medley training!

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    • #23915

        medley training!

      • #23919
        Al Myers

          Jarrod, Since you like medleys I got just the competition for you! We are hosting a Strongman Competition at the Dino Gym on July 23rd that has a good medley in it. If you’re not doing anything else that day, make it out!

          The following are the details:

          I have sent the sanctioning to NAS and we will be hosting this on July 23rd. Events are below:

          *Axle Clean and Press for Max-3 attempts-Ironmind axles with tires will be used once were past 160.
          *Power stairs-Women 140-170-200, Masters and 175 will do 250, 300, 350, all other weight classes will do 300-350-400
          *Carry and Drag-Farmers 50 feet, anchor Drag 50 feet. Women 160/TBD ,Masters and 175 will do 220 famrers, Anchor TBD, LW 260 Farmers, anchor TBD, MW 280 Farmers, anchor TBD, HW 300 Farmers/anchor TBD
          *Fingal Fingers Women-not sure on this-may do cabers or a tire flip for reps(400 tire)Masters-175-LW will do first 3 fingers-280-400, MW and HW will do last 3 fingers 350-460 weights are approx and dont mean much.
          *Stone For Max-Last man standing- can come in whenever you want-once you miss your out, we will award point on countback-the heaviest stone will be 420, if more than one gets it, we will go to a rep off.

          Divisions and weight classes:
          Womens Open
          Masters LW and HW-we will also Score for LW and HW over 50.
          Mens 175
          LW-up to 200
          MW 201-265

          The plan is to run this as a fundraiser for our local cancer center, so part of the entry and a raffle/silent auction will be done to raise money. Will email the entry out this weekend to everyone. I will give anyone who paypals the entry 5$ off for the convenience it saves me since I’m gone alot nowadays, and entries can be emailed.


        • #23918

            al, that would be AWESOME but i can’t make this one. in august i’m going to cardiff, wales to compete in the amateur MMA world championships (hence the current obsession with cardio). i’m not competing in anything else until after that. then i would love to come out & do a strongman, please let me know when there will be another.


          • #23917
            Al Myers

              Good luck Jarrod with the competition – and you will greatly enjoy that trip! Al

            • #23916

                thanks al, i’m really hoping to be more active with USAWA once this is done.

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