Travis Lift

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    • #40880
      Sanjiv Gupta

        Does anybody have experience they can share with the Travis lift? Not too many records and it does not seem to be contested often. The rules allow for a “specially adapted belt attached directly to the bar or connected by a chain” but I am having a hard time picturing it. The picture in the rulebook seems to have a length of leather wrapped around a standard weight belt with connected chains that wrap around the bar.

      • #40884
        Chad Ullom

          We did it once at Al’s many years ago. As I recall there was a belt with hooks that attached to the bar that al made. . It’s a partial lift, just off the pins. Kind of a modified hip lift almost?

        • #40886
          Sanjiv Gupta

            Thanks. Hooks actually make sense. Not sure how adjustable it would be or how adjustable it needs to be.

          • #40887

              Be careful with this lift. It seemed like experienced chain lifters were gold with it, but there was a newby who pulled the weight off the platforms and almost smashed himself.

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            • #40891
              Sanjiv Gupta

                Thanks for the warning. I don’t expect to ever be an experienced chain lifter, but I would like to learn some of these movements. Being physically attached to an elevated barbell or heavy lift bar certainly sounds like it could end badly.

              • #40894

                  No sweat. Just felt like I sw a man almost die that day, if it were not for some quick moving spotters.

                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                • #40906

                    Is the Travis lift an incremental Rack Pull with a Chain attached to aid in the lift?
                    It also looks as though it can be supported on the thighs as well.

                    I have a training partner, Ashley, who loves this kind of lift. Me not so much

                    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by ClintPoore.
                  • #41044
                    Randy Smith

                      My recollection is that when the Travis Lift was contested at the Dino Gym Challenge a power belt was broken during one of the attempts. Maybe Chad or Al can comment on this.

                    • #41048
                      Randy Smith

                        There was more than one belt broken. Mine held up, but I can remember a picture with like 2 or 3 broken belts sitting side by side

                      • #41049
                        Randy Smith

                          And I believe one hernia

                        • #41050

                            Sorry, those last two were me. I was logged in as randy to help him with his account, and I guess I had not logged out…

                            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                          • #41051
                            Sanjiv Gupta

                              Good to know about the broken belts. I might have to come up with something to distribute the force over a few inches.

                              Still kind of cool that the lift has been on the books since at least 1990 (oldest record by Howard Prechtel at 1815 pounds). It was then contested at the 2006 Dino Gym Challenge where the top marks were set at 740 pounds for women and 2000 pounds for men. There has not been a record recorded for almost a decade since the 2015 Florida Record Day.

                            • #41072
                              Ben Edwards

                                I wasn’t the lifter who almost got crushed. But I remember it being a brutal lift! I didn’t like it at all. Felt like my vertebrae were being crushed to dust. Same feeling I got on the back lift. Most likely means I have a glass back, as I already am aware, lol.

                                "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." -Mike Tyson

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