Deanna Springs MEmorial

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    • #23006

        Deanna Springs MEmorial

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      • #23013
        Al Myers

          But ET if I remember correctly, you pushed him a little in the Hand and Thigh that day. You, without a doubt, have the BEST Hand and Thigh Lift (1475#) for someone’s FIRST TIME ever trying it! Al

        • #23012

            Yeah, unfortunately, I think that is still my PR. Hopefully in Ohio!!!

            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

          • #23011
            Al Myers

              My problem with the Heavy Lifts are that they don’t fit very well into a normal training program. If you train them much they take away from recovery, and negatively impact other stuff – like squats and deadlifts! I usually only train them a time or two before a meet they’re in. I know if I worked on them more I would be better – but I’m not willing to sacrifice my other heavy weekly training for them yet.

              So now I have a question for Joe:

              How do you mix training the heavy lifts along with your heavy deadlift training???

            • #23010
              Joe Garcia

                I try to throw in the HT on Mondays, with some hip reps. Not real heavy, usually 800-900 on each. A couple of sets, 5-10 on the HT, and maybe 20 or so with the hip. Usually do squats first then finish with those. Also usually high rep sets with the neck 20-30+.

              • #23009
                Tom Ryan

                  I noted that Joe did not mention “deadlift” in his reply, Al. 🙂

                • #23008
                  Al Myers

                    I noticed that as well! haha

                  • #23007
                    Joe Garcia

                      Sorry, didn’t see that. Actually, I have been training deadlifts on Fridays. I remember in the past that deadlifts helped my heavy lifting but not the other way around.

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