Author Archives: Al Myers

IAWA World Championships


This event is open to all current IAWA members who complete, and send in an Entry Form together with Entry Fees and Banquet Fees, before the Closing Date: 10th September 2015  (Foreign Lifters pay on arrival!)    Drug Testing will take place at this Championships!

DATE: Saturday 10th October and Sunday 11th October

VENUE: Castlemilk Community Centre – 121 Castlemilk Drive, Glasgow, Scotland
G45 9UG  Tel: 0141 634 2233

Push Press / Continental Snatch / Pullover and Press / One Hand Dead Lift

One Hand Zercher / Dumbell and Barbell Anyhow / Straddle Deadlift

WEIGH IN – 9am Both Days

LIFTING STARTS AT – 10am Both Days

ENTRY FEE £35 Per Person (Cheques to D McFadzean)
All Age Groups and Weight Classes will be recognised!

BANQUET / AWARDS PRESENTATION (Sunday Evening) – ‘Cafe Source, at St. Andrews in the Square’ 1 St Andrews Square, Calton, Turnbull Street, Glasgow City G1 5PP

BANQUET FEE – £25 Per Person (Cheques to D McFadzean)

HOTEL / ACCOMODATION – For any help with advice on where to stay or for booking accommodation, please contact the Promoter!

ENTRY FORM: You will be able to download an entry form from the IAWA(UK) Web Site or the IAWA(UK) Facebook Page

Send your fees (Entry and Banquet) with completed entry form to David McFadzean by 10th September – Send To: 75, Broomhouse Crescent, Cambuslang, Glasgow, G71 7RE

David McFadzean Tel: 07939 353797 –  Address: 75 Broomhouse Crescent, Cambuslang, Glasgow, Scotland G71 7RE           Email    or contact via facebook

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 10th September 2015

Entry Form (PDF) – Entry Form 15 WORLDS

Information Sheet (PDF) – WORLD CHAMPS INFO

Hotels (PDF) – Hotels for the World Championships

Ian Lynch Passes

by Steve Gardner

Ian Lynch - Former BAWG Member (pre IAWA(UK)) has passed away!

Ian Lynch – Former BAWG Member (pre IAWA(UK)) has passed away!

Some, long time IAWA (UK) Members will remember the old days of the BAWG. Before 1988 (when the BPA was formed) Ian Lynch used to compete with us in the BAWG, mainly in Powerlifting. Ian was a Mathematics specialist schoolteacher / University lecturer at Birmingham University and he lived at Tamworth in Staffordshire. He was a really nice chap, a good powerlifter and very good Bench Presser (at about 80 kilos his bench session consisted of 3×3 with 130 kilos…and that was it but he was good!) Ian came along and competed with our club at the Burton Powerhouse. The photo of Ian deadlifting is taken back at the original gym in 1986 or 1987. Ians name will always live on with us in Drug Free All Round Weightlifting, because he was the guy who invented the ‘Lynch Formula’ which is still used in all competitions to this date. Ian was only 59 years of age, a suprememly fit individual, he died in the gym, it seems he had a heart condition from birth that he knew nothing about. Another sad loss to the Drug Free Weightlifting community…but every time we use the Lynch Formula we will think of old Ian!

National Championships

by John McKean

Ringing in Summer with the USAWA Nationals in York, PA

York Barbell - Location of the 2015 USAWA National Championships

York Barbell – Location of the 2015 USAWA National Championships

What can one say on travel day when you wake up feverish, your longtime driving partner gets lost in the morning and can’t locate the same old shopping mall where he’s met you for the past 20 years, and then locks his car keys inside his car?? Well, ya just know it’s going to be an absolutely OUTSTANDING meet, because the memories are already being made!! And, indeed, this year’s USAWA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS at the famous York Barbell Club was fantastic!

Art Montini and I arrived at Denny Habecker’s home in Lebanon, PA late that evening, and immediately got into terrific lifting discussions with Al Myers, Eric Todd, James Fuller, and Denny, all of us fueled by the wonderful lasagna that Judy had prepared! We were all pumped up over the evening’s many, many lifting stories to such degree that no one slept much, and then a 6 AM start to drive the hour to York.

We were rather impressed that the York barbell company had set us up with a large canopy, underneath being a nifty insignia lifting platform. Chances of a light rain looked to be 50-50, but it held off all day and temps were just right at 76 degrees! Even the grumpiest among us couldn’t complain about the cooling light morning breeze, or periods of sun during early afternoon underneath the big tent. Heck, we were lifting right under the statue of Bob Hoffman, and anytime we’d get the urge could enter the building to wander and view all the museum’s rich history in the form of photos, statues, and fabled equipment! Even truckers on the overlooking freeway just beyond would honk their well wishes to the lifters throughout the day!

