefully next year, another Mixed Pair team will join in the fun of this competition so Doug and Jera can have some “two-on-two” competition.  I was especially impressed with their Team One Arm Clean and Jerk. 160 pounds is a HUGE lift for a 2-Man team, let alone a Mixed Pair team. 

LaVerne Myers and Dean Ross and their 380# Fulton Bar Ciavattone Grip Deadlift. These two teamed up quite nicely as they both are physically built very similar.

The Dino Gym’s OLD GEEZERS Dean Ross and LaVerne Myers showed up with one goal in mind, to beat the Mixed Pair team of Doug and Jera.  Doug and Jera was leading after the first two events, but then Dean and LaVerne used their strong callused hands  in the Fulton Bar Ciavattone Grip Deadlift to go past them.  It was a tense moment when Doug and Jera was deadlifing, after the OLD GEEZERS  had finished.  However, in the end the OLD GEEZERS edged them out (but ONLY because of the 29% age correction they received!).  So there are benefits to being a Senior Citizen Weightlifter!!

Al Myers and Chad Ullom and their record-setting team deadlift of 1100 pounds.

I want to thank everyone who attended this meet this year.  I especially want to thank Darren Barnhart for showing up just to officiate. Darren is “that guy” in the Dino Gym that I can always count on to show up to help out when he’s not competing, and I hate to think how much I owe him for the contributions he has made over the years.  

This is truly one of the “most fun” meets in the USAWA.  As I was explaining after the meet to Jesse, the reason I like this meet is because if you don’t do well in a lift – you can always blame it on your team mate.  That’s when I noticed the BABY CHIMP nodding his head in agreement…


USAWA Team Championships
Dino Gym
Abilene, Kansas
August 11th, 2012

Meet Director: Al Myers

Official: Darren Barnhart

Lifts: Clean and Jerk – 1 arm, Deadlift – Fulton bar, Ciavattone Grip, Bent Over Row, Deadlift – 12″ base


Dino Gym – 115 KG Class, 40-44 Age Group, 2-Man
Al Myers – 45 years old, 247# BWT
Chad Ullom – 40 years old, 252# BWT

Jobes Steel Jungle – 110 KG Class, Senior Age Group, 2-Man
Jesse Jobe – 35 years old, 235# BWT
Mac Capello – 34 years old, 240# BWT

Team Kressly – 115 KG Class, Senior Age Group, Male/Female
Doug Kressly – 32 years old, 252# BWT
Jera Kressly – 27 years old, 209# BWT

The Old Geezers – 125 KG Class, 65-69 Age Group
Dean Ross – 69 years old, 274# BWT
LaVerne Myers – 68 years old, 250# BWT

Lifters C&J-1A DL-FB,CG Row DL-12″ Total Points
Myers & Ullom 260R 640 550 1020 2470 1970.8
Jobe & Capello 240R 600 560 950 2350 1903.7
Myers & Ross 85L 380 304 500 1269 1241.2
Team Kressly 160R 420 304 650 1534 1211.9

NOTES: All weights recorded in pounds. Total is total pounds lifted. Points are corrected points for age and bodyweight.


Myers & Ullom: Deadlift – 12″ Base 1100#


Mixed Pair – Doug and Jera Kressly
Senior Age Group – Jesse Jobe and Mac Capello
Master 40+ Age Group – Al Myers and Chad Ullom
Master 60+ Age Group – LaVerne Myers and Dean Ross

World Postal LEG 2

by Steve Gardner

(scroll down to see leg 1 results)

Al and Chad showing Dino Gym team spirit by drinking a few Mai Tai's in Kauai shortly after completing their World Postal lifts.

Leg Two Results:Lifts: Steinborn – OH C+Jerk – Zercher
Results that were performed before two referees have been submitted for any records to be checked
and ratified!

Headings: Name -Bwt-Class-Age-Division-Steinborn-OH C+Jerk-Zercher- Total-AmendedCoalville

