25 Year Participation Award
by Al Myers

Winners of the 25 Year Participation Award: Denny Habecker (left), Art Montini (middle), and Dennis Mitchell (right). Missing from this picture is Dale Friesz.
As part of our yearly USAWA Awards Ceremony, this year it included several “special awards”. These were awards that were presented by the USAWA for accomplishments over the entire 25 history of the USAWA. That’s quite a hard award to win – it is the result of years and years of effort and contributions! The lifters that won these awards are the TRUE LEADERS of the USAWA, and it is only the right thing to do to thank them by recognizing them with these special awards. The first 25 YEAR AWARD given out was the participation award. This award went to 4 individuals – Dennis Mitchell, Denny Habecker, Art Montini, and Dale Friesz. These guys have competed in over 80% of the USAWA Nationals in the 25 year history of the USAWA. Dennis leads the pack with an amazing 24 of 25 (only missing the first year in 1988). Denny has been in 23 of 25 (only missing the first two years, 1988 & 1989). Art is third in this race with competing in 21 of 25 (missing 1997, 2004, 2006, & 2011). Dale rounds out this field of “superstars” with a record of 20 of 25 (missing only 1988, 1989, 2000, 2006, & 2011). I would have to say that these lifters have had “amazing runs” of National Championship entries and will be a “tough act” to follow for future USAWA lifters. Congrats!!!!