USAWA Members Participate in Grip Meet

By Sanjiv Gupta

Beth Skwarecki competes in the Blob event

Beth Skwarecki, Kim Van Wagner and Sanjiv Gupta had a chance to compete in the 11th Annual International King Kong Grip Challenge (October 28, 2023).  This is an international competition hosted at multiple venues around the world and included 182 male and 40 female competitors.  Beth competed in Pittsburgh, PA; Kim and Sanjiv competed in Carbondale, CO.  This year’s implements included: 

  • 2.25 inch Crusher (Fat Bastard Barbell Company (FBBC)) 
  • Pinch Block (IronMind) 
  • Finnish Ball (Otevoima) 
  • 2.5” Jug (FBBC) 
Sanjiv competes in the pinch block discipline

The implements allowed athletes to showcase grip strength in the spirit of all-round weightlifting with a combination of technique, specific training and raw strength.  A big burly athlete may struggle to understand how to lift an implement that a showman with excellent technique can lift with ease.  The Crusher has often been compared to the Thomas Inch Dumbbell in difficulty as it wants to roll out of your hand.  Some notable lifts include Beth with a 40.82 kg lift on the Crusher, Kim with a 19.50 kg lift on the Finnish Ball and Sanjiv with a 21.90 lift on the Pinch Block. 

Beth finished 8th among 72kg women, Kim finished 3rd among 57 kg women and Sanjiv finished 19th among 93 kg men. 

Dino Gym has hosted the USAWA Grip Championships since 2011 with some impressive USAWA lifts.  In 2023 Frank’s Barbell Club hosted the New England Grip Classic.  There are some very challenging USAWA lifts that are limited by the athlete’s grip strength. 

Apologies if you participated in the King Kong Grip Challenge and your results were not included, please contact Sanjiv Gupta to be included in a revised write-up.