One problem did surface as our opening event, the one arm snatch, showed us that a lifting platform should NOT be placed on a slightly declined ramp! Believe me, it felt strange, and became a bit tricky to lock at a normal top position. Yet Aidan Habecker (Denny’s 12-year-old grandson) figured it out and started the contest in fine form. Others in the first (of two) sessions accepted the challenge, to the point that by later afternoon that superb technician, James Fuller, was able to do quick full squat snatches with big poundages!

Since there was a large powerlifting meet going on inside the building at the same time as our outdoor meet, we had a steady volume of interested spectators, many who hung around to ask questions about all-round lifting and to yell out encouragement on big lifts. Most of these outsiders were impressed by the sheer guts & skills of our most senior USAWA competitors – the great Dean Ross, Dennis Mitchell (in his record 26th Nationals!), almost 88-year-old Art Montini, and even hard working meet director Denny Habecker is starting to get up there!

Big Frank Ciavattone was on hand to treat us to one more huge one arm deadlift, although his docs tell him this is to be his final meet due to some internal potential problems. At 60+ Frank still makes a heavy one hander look easy, and we’ll be posting a series of stories on his lifetime training within a short time. Frank also brought son Frankie to lift and their young friend Matt, a strong young high school wrestler who astounded us with his skill and power, and the potential to go far within this organization. Matt actually set several teen world records in this first big contest.

Eric Todd was impressive in all lifting, but particularly mind-blowing in the ease that he manhandled huge poundages in the pullover and push. And, tho of the quiet easygoing style, a very knowledgeable lifter who is an absolute joy to talk strength training with. His ole midwest pal, our very own website editor, Al Myers, provided a great educational effort in proving to all of us how easy it is to rip a hamstring while doing a “mere” curl!! While Al was down and out lifting wise, he just redoubled his usual frenetic meet schedule of announcing, tabulating results, running the annual meeting, talking up the sport to onlookers, etc., etc. I think Al tends to quickly become EVERYONE’S favorite personality!

OF course it’s ALWAYS wonderful to lift with the ever smiling Bob Geib and Susan from Vermilion, Ohio. They just GLOW with their happiness over lifting, and may be our best ambassadors to the sport for everyone lucky enough to meet them! I about had a heart attack when they acquired the 2017 National meet for their hometown of Vermilion – a beautiful little old fashioned vacation town right on the shores of Lake Erie, and one of my favorite places on the planet!

I can’t say enough (tho he thinks I do with my constant teasing!) about my old lifting pal, Randy Smith from Michigan. He’s always placed toward the top overall standing in most national level meets, but this year with controlled, balanced lifting finally did take the top overall spot! Everybody was excited for this very pleasant, always happy, excellent all-rounder!

First day of summer greeted a well rested group with a bright, sunny morning, and Judy Habecker went all out for that noon picnic! That SUPER lady always does the most fantastic job in preparing for and pampering us grubby old lifters! Hey, this year even us little guys had a shot at the smorgasbord with big Al confined to limping to the table and not running us pipsqueaks down (maybe it helped also that chowhound Chad was still traveling and not able to attend this year’s meet! Naw, we missed ya,Chad!).

Overall, so many unique experiences just restore the fact that nobody has as much fun as all-rounders do! I know I’ve missed a bunch of things – there was so much going on those 3 days! – and my apologies to anyone I’ve missed in this quick report. But, hey, guys & gals, summer’s now here and time to set up for some enjoyable warm months training – our home gym will certainly rock with the new Dinnie lift RINGS that Al claimed to have “hand-bent” over his knee just for me! (No wonder his leg gave out at the meet!) I was on such a personal “high” on the drive home that I even resisted calling Marilyn to have her lock Art’s keys back in his car in our driveway, just for old time’s sake!!


2015 USAWA National Championships
York Barbell
York, PA
June 20th, 2015

Meet Director:  Denny Habecker

Announcers: Al Myers & John McKean

Scorekeepers: Al Myers & Judy Habecker

Officials (3-official system used): Denny Habecker (head judge), Frank Ciavattone (head judge), Eric Todd, Scott Schmidt, Art Montini, Barry Bryan, Dennis Mitchell

Lifts: Snatch – One Arm, Curl – Cheat, Reverse Grip, Deadlift – One Arm, Pullover and Push, Ciavattone Grip Deadlift, Zercher Lift


