Dukum & Nationals

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    • #24383
      Thom Van Vleck

        Dukum & Nationals

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #24403
        Thom Van Vleck

          I hope you guys will get your entries in for Nationals! This addition of the Dukum will make for a nice awards ceremony and banquet.

          Here’s a couple of side stories to the place. For one, it’s part of the location of the legendary “Dancing Chad” story that involves Chad Ullom. Second, this place used to be about a quarter it’s current size, but the owner has extended it while keeping it looking like the place is as old as it is. What’s really cool is that the tables and bar from the OLD bar that was there from decades ago was moved to the upstairs area where it’s now kind of a time warp back to the old days. You will feel like you stepped back in time in this place….I know I did when I saw that old bar and the 50’s style tables that were in there from when I was a kid……Not to mention they’ll have all your favorite beverages. Finally, the guy that owns this place is on the Chamber of Commerce and it’s because of him we got a small grant to help make this Nationals extra special. If he’s around, be sure and thank him. Thom

          Oh, one more thing. The place was the Dukum Inn, a funny play on words. There’s also the Dukum out (an outdoor patio area) and the Dukum up where we’ll have our private party. He even has a wheelchair….some of us might need that at the end of the day!!! haha

          Thom Van Vleck
          Jackson Weightlifting Club
          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

        • #24401
          Al Myers

            Thanks for that info Thom. The Dukum Inn looks like the CLASSIC PLACE to have our post meet get-together. I’m sure we will have more fun than we can take at your Nationals. It’s time for everyone to fill out their entry form and send it in!!! Al PS Have we met there after one of your Highland Games?? It sure looks familiar to me.

          • #24399
            Chad Ullom

              I think this will be epic Thom, I can’t wait! My entry will be in the mail tomorrow. Really looking forward to this

            • #24398
              Thom Van Vleck

                Thanks, guys. Al, actually where you are thinking about is just down a couple doors down at the old “Journal Printing Building”. That place is pretty cool as well. The “JPB” was a local print shop that also housed the local switch board upstairs for many years. The top floor was loaded with switch boards. A friend of mine’s mom (who is now in her 80’s) worked there for many years. The “JPB” is owned by the “Wooden Nickle” across the street from the Dukum which used to be the “Smoke Shop”. Ironically, the “Smoke shop” was better know as the local pool hall, with sawdust on the floors and everything. They did sell tobacco there, too….and liquour….and GUNS! haha. Gotta love that!

                Thom Van Vleck
                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

              • #24396
                Scott Tully

                  My brother told me he used to go there and got into it with one of his samoan teamates when they were playing at Northeast(he refuses to call it truman) apparently my brother kicked his buddy in the head full power, and the samoan laughed and told him to go finish his beer before he got hurt, lol. My brother was a pretty good ISKA kickboxer after college and a competitive BBer, and he said his teamates head didnt even turn. He also told me it was one of the smaller samoans on the team at 6 foot and 320, lol. Looks like a fun place, ill get my entry in Thom, its sitting on my desk.


                • #24394
                  chuck cookson

                    Looks like a great place and I am considering this meet.

                  • #24392
                    Thom Van Vleck

                      Tully, Vae Mafuli played in Kirksville, he was a powerlifter and Pro strongman, I think he won a ADFPA Nationals back in the 90’s. There was a guy named Puni (spelling?) and then a third one. That was when I was going to school there.

                      Vae was a gentle giant, but Puni got in some vicious fights while he was in town. I liked all three, but knew Vae the best. He was a monster of a man.

                      My wife has her degree from NMSU and she hates the name change, too. It’s a totally different school. Not sure how I feel about it some days.

                      Thom Van Vleck
                      Jackson Weightlifting Club
                      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                    • #24390
                      Ben Edwards

                        Sounds like a blast Thom! I’m sending in my check and entry tomorrow morning. Got it filled out now and heading off for 12 hours at work.


                      • #24389
                        Tedd Van Vleck

                          I remember Puni, he was big and muscular. I only heard of his fights and things are always exaggerated after the fight but I recall noone wanting to mess with him.

                        • #24387
                          Ben Edwards

                            Got my entry sent off Thom. Paid for the banquet for 2 just in case I can get Carrie to come with me. Otherwise I want that extra money to be donated because I will surely eat more than the average bear after Nationals.


                          • #24384
                            Thom Van Vleck

                              thanks Ben, I got your entry today. I am going to hopefully make you feel like you got your money’s worth! I’m talking to my “shirt” guy wednesday.

                              Thom Van Vleck
                              Jackson Weightlifting Club
                              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

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