Outcasts – 1 Ref only
Mark Shaw 76.0 80 51 M50+ 85 30 115 230 255.4
Jason Reed 80.0 80 31 Open 75 40 120 235 225.8
Team Total 645 Amend 481.2
Powerhouse Gym 1 – 3 refs
Mark Price 91.3 95 47 M45+ 150 57.5R 165 367.5 353.3
James Gardner 89.8 90 28 Open 125 67.5R 175 365.0 328.0
Team Total 730 Amen 681.3
Powerhouse Gym 2 – 3 Refs
Graham Saxton 122.8 125 50 M50+ 145 55R 190 390 330.1
Luke Davis 79.2 80 28 Open 115 50R 145 310 299.8
Team Total 700 Amen 629.9
Powerhouse Gym 3 – 3 Refs
Paula Delamata 49.4 50 38 Open 55 26.5R 75 156.5 282.6
Calvin Morant Hudson 69.3 70 19 J18/19 110 42.5R 70 222.5 251.1
Team Total 379 Amen 533.7
Powerhouse Gym 4 (Just 4 Andy) – 1 Ref only
Steve Gardner 140.1 125+ 55 M55+ 70 45R 100 215 178.5
Karen Gardner 71.1 75 53 LM50+ 40 20R 50 110 167.2
Team Total 325 Amen 345.7
W Australia 1 – 3 Refs
Peter Phillips 109.2 110 58 M55+ 145 55R 175 375 360.9
John Mahon 103.8 105 29 Open 145 55R 175 375 311.4
Team Total 750 Amend 672.3
W Australia 2 – 3 Refs
Sam Trew 116.0 120 29 Open 155 60R 185 400 313.8
Paul McManus 111.8 115 38 Open 165 50 185 400 319.7
Team Total 800 Amend 633.5
Granby Grippers – (1 Ref = Steve) 2 Refs = Daniel
Steve Andrews 70.0 70 53 M50+ 105 50L 142.5 297.5 354.4
Daniel Andrews 65.3 70 16 J16/17 50 25.5L 75.5 151 182.4
Team Total 448.5 Amend 536.8
Tiverton 1 – 3 Refs
Mark Rattenberry 64.0 65 50 M50+ 60.4 29.9L 140.4 230.7 284.2
Gary Ell 85.1 90 41 M40+ 105 52.9R 140 297.9 280.4
Team Total 528.6 Amend 564.6
Tiverton 2 – 3 Refs
Tom Perry 87.7 90 22 Open 102.3 60.4 R 150.4 313.3 285.3
Patrick Burt 72.5 75 24 Open 60 37.9L 92.9 190.8 194.9
Team Total 504.1 Amend 480.2
Tiverton 3 – 3 Refs
Tom Cleverley 76.4 80 21 Open 100 47.9 R 120.4 268.3 265.2
Axel Amos 83.6 85 24 Open 115 50.4R 130.4 295.8 276.9
Team Total 564.1 Amend 542.1
Castlemilk Expendables 1 – 2 Refs
Matt Finkle 66.5 70 46 M45+ 80 40R 122.5 242.5 280.5
Andy Tomlin 91.5 95 44 M40+ 80 55R 150 285 266.1
Team Total 527.5 Amend 546.6
Castlemilk Expendables 2 – 2 Refs
George Dick 128.2 125+ 63 M60+ 100 35R 115 250 231.5
Habeckers Gym USA – 1 Ref
Denny Habecker 86.1 90 69 M65+ 80 32.5R 80 192.5 237.4
Mo. Aqeel Afzal (Guest) 120.5 125 Open 81 41 R 111 233.0 179.3
Team Total 425.5 Amend 416.7
Dino Gym USA – 1 Ref
Chad Ullom 112.0 115 40 M40+ 182.5 63.5R 201.9 447.9 361.2
Al Myers 109.3 110 45 M45+ 155 65.8R 201.9 422.7 362.3
Team Total 870.6 Amend 723.5

Team Country – Amended Team Total

Dino Gym USA 723.5
Powerhouse 1 ENG 681.3
W Australia 1 AUS 672.3
W Australia 2 AUS 633.5
Powerhouse 2 ENG 629.9
Tiverton 1 ENG 564.6
Castlemilk Expendables 1 SCO 546.6
Tiverton 3 ENG 542.1
Granby Grippers ENG 536.8
Powerhouse 3 ENG 533.7

Lifters Rankings Second Leg Top Ten Lifters
Name – AmendedTotal

Al Myers 362.3
Chad Ullom 361.2
Peter Phillips 360.9
Steve Andrews 354.4
Mark Price 353.3
Graham Saxton 330.1
James Gardner 328.0
Paul McManus 319.7
Sam Trew 313.8
John Mahon 311.4

