Hey Al, How’s This For A…

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    • #22263

        Hey Al, How’s This For A…

      • #22265
        Al Myers

          I can’t believe it!! It can be done!!! Thanks for sharing those videos. Al

        • #22264

            Yep, lifted a massive 99lbs. These were so hard to do it was stupid.
            Are the heels allowed to touch the floor at any point during the lift? I wasn’t sure so I didn’t let them touch.
            I have another video from the back that I’m having trouble loading. It clearly shows the hands touching.
            Believe it or not, though my knees are tired, my upper back is fried. That grip puts your entire traps in a super/peak contracted position. The soreness/swelling is comparable to a Kelly Snatch.
            I think it helps to grab the bar with the knees pointed down/touching the floor. This helps you get the bar close to your hips. Use your glutes like a Scott bench to wrist curl the weight up AS YOU PULL YOUR KNEES BACK UP to a pointed forward/thighs parallel to floor position.
            There is NO leverage at the start of the lift. I imagine you’ll gain big knee strength from these. What would be harder? A one -legged version? OUCH!!
            BTW- I can (oddly enough) Kelly Snatch MORE than I can Hack Lift!!

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