2025 USAWA CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS (Lakewood, CO and remote)
High Country Vigour
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Entry Deadline: March 22, 2025
Weigh In 9:00 AM; Lifting Starts 10:00 AM
- Snatch, Dumbbell (E19)
- Zercher (C8)
- Turkish Get Up (I25)
- Deadlift, Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip (F7)
No record session will be included with this event
Athletes are welcome to lift at High Country Vigour and/or submit results remotely. Hybrid results due by 6:00 PM April 6, 2025.
Must be a USAWA member and a member of a USAWA sanctioned club
Entry Fee: $20/club plus a group photo to be submitted along with results.
Meet Director: Sanjiv Gupta (sanjiv_gupta@hotmail.com or 720-938-2029)
Award: Winning club will receive a plaque.
I would love to have everybody converge in Denver for some lifting but given that we are the furthest west club in the country, it may be appropriate to make a concession. All four lifts are classics that have been contested during the club championships at least once. They are easy to set-up and officiate. Official scoring will be used and the top 3 lifters from each club will be summed to determine the championship.
If a club enters with only 2 athletes, a score of 80% of the second highest athlete will be added to create a total.
If a club enters with only 1 athlete, a score of 80% of the athlete and 60% of the athlete will be added to create a total.
Thanks to Ambridge Barbell Club and Ledaig Heavy Athletics for hosting this championship from 2010-2019. Hopefully 2025 will bring some pride and excitement to being the strongest All-Round club in the United States.