Dean Ross’s Legacy, continued

By Eric Todd

A few weeks back, I received a phone call on my cellular telephone from a number in Oklahoma I was not familiar with.  As I did not recognize the number, I did not answer the first couple times.  The caller was persistent, though, and eventually my curiosity got the best of me.  I answered the phone.  On the other end was an attorney.  He said he was representing Dean Ross, and that before Dean had passed away, he had requested that a sum of his estate be donated to a certain camp, and that I would be the one to contact in that regard.  I immediately knew what he was talking about.  A number of years ago, I ran a strongman meet in which all the proceeds were given to Camp Quality.  Me and a few of my buddies also did some strongman demos for the campers as well.  Camp Quality is a camp for children who have been diagnosed with cancer.  The purpose of the camp is to offer a week of unforgettable enjoyment where the campers can just be kids for a while.  Dean was aware of this work, and mentioned it on many occasions.  He loved the idea of Camp Quality and what they were doing for these kids.  I knew that this attorney was speaking about Camp Quality.  I put him in contact with a representative from the camp, and that is the last I have heard.  But I thought the membership would appreciate hearing about Dean’s generosity and giving spirit.