Roman Chair

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    • #23841
      Al Myers

        Roman Chair

      • #23848

          looks as though this is a good way to blow out your “O” ring!!! lol

        • #23847

            Never seen one in real life. It’s a shame how much good, simple, effective strength training has to be ‘rediscovered’.
            There are plenty of ‘hardcore’ places to train in Maine. Hardcore training without the drugs and supportive equipment??
            I suppose if it was easy, then everyone would do it!!

          • #23846

              This is why I schould not read this website. I decided to do some roman chair dumbell bench press the other night when I was out at Al’s. The next day my back and abs were screaming, almost had crawl out of bed. An amazing core exercise, I love it, but am fully paying the price today. I think I will do more though! Dan

            • #23845
              Al Myers

                I’m glad you did that Dan!!! I’m not surprised at all that your ab muscles are sore today by doing that exercise. Next time that you are at the gym check out my listing of ab exercises posted above the desk. I have them in three catagories – Heavy, moderate, and light. I try to pick one exercise from each group on my ab training day. I “warm up” with one from the light list, then do one from the heavy list, and finish with one from the moderate list. The exercises on the heavy list are very tough and WILL make you very sore! Al

              • #23844
                Ben Edwards

                  I think the last time I trained on one was in high school. I was thinking about driving up for the Record Day at the Dino Gym on the 28th and maybe taking a crack at the Roman Chair Bench Press. Not my usual grip lift – but it may be something I turn out to be decent at. Or completely suck at. Either way it ought to be fun.

                  I just pulled 230lbs (contest-legal) righty on the USAWA 2″ vertical bar in my 105 degree garage the other day so I know at least 2″ vbar is on the agenda if I can attend. I’d also like to take a swing at my 175lb Pinkys Deadlift record and go for Andrew Durniat’s 200lb record in the process. Although I should be in the 220lb class then. I may stay a hair over it and lift in the 105kg class if I feel like my pinkys are strong enough to take that record from Durniat.

                  I have a list of records written down – all grip – but I don’t have it with me now. Would love to see the gym again and you guys always brighten my day too.

                  By the way, not sure if any of you visit Adam Glass’s blog (it is extremely heavily traveled by visitors) but he mentioned the USAWA in a very positive manner the other day. Should bring a lot of visitors to the site.


                • #23843
                  Al Myers

                    Ben, I sure hope you make it to the record day this month. I got a couple of new “grip toys” that I want to show you. Thanks for sharing Adam Glass’s Blog ( – it is very interesting. I will follow it from now on. Al

                  • #23842

                      I will have to try that Al. Thank You. Dan

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