Grip Champs

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    • #22019
      Al Myers

        Grip Champs

      • #22026
        Mike Pringle

          I competed in my first USAWA meet this weekend at the Grip Championships and would like to tell everyone and especially Al thanks for making me feel welcome into the organization. The meet was awesome. I had a great time and plan to compete in more USAWA meets in the future. Thanks again, Mike

        • #22025

            How’d you like the gym, Mike?

            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

          • #22024
            Mike Pringle

              Wow! The Dino Gym is amazing. It is real gym, which is becoming harder and harder to find these days. Most places don’t even allow chalk, let alone have a platform. Besides all the cool equipment there, all the lifting memorabilla, history, pictures on the wall, etc. It’s like strength sports museum as well as a gym.

            • #22023

                Best Valentine’s Day weekend EVER!

                Al, thanks for being my Valentine. 🙂



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                Those who are enamored of practice without science
                are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

              • #22022

                  Mike and Dan, it was great meeting and competing next to you guys! Glad to see you had as good a time as us Nebraska boys did, and here’s to more!

                  Al, you’re an AWESOME host! Your gym is one of those hidden gems that you really have to see to believe. I can’t wait until the next time we get down there to discover something else I haven’t noticed or tried to lift! This meet was an excellent opportunity for me to finally meet some of the USAWA greats and get to know everyone better!

                • #22021
                  Ben Edwards

                    Congrats to everyone! Looks like some great numbers were lifted.

                    Troy, big ups man! You hit some great numbers. One of these days we need to go head to head. Only in the grip stuff though. I wouldn’t stand a chance in anything else. If Al would ever consider making grippers an actual USAWA event I might start training them again, lol. It was one of the grip things I got really good at.


                  • #22020

                      Thank you, Ben! Sounds good!

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