Great story ET

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    • #21308

        Great story ET

      • #21315
        Al Myers

          I really enjoyed ET’s story as well. Very few young boys get the opportunity to grow up with that type of atmosphere – working hard on the farm, having strong male role models, etc. I grew up working on our family farm so I can really relate to ET’s upbringing.

          I spent my summer’s in Highschool throwing square hay bales around, moving rocks out of the fields by hand, cleaning grain bins, and about every other hard manual labor job my dad could think of for me to do. Working hard physically in the summer heat definitely will build a different type of strength, especially muscular endurance. I never had any problems with HS football two a days when practices started in August. My summer farm work had prepared me well. Of course, I also weight trained in the early mornings or late evenings as well as working hard all day.

          I find it sorta interesting with this cross fit training going on now. Most of this “training” is exactly the type of work I was doing as a job growing up.

          I also find it interesting that as soon as all the boys were out of the house my dad decided to get away from the square bales and go to the round bales, which do not require any hand labor but can be handled entirely by the tractor. LOL

        • #21314
          Thom Van Vleck

            I also agree, great story! ET and I share a lot with how our grandfathers shaped us and how we respect that legacy, him with his Gus Lohman strongman event and me with my JWC. I share those core values and I want to pass them on to my kids….not weightlifting, but finding something, working hard, being passionate about it and never giving up!!!!

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          • #21313

              ET, reading your story made for a great way to start my day. Thanks for sharing.



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              Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

            • #21312
              Chad Ullom

                I won’t hijack this thread to talk about myself like others…cough cough:). I just want to say that was a great story ET, thank you for sharing! Great story

              • #21311

                  Thanks guys.

                  Al, we had a couple summers where 2 a days were morning and evening, so we went and picthed hay all afternoon between practices. We came to evening practice sweaty with hay all over us, but never missed a beat

                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                • #21310

                    VERY,VERY NICE, ET. SLAINTE!!

                    GOOD ONE CHADER!!!

                  • #21309

                      Hard work is good. Thanks for the great story!!

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