Practical Training sessions-video testing option

By Eric Todd

Another change that was made at the national meeting this year was the method by which the practical training sessions to complete the process of being an official may be conducted.  In the past, it has been required for an official in training to sit side by side with a fully certified official to complete three practical training sessions. That method is still an acceptable practice, but now you have the option of doing as few as one in person training sessions.  If a person chooses this method, they must complete a video test for each of the training sessions they did not sit in on.  Each video test has 15 videos of USAWA lifts.  The prospective official will decide if the lift passes or not, and then answers a couple questions about the lift.  The tests are on Google Forms.  Please reach out to me if you would like the video tests to supplement your practical training session(s) in order to complete your USAWA official’s certification process. You can reach me at  There are currently 3 officials in training who would be eligible to take advantage of this.