Meets Cancelled

By Al Myers

I’m sure most everyone is wondering when the USAWA will be “up and running” again.  This has been a very difficult period for our organization with the cancellation of many competitions.   The Executive Board has discussed extensively how to move forward during this pandemic.  Our main objective is keeping everyone safe from COVID19.  We don’t want to risk a meet gathering which could spread this virus.

The IAWA Worlds, the IAWA Gold Cup, and the IAWA World Postal have been cancelled this year.  The plan is to have this years promoters become next years promoters, and the 2021 promoters will become the 2022 promoters.

The USAWA EB has decided NOT to accept meet sanction requests for this fall (till 2021).  The only comps we will promote are the 3rd Quarter Postal Meet and the Postal Championships.  The EB has been “in talks” of possibly doing another type of postal meet this fall which would allow lifters to lift at their own gyms and facilities.

IAWA has made plans to have a “Virtual Competition” in September.  I will make the official announcement on this tomorrow – so we DO have some good news!