Proposed changes in the national meeting

The following are proposed changes in the national meeting, proposed by Bill Clark.  Some of them may make the official agenda, as prepared by our president, per our rule book.  Some probably will not.  As is his right, I will assume Bill will propose those that did not make it during new business.  Here is what he is proposing.  If you have any interest in discussing or having your voice be heard or vote count, I would suggest being at the national meeting.

TO: The USAWA membership and board of directors.

FROM: Bill Clark, co-founder of the IAWA/USAWA and owner of Clark’s Gym.

MAY 6, 2023

Proposals for changes in the operation of the USAWA for consideration at the 2023 annual meeting of the membership. 

1 – The Board of Directors shall be expanded to nine members, at least two of whom must identify as females, to serve three year-terms. Board members may serve an unlimited number of terms.

To set up a rotation of membership, the 2023 election will select three members to serve one-year terms, three members to serve two-year terms, and three members to serve three years terms.

  1.  From the Board, the general membership will elect an executive committee which will handle the day-by-day operation of the organization.
  2. The officers will be President, Vice-president; Secretary; Treasurer. The last two positions may be combined.
  3. The officers will be elected each year and may serve an unlimited number of terms.

3 – Competition for all meets other than the USAWA National Championship may be held remotely, in person, or hybrid. The designation is at the discretion of the competition director.

a.       If the competition is remote or hybrid, any records set remotely and adjudicated by USAWA/IAWA officials will be entered into the record books.

b.       The above rules will become immediate upon approval.

4 – Appoint a committee to report back to the board of directors and the membership by October 1, 2023, concerning the future use of video and/or Zoom to be accepted as in-person participation in any sanctioned USAWA competition, not including the national championship, thus allowing competitors to set records without attendant officials.

5 – Appoint a committee to report back to the board of directors and the membership by October 1, 2023, concerning the following rules for certification of officials:

  1. Prospective officials must pass the current open-book test.
  2. They will then be given a video of at least 50 lifts to judge, with reasons for positive or negative judgment. The list of video lifts to be changed periodically.
  3. Upon passage of the video, the candidate will not need to sit for the current requirements before being certified.

6 – There is no by-law that restricts the dissemination of contact information for registered members. Such information is now restricted by tradition, not rule.

  1. Starting immediately, the member information, including e-mail, phone number, mailing address, and birth date, be available for use by meet directors, the media, and other registered USAWA members, but restricted from others, including advertising and marketers.
  2. Members may have their information blocked by request.

7 – Current practice does not certify individual membership to the person involved. Once a candidate for membership is certified, that person should receive notification, either by e-mail or by post, that the membership is now current. Those memberships should be numbered.

8 – Review a conflict in By-Law Article 9 and Article 20.

  1. Article 9 states that membership decisions supported by the majority vote of the membership shall override decisions made by the executive board (which currently is the board of directors).
  2. Article 20, Paragraph E, states that “any change, amendment, or addition to the USAWA by-laws require a 2/3 vote by the membership present at the annual national meeting.”

To simplify the by-laws, I move that the 2/3 vote requirement be reduced to a simple majority.

Maybe this should be the first order of business. It will place current decisions, as well as the future, in the hands of the membership, not a small group elected to manage the business and the future of the organization.

I submit the above to be placed on the USAWA website for membership consideration and to voted up or down by the membership, not the board of directors at the annual meeting on June 24, 2023.

So, it is placed on the website.  Study over whether or not you think this is the direction we should go.  And try to make it to the national meeting. I will voice my opinion there.