FINAL Team Rankings After Two Legs:Team Country Leg 1 Leg 2 Grand Amended Total

1st Dino Gym USA 801.8 723.5 1525.3
2nd Powerhouse 1 ENG 745.8 681.3 1427.1
3rd Powerhouse 2 ENG 689.1 629.9 1319.0
4th W Australia 1 AUS 641.0 672.3 1313.3
5th Tiverton 1 ENG 627.7 564.6 1192.3
6th W Australia 2 AUS 558.4 633.5 1191.9
7th Granby Grippers ENG 602.9 536.8 1139.7
8th Castlemilk Expendables 1 SCO 582.2 546.6 1128.8
9th Powerhouse 3 ENG 592.8 533.7 1126.5
10th Tiverton 2 ENG 580.8 480.2 1061.0
1th Tiverton 3 ENG 513.0 542.1 1055.1
12th Coalville Outcasts ENG 498.8 481.2 980.0
13th Habeckers Gym USA 552.9 416.7 969.6
14thPowerhouse 4 (Just 4 U Andy) ENG 446.8 345.7 792.5
15thCastlemilk Expendables 2 SCO 525.0 231.5 756.5
16th Hoghton Barbell ENG 614.3 — 614.3

Lifters Final Rankings after 2 Legs
Top Ten amended Totals:

Name Leg 1 Leg 2 Total
Al Myers 426.3 362.3 788.6
Mark Price 387.0 353.3 740.3
Chad Ullom 375.5 361.2 736.7
Steve Andrews 376.0 354.4 730.4
James Gardner 358.8 328.0 686.8
Graham Saxton 355.1 330.1 685.2
Peter Phillips 321.9 360.9 682.8
Luke Davis 334.0 299.8 633.8
John Mahon 319.1 311.4 630.5
Sam Trew 295.5 313.8 609.3
Gary Ell 321.4 280.4 601.8
Mark Rattenberry 306.3 284.2 590.5
Tom Perry 304.9 285.3 590.2
Paul McManus 262.9 319.7 582.6
Paula Delemata 292.8 282.6 575.4
Matt Finkle 289.9 280.5 570.4
Denny Habecker 324.9 237.4 562.3
Andy Tomlin 292.3 266.1 558.4
Thomas Cleverley 265.1 265.2 530.3
Axel Amos 247.9 276.9 524.8
Mark Shaw 242.2 255.4 497.6
Calvin M. Hudson 233.0 251.1 484.1
George Dick 251.8 231.5 483.3
Jason Reed 256.6 225.8 482.4
Patrick Burt 275.9 194.9 470.8
Steve Gardner 240.7 178.5 419.2
Daniel Andrews 226.9 182.4 409.3
Mark Haydock 381.3 — 381.3
Karen Gardner 206.1 167.2 373.3
John Gardner 300.0 — 300.0
Jim Madden 273.2 — 273.2
Rudy Bletscher 228.0 — 228.0
Mo. Aqeel Afzal — 179.3 179.3


Top Junior Lifter: Calvin Morant Hudson
Top Female Open Lifter: Paula Delemata
Top Female Master Lifter:Karen Gardner
Top Open Class Lifter: James Gardner
Top Masters 40+ Lifter: Chad Ullom
Top Masters 45+ Lifter: Al Myers
Top Masters 50+ Lifter: Steve Andrews
Top Masters 55+ Lifter: Peter Phillips
Top Master 60+ L:ifter: George Dick
Top Master 65+ Lifter: Denny Habecker


The Dino Gym – USA Team Members: Al Myers and Chad Ullom
Congratulations to Al and Chad!

The Top Two Teams from each Country Count towards the ‘ Nations’ Team Score
(1st Place = 15pts, 15th Place = 1pt etc.Results of Leg One and Leg Two Combined:)

1 ENGLAND 52 Points
2 AUSTRALIA 43 Points
3 USA 38 Points
4 SCOTLAND 22 Points

Macomb Record Setter

by Tim Piper

Brady Popkin, of the Salvation Army Gym, lifted 601 pounds in the Peoples Deadlift at the Macomb Record Setter.

July 21, 2012 –  Six lifters from the Salvation Army Gym in Macomb Illinois competed in the 2012 Macomb Record Setter meet establishing a total of 27 American records in the United States All-round Weightlifting Association.  The United States All-round Weightlifting Association (USAWA) is a lifting organization dedicated to drug free lifting in many forms, from exercises performed in old-time circus strongman acts to lesser known unorthodox exercises often referred to as “odd lifts”.  Many of the lifts are named after their originators or in honor of strongmen and women of the past.

