I saw that the caption says that Frank is lifting the “172lb Inch Dumbbell” when (no offense intended) it’s pretty apparent that the dumbbell in question is nowhere near the handle size of the Inch. No disrespect to Dale of course – I’m fond of him and his newsletter.
The dumbbell looks to have a 1″ diameter handle or maybe a bit over that at most.
Ben, You are correct in noticing that, as I had as well. However, on the “other side” of it not being a Inch DB replica, the weight of this db listed was incorrect as well. It weighs 267#s (which makes it an amazing feat to lift one handed!). Frank has given this db to his friend Dave Hartnett, who now has it in his iron collection. Dave has quite the collection of weights and old equipment, and I hope someday to be able to see it.