3.5″ Bar Reverse Curl

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    • #21387

        3.5″ Bar Reverse Curl

      • #21392
        Randy Smith

          Is your bar PVC fiiled with concrete, or metal pipe, or ?


        • #21391

            I believe its called a ‘Polycolum’. They are sold in(if memory serves) in 7’&8′ lengths in diameters of 3.5″ and 4″ at Home Depot,Lowes,etc. They are concrete filled metal pipe. A buddy of mine had a bunch cut for a project. Unfortunately, they were all cut too short. Gave me one to play with. It is just under 5′ long @ 59 3/8″ and weighs 61 lbs.
            My favorite 3.5″ Bar exercise is Walking Overhead Tricep Extensions. Start with the hands at the end of the column, one hand below the other. At the top of each rep, move the top hand to below the bottom hand. Do another extension and at the top,again move top hand to below the bottom. Keep ‘walking’ the hands and see how far you can get down the column. Though the bar weighs the same, each rep as you move your hand down, gets harder. The column gets moved up and becomes harder to control. With each rep, you have more mass above the hands. It becomes quite hard to control. For some REAL FUN, once you’ve bottomed out, walk your hands back up in the reverse order.

          • #21390
            Ben Edwards

              Good reverse curl, James. I know someone else mentioned it, but be careful of doing too much (weight and/or multitude of exercises) with 3.5″ diameter training. I have friends who strained thumbs (or more severe thumb injuries) and they take FOREVER to heal completely. I strained a thumb doing 50lb blob work years ago (facelifting attempts and some good air) and it wasn’t the same for probably 2 years.


            • #21389

                Thanks Ben,
                Fortunately(?), I can dislocate my thumbs as needed, so for me its not much of an issue!!

              • #21388
                Ben Edwards

                  [b]Quote from 61pwcc on July 30, 2013, 20:36[/b]
                  Thanks Ben,
                  Fortunately(?), I can dislocate my thumbs as needed, so for me its not much of an issue!!

                  Very good then. I had quite flexible thumbs too and have a monster span for my hand length – 7 and 7/8″ hand length and a 10 and 1/4″ thumb tip to pinky tip span. That made me good at spanning things, but more prone to strain injuries I believe. Didn’t have many sprains though over my grip training lifetime. Knock on wood.


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