3rd Quarter Postal (remote)
The lifts are:
- Crucifix
- Cheat Curl – Dumbbell- One Hand
- Deadlift – One hand
The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets. These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker. This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.
The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:
Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
All lifts must be done on the same day
USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
Record results on scoresheet in pounds
At least 1 certified official required for records
May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
Scoresheet must be fully filled out
No entry fee