Lack of Blogs

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    • #21598
      Al Myers

        Lack of Blogs

      • #21606

          I would like to be the first to thank Al (and the other writers) for the amount of great stories. As well as apologize for not contributing. I have intended on it many times, but have not necessarily been inspired. I will try to contribute, as meager as it may be. I know I for one always enjoy seeing new articles.

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #21605
          Ben Edwards

            Sent you an e-mail Al.

            I always enjoy the articles here and I do feel like a heel for not submitting more of my own. To be frank, I feel like the few articles that I have submitted have not been well received by the readership. There just aren’t enough guys who are interested in grip training. And that’s really the only thing I feel qualified to write about with any kind of authority. I don’t think I’m the strongest grip guy, let’s just get that out in the open right now! But I do feel like I am more qualified than the average guy just because I didn’t have a super strong starting point for almost all the grip stuff I later excelled at.


          • #21604

              Ben, I certainly would appreciate grip articles. Did you enjoy the one I wrote about using Fire Hydrant Nozzle Caps?? I’m thinking our articles can also be reference material for ourselves and newer members in the future. I think the best articles on training are written by those who didn’t start out ahead of everyone else. The lifter that’s had to fight for every damn 5lbs on his lift, must know alot of tricks. So, let’s write what we know and hypothesize about what we don’t and share our ideas.

            • #21603
              Ben Edwards

                [b]Quote from 61pwcc on June 4, 2013, 05:55[/b]
                Ben, I certainly would appreciate grip articles. Did you enjoy the one I wrote about using Fire Hydrant Nozzle Caps?? I’m thinking our articles can also be reference material for ourselves and newer members in the future. I think the best articles on training are written by those who didn’t start out ahead of everyone else. The lifter that’s had to fight for every damn 5lbs on his lift, must know alot of tricks. So, let’s write what we know and hypothesize about what we don’t and share our ideas.

                Thanks man. I did enjoy your Fire Hydrant Nozzle Caps article! I bet I wasn’t the only one either. I get a lot of feedback on my personal blog (or used to) when I was writing about grip stuff a lot. So I know the interest is out there. Just didn’t think it was necessarily HERE on the USAWA blog where the interest was centered.


              • #21602

                  I will say that I have interest in LOTs of the stuff in the articles. I just don’t respond to all of them

                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                • #21601

                    Im with ET. I read all the blogs.

                  • #21600

                      Same here. I read all of them, very educational and entertaining.

                    • #21599

                        I have a couple of ideas for posts listed in a word document on my desk top. Whenever I learn something cool in PT school that I can associate with my training or recovery, and that I think guys like us would find interesting, I toss it in there. Maybe I’ll have some time during the few weeks off we get to churn one or a couple out!

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