Jeff Rigby

By Eric Todd

Jeff first joined the USAWA in 2019 to participate in the marvelous record day, “Lift for Leroy.”  He impressed your humble narrator with some classic all-round feats in the form of bent pressing, the Gardner, and the Turkish get-up.  Jeff hails from the remote area of Utah (remote when speaking of the USAWA).  He has just become an official in training.  He passed his official’s examination, and plans on taking care of his first and second practical training session at the Lift for Leroy 2022/National postal.  It is fantastic to have representation in new territories.  I firmly believe this is a big step in expanding our fine organization outside of the small localities it currently resides in.  Let’s get behind Jeff in his efforts to be become an official and help expand our organization.  Good work Jeff, I look forward to seeing what the future brings.