DATE – Weekend of November 30-December 1, 2024.

WHERE – Clark’s Gym, Columbia, Mo. – and remote (hybrid).

USAWA/IAWA MEMBERSHIP  REQUIRED.  (Onsite registration available).

WEIGH-INS – Each day at  8 a.m.


ENTRY DEADLINE – 10 p.m. Tuesday, November 26, 2024, via email to

AWARDS – Certificates.

OPEN TO THE WORLD – All competition in Clark’s Gym is hybrid. You may compete in your local gym or in the friendly confines of Clark’s Gym in Columbia, Mo. To compete remote, you must enter by 10 p.m. on  Tuesday of the weekend involved or your results will not be accepted. You must send all results to Bill Clark via e-mail only at not later than 10 p.m. on the Tuesday following the meet.

Included on the reporting form must be the name of the official(s) involved. DO NOT send your remote results to the USAWA. They must be approved by the meet director first. If you have no officials, your results will be included in the final tabulation of the competition and be eligible for meet awards – but not records. Your honesty is the key to all competitions.

OFFICIALS – Must be listed on the results forms to be eligible for records.

REPORTING DEADLINE – All results must be received by e-mail by 10 p.m.,  Tuesday, December 2, 2024.


  • Back lift
  • Harness lift
  • Hip lift
  • Hand-and-thigh lift
  • Neck lift