 Susan Sees  52  225  20R  40  50R  45  90  40 285 269.8

Extra Attempts For Record
Susan Sees: Ciavattone Grip Deadlift 95K


 Randy Smith  60  195  42.5R  80  135R 92.5  165  132.5  647.5  709.1
 James Fuller  43  239  67.5R  101 161R  120  185  192.5  827  698.0
 Matt Hancock  17  155  30L  55  147.5L  100  152.5  142.5  627.5  686.7
 Denny Habecker  72  185  25R  52.5 112.5R 87.5  135  85  497.5  617.9
 Barry Bryan  57  195  47.5R  55  100R  107.5  155  112.5 577.5 617.5
 Eric Todd  40  252  47.5R  85 135R  195  137.5  125 725  578.5
 John McKean  69  165  17.5R 40  115R  40  120  90  422.5  549.7
 Art Montini  87  172  12.5L 30 80L  52.5  100  70 345  498.0
 Dean Ross  72  249 30R 55 70R  75  125 100  455  481.0
Scott Schmidt 62 236 25L 65 92.5L 77.5 127.5 70 457.5 459.8
Aidan Habecker 11 112 15R 20 37.5R 30 52.5 35 190 334.5
Bob Geib 72 259 22.5R 40 70R 35 100 50 317.5 329.2
Frank Ciavattone 60 292 0 0 182.5R 0 187.5 0 370 329.1
Dennis Mitchell 83 152 10L 15 40L 22.5 40 30 157.5 239.5
Frankie Ciavattone 21 267 20R 45 75R 0 137.5 0 277.5 213.0
Al Myers 48 233 60R 70 0 0 0 0 130 116.6

Extra Attempts for Records:
Barry Bryan: Reverse Grip Cheat Curl 67.5K
Barry Bryan: Ciavattone Grip Deadlift 165K
Dean Ross: One Arm Deadlift 72.5K Right
Dean Ross: Pullover and Push 80K
Dean Ross: Ciavattone Grip Deadlift 127.5K
James Fuller: Reverse Grip Cheat Curl 105K
James Fuller: One Arm Deadlift 167.5K Right


Men’s Best Junior  Matt Hancock
Men’s Best Senior Frankie Ciavattone
Men’s Best Master 40-44 James Fuller
Men’s Best Master 45-49 Al Myers
Men’s Best Master 55-59 Barry Bryan
Men’s Best Master 60-64 Randy Smith
Men’s Best Master 65-69 John McKean
Men’s Best Master 70-74 Denny Habecker
Men’s Best Master 80-84 Dennis Mitchell
Men’s Best Master 85-89 Art Montini
Men’s Best Master Overall Randy Smith
Men’s Best Lifter Overall Randy Smith
Women’s Best Master Overall Susan Sees
Women’s Best Lifter Overall Susan Sees
Best Club – Habecker’s Gym 1569.8 Points
(Denny Habecker, Barry Bryan, Aidan Habecker)
Best Club Runner Up – Frank’s Barbell Club 1228.8 Points
(Matt Hancock, Frank Ciavattone, Frankie Ciavattone)



Agenda for Annual Meeting

by Al Myers

The USAWA National Championships is now less than 2 weeks away!  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s great lifting, as well as catch up with news from lifters I haven’t seen since last year’s Nationals. One important aspect of “Nationals Weekend” is the annual National Meeting of the USAWA.  This is the one meeting per year where the major decisions are made for the upcoming year.

The meeting will be held on the day of the meet (June 20th) immediately after the meet. We will have the meeting after the Awards Ceremony so those that need to leave for travel may do so.  However, I would recommend those USAWA members that CAN BE THERE attend as this meeting needs the input of the membership.  The big item on the agenda is the election of officers and Executive Board members.  All positions are up for re-election.  So if you want to get more involved in the business-side of the USAWA, this may be your opportunity to “throw your hat” into the candidate pool and run for office.

Also – if any director is not able to be present at the 2015 National Meeting please forward your written report to me ahead of the meeting so it can be presented on your behalf.

Business Agenda for the 2015 USAWA National Meeting

1. Meeting called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker

2. Roll Call by USAWA President Denny Habecker

3. Reading of previous meeting minutes by USAWA Secretary Al Myers

4. Report of financial status by USAWA Treasurer Al Myers

5.  Report from Website Director Al Myers

6.  Report from Awards Director Al Myers

7.  Report from Records Director Al Myers

8.  Report from Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom

9.  Report from Officials Director Joe Garcia

10. Report from Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker

11.  Report from IAWA Technical Committee Chairman Dennis Mitchell on upcoming IAWA events and other technical issues that are being discussed by the IAWA Technical Committee

12.  Discussion of New Business brought forth by the membership

13.  Accept Bids for the 2016 National Championships

14.  Election of Officers in this order: President, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President, At Large Executive Board Member, At Large Executive Board Member

15.  Meeting Adjourned

World Postal Meet

by Steve Gardner

2015 IAWA World Postal Championships

2015 IAWA World Postal Championships



Watch out for more details of this exciting IAWA event…the Annual World Postal competition. Open to all IAWA members, generally in teams of 3 but it is for individuals as well as all Weight Class and Age Divisions are recognized in the World rankings results. Just have your lifts performed before a referee (2 if you want to claim any records) and send them in.

The entry forms will go out by end of May and results MUST all be back in by the End of August…Good Luck everyone and have fun…we are hoping to see entries from: Hastings Eastbourne Sunbury Cornwall Devon Leicester Burton Derby Preston Grimsby Glasgow Wales USA Spain Hungary New Zealand and Australia….at least!

ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2015 World Postal Meet Entry Form


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