by Al Myers

Matt Graham pinch gripping Two York 45's in one hand and lifting the Inch Dumbbell with the other.
Roger Davis inquired last week on the USAWA Discussion Forum about the Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip. There has been some differences in “the name” of this lift between the USAWA and the IAWA(UK). This has lead to some records that have been put in the IAWA Record List that probably shouldn’t be there. I am not going to go into detail here regarding that discussion (check out the USAWA Discussion Forum if you are interested in this). But the discussion lead to the phenomenal lifting of Matt Graham, of Liberal, Kansas, and his great 540# Deadlift on the Fulton Bar, done with a overhand grip at the 2001 SuperGrip Challenge, hosted by Kevin Fulton. This is a remarkable lift, and possibly could be the highest of All-Time done in this fashion. Matt hasn’t competed recently in any USAWA meet, but I would like to take today to highlight some of his amazing grip feats. Several of his grip lifts done in the USAWA are the tops in the USAWA Record List. I had the opportunity to train with Matt a few times, and he competed in my Dino Gym Challenge several times. Matt is trained by an USAWA lifting legend, and a great grip master himself, Bob Burtzloff. I have witnessed Matt doing several grip feats that just left me shaking my head in disbelief!! I have seen him “snatch” the 50# Blob with one hand, close the #3 COC gripper three times in a row, and pinch grip two 45# plates and lift them high enough to place them on top of a tall barrel.
Matt is built to be a great grip lifter. He is 6’7″ and weighed around 325# at one time (now he’s a little lighter). He has very long fingers, and an even larger thumb in proportion. His fingers are long enough that he can Hook Grip a 2″ bar! Not many people can do that! Several of his grip feats are well-documented. He competed several years at Kevin Fulton’s SuperGrip Challenge in Litchfield, Nebraska and won many of them – and he was judged by a couple of very qualified officials – Kevin Fulton and Bill Clark. Matt is indeed the “real deal” when it comes to grip power!!
Matt Graham’s USAWA Grip Records
600# – Deadlift – 3″ Bar
455# – Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip
540# – Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Overhand Grip (with Hook)
225# – Deadlift – No Thumb, Left Arm
344# – Deadlift – Two “Inch” Dumbbells
200# – Pinch Grip
Still not convinced that Matt is the USAWA’s Grip Sensation?
Then check out this video evidence.
YouTube Video – Matt doing a 600# Deadlift with 3″ bar.
YouTube Video – Matt doing a 540# Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Overhand Grip using a Hook Grip.
YouTube Video – Matt deadlifting two Inch Dumbbells at the same time.
YouTube Video – Matt taking the Inch Dumbbell overhead with only one hand using a knee kick, outside on a windy day.
YouTube Video – Matt doing a 192# One Arm Clean and Jerk with the Fulton Bar.
Maybe I can convince Matt to make a “comeback” at this year’s USAWA’s Grip Challenge, hosted by Ben Edwards in February?