The lifts of this meet included: Cyr Press, a one hand dumbbell overhead press; Peoples Deadlift, a deadlift starting 18” off the ground; Anderson Press, an overhead barbell press starting at forehead height; Apollon’s lift, a clean and press with a 2” barbell; Fulton Bar Jefferson Lift, a straddle deadlift with a  2” barbell; Cheat Curl, a barbell curl which allows preliminary fast lowering of the barbell and back arching during completion; Dumbbell Cheat Curl, similar to the cheat curl with dumbbells; Strict Curl, a barbell curl performed with the head and hips held motionless against a wall, heels no more than 3 inches from the wall and no form of body movement during the curl; Deadlift with heels at 12” spacing; Bench Press with hands together; Bench Press with feet in the air; Bench Press with mixed grip; Bench Press with reverse grip; 1 hand Bench Press; and the Piper Squat, a below parallel barbell squat with the barbell held upon the lower back.

The youngest of the lifters, 11 year old Whitney Piper, set 4 records in the 30k/66 pound category.  She set records of 15 pounds in the Cyr Press, 22 pounds in the Piper Squat, 38.58 pounds in the Anderson Press, and 88 pounds in the Peoples Deadlift. 

Dawn Piper, who already holds 9 records in the USAWA, set records of 30 pounds in the Cyr Press, 49.6 pounds in the Apollon’s Lift, 71.6 pounds in the Anderson press, and 176.37 pounds in the Peoples Deadlift.

17 year old, 164 pound Brian Jenkins set six records total, all in press exercises.  His lightest lift was a 104.72 pound 1 Right arm Bench Press.  He went on to set a very impressive 90 pound Cyr Press, followed by the 148.8 pounds in the Bench Press with hands together, 209.44 pounds in the Reverse Grip Bench Press, 220 pounds in the Alternating Grip Bench Press, and 233.69 pounds in the Bench Press with feet in the air. 

185 pound Jon Myres set four records total starting with an exciting 2 Dumbbell Cheat curl of 120 pounds.  He went on to set an impressive 80 pound left hand Cyr Press, a 90 pound right hand Cyr Press, and finished the day with a 275.58 pound Peoples Deadlift. 

165 pound Jay Allen had a big day setting 5 records.  Jay started with a 60 pound right hand Cyr Press followed by a 65 pound left hand Cyr Press. He went on to set a 132 pound Piper Squat, a grueling 385.8 pound Fulton Bar Jefferson Lift, completing the day with a 440 pound Peoples Deadlift.

Brady Popkin, weighing 239 pounds, had the biggest lifts of the day.  He began with a 148.8 pound Strict Curl, followed up with Cheat Curl of 242.5 pounds, then matching his curl weight with a 242.5 pound Bench Press with hands together.  He finished the day up with Deadlift with heels at 12” apart of 562.17 pounds, and then put up the second heaviest ever Peoples Deadlift of 600.7 pounds. 

The Salvation Army Gym lifters are now preparing for the upcoming International All-round Weightlifting Association World Championships, to be held in Kansas in October.  Anyone interested in drug free lifting sports is welcome to stop by the Salvation Army Gym weekdays between 3 and 5 p.m.  While competition is not required, many compete in the USAWA, the American Drug Free Powerlifting Federation, and USA Weightlifting.  The gym is free and open to drug free lifters, and is coached by Roger Gedney, Judy Gedney, Tim Piper and Mike Chase. 


Macomb Record Setter
Salvation Army Gym
Macomb, Illinois
July 21st, 2012

Meet Director:  Tim Piper

Official (1 official system used): Tim Piper

NAME age BW Class Lift BEST
Whitney Lee Piper 11 29.9 30 Cyr Press (right) 15
        Anderson Press 38.58
        Piper Squat 22.05
        People’s DL 88.18
Dawn Piper 41 64.3 65 Cyr Press (right) 30
        Anderson Press 71.65
        Apollons Lift 46.90
        People’s DL 176.37
Brian Jenkins 17 74.4 75 BP feet in air 233.69
        BP hands together 148.81
        BP mixed grip 220.46
        1 Hand BP (right) 49.60
        BP reverse grip 209.44
        Cyr Press (right) 90
Jonathan Myres 26 84.8 85 Cheat Curl-2 DB’s 120
        Cyr Press (right) 90
        Cyr Press (left) 80
        Peoples DL 275.58
Jay Allen 25 74.9 75 Cyr press (right) 60
        Cyr Press (left) 65
        Peoples DL 440.92
        Jefferson Lift Fulton Bar 385.81
Brady Popkin 26 108.5 110 Strict Curl 148.81
        Cheat Curl 242.51
        DL 12” heels 562.17
        Peoples DL 600.75
        BP Hands Together 242.51

Note: All Cyr Press attempts in case records are kept for each hand. All records are recorded in pounds, many of them have been converted from our calibrated kilo plates. BW is bodyweight in kilograms.

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