Record List Part II

By Eric Todd

I have had a few questions in regard to the record list of late and wanted to make you all aware of some features that give you, the lifter, a little more autonomy when perusing the record list.

1-While it used to be that we just had the record list where you had the lifts in alphabetical order.  While not difficult to navigate, it is a huge list and can be a little overwhelming at times.  We still have that option, but when Johnny took over as records director, he added a “record grid” option which is similar to how Chris Bass records the IAWA records.  Here are the steps one would take to access the record grid option:  First, download the file.  At the bottom left of the excel spreadsheet, there are two tabs.  The first is “record list”, the second is “record grid.”  Click on the “record grid” option to access it.  Once you are on the record grid, click “enable editing.”  That allows you to navigate the record grid as you please. At the top of the spreadsheet, you will see a cell that says “lift” with a cell directly to the right of it with the name of a lift.  Mine says “vertical bar-2 bars 2”.”Click on the lift itself, and you will see a list of all of the lifts in alphabetical order for you to choose from.  To the right of that, you will see a cell that says “sex” where you can choose from the male records for the lift or the female records for that lift.

2-You also have the capacity to sort the record list in any way you see fit once you have downloaded it.  Download the file.  Click “enable editing.”  At the top of the spreadsheet, you will see a label for each column with an arrow next to it.  I often want to see a list of my records or those of my kids.  So, I would click the arrow next to lifter.  I would then choose the option “sort A to Z.”  This then sorts the entire record list in alphabetical order by lifters last name.  So, at that point, I would scroll down to the T’s and find my name or the name of my children.  And I would be able to see every record we hold all together in one place.

Hopefully these directions make sense and allow you a couple more options when looking over the record list.  Please reach out if you have any questions about this.