Giving the middle finger to..

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    • #24615

        Giving the middle finger to..

      • #24651
        Ben Edwards

          [b]Quote from 61pwcc on February 24, 2011, 22:18[/b]
          middle finger Deadlifts!! After working up to some heavy Jerks, I was feeling pretty proud of myself. Figured I’d give middle finger Deads a try. 135 flew right up so up another 45/side to 225…hey…who glued the bar to the floor!?!? So down to 185 will be easy…yikes took everything to get it. WOW those are hard! The record is 400!?!? For who, the Incredible Hulk?

          Two guys that I’m aware of have pulled 400lbs in a contest. Kevin Fulton – a certified COC (#3 gripper closer) and David Horne – also an elite grip guy have done it.

          Chuck Cookson has pulled over 350lbs and so has Sam Cox. I think one was 355lbs and the other was 360lbs. Crazy!

        • #24649

            i love grip work a LOT…but man, i just don’t have any interest in pulling up heavy single-finger lifts. i still play guitar a little. but kudos to you for hitting it.


          • #24647
            Al Myers

              I’m not too crazy about the finger lifts myself (I really need my fingers for work). But they are part of the all-rounds – and I’m a gamer for any lift. I do really respect those that excel in the finger lifts because I have done them enough to know the pain they cause!! My advice is to work up slow so you don’t sustain any tendon damage to your hands. And this advice comes from someone (myself) who once got beat in all 4 finger lifts by a woman in a competition (which most everyone knows because Bill mentioned it several times in the Strength Journal!). But that doesn’t bother me too much because it was Mary Mac and she could also whip me in armwrestling – and THAT would look even worse!!! haha Al

            • #24645

                well no shame in that!

                i’ll do them when i have to, but right now i’m focusing a bit more on one-handed DL & hoping the grip strength carries over for whatever single finger lift is in next year’s grip nationals.


              • #24643

                  After working up to a 255lb Clean, did some Box Squats. Gave Middle Finger Deads another go. Got 225!! Up 40lbs from last week!! Could get 245 barely off the floor. Figured I’d finish with One Handed Barbell Deads. Got 245 relatively easy but 265 barely cleared the floor. The bar was knurled in the center and I used a hook grip. Never done these with a bar before. I like ’em.
                  The one hand Deads sure work the side delts(caps). Would think they’d be a good heavy exercise for a bodybuilder to do before moving on to Lateral Raises.
                  I swear I could live to be as old as Methuselah(sic) and never be able to hit all the great exercises you could do with barbell/dumbell(s).

                • #24641
                  Ben Edwards

                    That’s some solid pulls all around! Great one-hand deadlift too. That’s one of my favorites. Especially the thumbless variety.


                  • #24639

                      Aw man, Thumbbless,come on. If this grip stuff is a test of manhood, I keep testing as a fetus. Thumbless, really?! Man I got my work cut out for me.
                      BTW have you ever noticed that Tee “Skinny Man” Myers who Deads 750+ in his 50’s @ 180lbs ish uses a thumbbless grip???

                    • #24637

                        Was SUPPOSED to only do some technique work tonight but as the T-shirt says,”Screw it, I’m maxing out!”
                        Played with my adjustable and spotterless board press set-up(cost me about 15$ to buy and put together) tonight to work some lockout. Afterwards, I decided to give Dumbell Swings a try. Worked up to 86 1/2 lbs. NOT hooked grip, arms and legs straight. Man glutes/lower back/delts/traps nailed HARD!! Really wanted to hit 100+. I will… SOON. What the heck, the pain’s starting to feel good. Let’s go after some middle finger deads. Got 225(pr) last Sunday. Nailed 235, hard but good. Went 246, flew right up, lots easier than 235!!! 257 also jumped right up. 268 told me to take a leap. A 32lb pr this week!! Man, I’ve GOT to get those swings up!!

                      • #24635
                        Ben Edwards

                          Great job on the 32lb increase! That’s similar to my experience with the Middle Fingers Deadlift. Four workouts yielded about 50lbs increase. Then being in the contest atmosphere netted me 35lbs more.


                        • #24633

                            I don’t know if it’s because I’m honest with my gym lifts or what, but I also see a pretty good increase in a meet. I’ve seen plenty of other competitors wind up getting numbers that are much LOWER than in training. I could NOT handle that. Putting all that time in training,planning, maybe taking time off to travel, plus trip itself just to not PR=no way.
                            This is my 3rd middle finger dead workout and I’m suprised how my hands feel fine. When I first took up Olympic Lifting, it took 6 WEEKS for my hand to feel ‘normal’. Felt like my palms got wider.
                            What’s also helped is that I’ve changed to a shorter/quicker Deadlifting style. Funny how pain feels good?!?! Maybe that’s why we call ’em odd lifts? Does that make us “odd-lifters” or if we do it long enough “odd-lifers”. Yeah, that’s it. I would be proud to be known as an ODD-LIFER.

                          • #24631

                              Technique work with Snatches followed by some Middle Finger Deadlifts. Big pr tonight. Tried 315 twice and it told me to go take a hike. Dropped down to 300 and missed twice. Got mad. Ain’t going to let a weight talk to me like that so I nailed it the third try-YEEHAW! Skin is for wimps!!

                            • #24630
                              Ben Edwards

                                [b]Quote from 61pwcc on March 10, 2011, 21:57[/b]
                                Technique work with Snatches followed by some Middle Finger Deadlifts. Big pr tonight. Tried 315 twice and it told me to go take a hike. Dropped down to 300 and missed twice. Got mad. Ain’t going to let a weight talk to me like that so I nailed it the third try-YEEHAW! Skin is for wimps!!

                                Great work on the 300! Did you move 315 either try?


                              • #24628

                                  came off floor the first time.

                                • #24627

                                    Video of 300 lb barbell middle finger Deadlift on you tube now.

                                  • #24625

                                      can you link it please?

                                    • #24623

                                        DON’T even know how I figured that out!! Give it a spin.

                                      • #24622

                                          holy cow, nice lift! well done.

                                        • #24620
                                          Ben Edwards

                                            Very nice pull on the 300! I like that you kept at it and eventually pulled it.


                                          • #24617

                                              Yeah, well I’m kinda stubborn at times. If I get in my head that it’s going down…. it’s going down!! Nothing like a bad marriage to give you that attitude!!

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