Making Your Weight training

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    • #23110

        Making Your Weight training

      • #23120
        Al Myers

          I absolutely agree!!

          Try this the next time you train the deadlift:

          Do Fulton Bar,Ciavattone Grip DL’s till you hit max
          Then follow with Ciavattone Grip Deadlifts on a regular bar
          Finished with regular deadlifts

          You just keep adding wt to the bar as you switch lifts. You get to train three different all round lifts in the time it would normally take you to just deadlift. Al

        • #23119

            How ’bout a meet where all lifts are done with 3 different bar sizes. Say a 3″,2″,1″. Set up so you do one right after the other 3″ done 1st, 2″ done second, 1″ done last but for maximum reps. Maybe set the weight ratios as 3″ is 65% of the 1″ weight, 2″ is 80% of the 1″ weight. We could call it the,”All Holds Barred Meet”!

          • #23118
            Al Myers

              James, I have seen that done in strongman competitions. As part of a “deadlift medley” there will different size bars to lift. Everything is preset, and it is done for time. Often, there are four different “set ups”. Included in this might be a trap bar or farmers deadlift as well. This medley is always very exciting to watch.

              I was interested in those percentages you listed in comparing bars. I bet they are very much diffeent for everyone. I would be interested in what others %’s are, that is for max effort compared to a regular bar. Mine are:

              3″ bar compared to 1″ bar: 85%
              2″ bar compared to 1″ bar: 90%

            • #23117

                Al, my numbers were picked 100% arbitarily. I WISH my ratios were as good as yours!! Can/could I do this set-up within an USAWA meet? By the way, The Farmer’s and Trapt bars are a good addition. My Trapt bar is customized with ROTATING sleeves and is rackable. I’ve renamed it the UNtrapt bar. My Farmer’s are customized as well. I had them made extra long and therefore harder to turn in control. Gong back to the standard(ish) size is a breeze for me at a meet.

              • #23116
                Al Myers

                  We do alot of side pulling in the gym. Alot of the guys compete in strongman and there always seems to be some type of event that requires this type of pulling strength (ie car deadlift, frame carry, farmers walk). We have several different type of “trap” bars that we train with. I wrote a blog a while back on some of these bars. One of our favorites is the Baier Bar, which is built like a frame but has three rotating handles – 1″, 1.5″ and 2″. This trap bar gives a slightly higher pick than a conventional trap bar, and is wider to accomodate the “big guys”. Often we will start with the 2″ handle, and then switch to the smaller handles as we increase our weights on our sets. Al

                • #23115

                    thanks james, glad you liked the story. i figured there were lots of ways to work in all around lifts that i didn’t know about, & i was right!

                  • #23114

                      in the warehouse where I worked, “Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance People”. There’s another P-word before Poor but I’m keeping this relatively clean.

                    • #23113


                      • #23112

                          judo boy!!!! you can spell!!! superb!!!!


                        • #23111

                            al, that is a great idea about the different DL bars. excellent!!

                            by the way…………I LOVE THIS FORUM!!

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