Clark’s Gym rules

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    • #23082

        Clark’s Gym rules

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      • #23085

          I liked this one also, I know for myself I could never impose a no swearing rule I would never be in the gym then as I would have to kick myself out 🙂


        • #23084
          Tom Ryan

            [b]Quote from casinonman on February 29, 2012, 19:24[/b]
            I liked this one also, I know for myself I could never impose a no swearing rule I would never be in the gym then as I would have to kick myself out 🙂


            Actually, Jesse, I recall one occasion when Bill couldn’t comply with the rule, either. It was on one of the Record Day events, when Bill competed despite having an infected finger. The nail had turned black and I think a small part of the finger had also turned black (don’t recall for sure). Some of you know that Bill will do all kinds of finger and hand deadlifts on such days. Well, he did one such lift and then started yelling and cussing up a storm when his finger started killing him. I thought about jokingly pointing to his “no profanity” sign but thought better of it because I figured that he probably wouldn’t be amused. 🙂


          • #23083
            Joe Garcia

              Those rules came over from the original gym location, where we shared parking space with other businesses in the lot. When we picked up and moved, everthing came with us, even the signs and old magazines.

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