5 Ways to Grow the USAWA

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    • #41627
      Sanjiv Gupta

        I am always leery of change, but the latest post on USAWA certainly caught my attention in a good way. I am uncertain that the USAWA as an organization wants or needs growth. It has survived for nearly 40 years and it that total time frame has only had 712 athletes enter the record books. Growth could help stabilize USAWA for the future, especially as founding and long time members take a step back. As an all-volunteer organization, I am not sure how much growth the current structure could support. It may be prudent to set aside a reserve to pay the secretary, treasurer, marketing director, and other positions in the future if we had 500+ members and 100+ sanctioned events per year. Sponsorship is an interesting consideration. How cool would it be to have Rogue Fitness or Arm Assassin Strength Shop sponsor the National Championship. What would they expect in return? Would cash prizes encourage members to travel to the National Championship? Embracing change is hard, but USAWA has embraced change since the beginning. Since its inception, it has more than doubled the contested lifts, created new Championship events, changed the scoring system multiple times and is currently on its 4th logo. Compared to Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Highland Games and Strongman, All-Round Weightlifting has embraced much more change.

      • #41628

          Sometimes there is a suggestion of change for the mere sake of change. I am in favor of growth, but it is absurd to think we can suddenly, after 40 years of existence, expect to have 1000 members. #1 I agree with entirely. We need to grow into new territories. That has started to happen, and will continue, I feel with the recent changes. #2 I think is a slight on the Promoters who have sanctioned national championships in the past. I have lifted in some pretty cool venues in the few nationals that I have competed in. #3-really? The logo? #4 is merely a segway into a crusade for knee sleeves. We could also say that we could benefit by adding sponsors by adding super suits or pharmaceuticals. #5 sure. Embrace change. But only as it makes sense by staying true to our roots. We could be huge if we went to a push/pull/squat format that embraces more equipment and steroids, but is that who we are?

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #41668
          Sanjiv Gupta

            USAWA Logo test image

            Just testing how to upload an image.

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