2012 IAWA Worlds to be held in Kansas City
by Al Myers

Chad Ullom and Al Myers will be the Meet Promoters for the 2012 IAWA All-Round Weightlifting World Championships.
Another thing that arose from the 2010 IAWA World Council Meeting was that Chad Ullom and myself submitted a bid to host the 2012 IAWA World Championships – and it was ACCEPTED!! Chad and I will be co-promoters (meaning that we will SHARE in the expenses!). We plan to have the Championships the first weekend of October, which is the traditional date for it. It will be held in Kansas City, which has a major airport to allow for lifters to fly into the meet without much additional travel. We have not selected a venue yet. We are excited about this opportunity and plan to host it in a “FIRST RATE STYLE”. This location (Kansas City) is the “center point” of All-Round weightlifting in the United States, and hopefully, will stimulate a big interest in attendance. This is the first time the IAWA World Championships will be held in Kansas. The entry forms will not be available until after next year’s Championships, but I wanted to announce the date now so everyone will have plenty of time to get this date on their schedule.