Traps and Lats

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    • #21042
      Thom Van Vleck

        Traps and Lats

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #21044

          I used to do upright rows for traps-they worked pretty good. Also overhead shrugs just to change them up a bit

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #21043

            For Traps:
            Standing Calf Raise Machine Shrugs: just shrug up against the pads…no grip necessary!!
            Kelly Snatches REALLY nail the Upper Traps!!
            Lee Haney(owner of Traps that went up underneath his hairline!!) faithfully did Upright Rows with the bar BEHIND the back.
            For Lats:
            Side Bends with free hand behind the head for a good stretch or free hand down at the side of the body for a peak contraction! Remember, Lats connect into the hip bone(crest of the Illium) so do your Side Bends. Number 1 mistake I see is people stop pulling when they are back to straight standing position…NONONONONONO!! Keep pulling until there ain’t nothing left to contract/no more movement possible.
            Two Arm Dumbbell Rows laying on a table/tall bench: allow you to pull up AND in better. Those Scapula have to move in an arc around the rib cage. Dumbbells help this movement. Can also be done with a Trap Bar(my preference)
            Bench Dips: forget about the Triceps, try to get those shoulders down and back at the top of the movement. Try to get your shoulders to touch your hips=wicked arch.

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