Accepting the Aging Process
by Thom Van Vleck

None of these guys are showing any sign of aging any time soon! This "unretouched" photo shows that lifting keeps you youthful! Joe Garcia, Chad Ullom, Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, and Thom Van Vleck getting ready to down Cheese Steak Sandwichs in Philadelphia before the Heavy Event Nationals!
I have said it before, the USAWA sometimes seems like a retirement sport for lifters. The organization has it’s fair share of older lifters and I think it’s great. I don’t think it has anything to do with it being an organization for older lifters but everything to do with the wide variety of lifts available to the lifters. This allows those who have injuries that keep them from Powerlifting, Olympic lifting, or strongman meets to stay active and still make gains.
I have known Joe for at least 25 years, Al and Chad for 17 years, and have really gotten to know LaVerne that last 5 years. We have all had long lifting careers and our fair share of injuries. And yet, in the photo above we don’t seem to have a SINGLE grey hair…at least in our beards….that PROVES lifting keeps you young!
In particular, I have known Al through having his bicep reattached not once, but TWICE on his right arm a ONCE on his left. Yet he continues to plug away breaking record after record. Had he stuck to just powerlifting or just Highland games, that would have been difficult to do. So that’s a second reason the USAWA is popular among older lifters, they can keep setting records and that keeps them motivated to lift hard.
Many of you know, but maybe a few don’t, that Al was a high ranked Professional Highland Games Athlete. He even held a Pro world record! That’s no easy feat! It’s actually how I met him and not through my affiliation with Bill Clark and Bob Burtzloff (Al’s brother in law). That was just one of those “small world” deals that we found out later. There was a time when Al “retired” from throwing. I was personally pretty sad about this because I had enjoyed our many road trips to Highland Games. Al told me one time it was hard to stay motivated about throwing when he knew he’d peaked in that sport and would likely never be as good a thrower as he was when he was at his prime. However, in the USAWA he could still find lifts that he could work on and set not only USAWA records in, but personal bests, too. And that keeps a guy motivated about his training when he feels he can keep setting “personal bests”!
Now, the photo above, to be honest, was “retouched” just a little. Al recently dyed….errrrr…I mean “highlighted” his beard because when he grew it back after a long absence (Al used to sport a beard for most of the early years I knew him) it had gotten a little grey…..OK, let’s be honest, it was as snow white as Santa’s beard! So Al “highlighted” it a little and we gave him a hard time about it. But seriously, Al is an ageless wonder and I have no doubt that someday he will challenge Art Montini, Dennis Habecker, and the other top record holders for most records ever.
USAWA is a sport that keeps you young at heart!