Author Archives: Al Myers

Dave Glasgow – Lifter of the Month

By Al Myers

Dave Glasgow is the Lifter of the Month for December 2019.

Dave Glasgow is the Lifter of the Month for December 2019.

The USAWA LIFTER OF THE MONTH for December is Dave Glasgow, leader of the Ledaig Heavy Athletics Club.   In December Dave anchored his club to a victory in the USAWA Club Championships.  Dave is very deserving of this award as he has been very involved in the USAWA of the past 10 years.

Congrats Dave!!!

Rule Book Updates

By Al Myers

I have added the Rule Book updates to the website, under “About Us” then “Rule Book”.   These were the updates that were voted on and passed at the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the USAWA.    Please just print off this page and add it to your current Rule Book.  Since there have been just a few changes/updates I’ve decided to do it this way instead of completely publishing a new edition of the Rule Book.

The current USAWA Rule Book is the 10th Edition Rule Book.

Updated Century Club

By Al Myers

An updated CENTURY CLUB list has been put up on the website, and with this update comes some BIG NEWS!  We now have two new members in the century club – Johnny Strangeway and Aidan Habecker.

Johnny has to be the fastest person ever to make the Century Club.  He has achieved this in only a few short years.  Usually it takes a lifter over 10 years to earn this achievement.  But for those that have lifted against Scottish Johnny should not be surprised as he seems to have the ability to set a new USAWA record in every lift he tries.

Aidan is the FIRST teenager to ever make the Century Club.  This is very notable as we have had many great teenage lifters compete in the USAWA throughout the years.  I know he has worked hard to achieve this and something he should be very proud of.

I was glad to see my buddy Dave Glasgow get back in the Century Club.  Dave’s been in before but dropped off the list a while back.   My advice to Dave is not to “sit back” and relax now that you are back in the Century Club.  If some of your records get broken you need to keep setting new ones to stay in!

The biggest mover in the Century Club is our Prez Denny Habecker.  Denny is up 20 since last count and continues to expand his big lead in number of records, which now stands at a staggering 642.  A couple of lifters have made moves up on the list.  Chad Ullom moved up to the number six spot and Eric Todd made a big jump from number 18 to number 15.  The womens Century Club is still being led by RJ Jackson at 299 records.

New Officials at Clarks

By Al Myers

Clark’s Championship Gym is back in action in the USAWA! Bill has sanctioned two meets this spring – the Goerner Deadlift and the Backbreaker Pentathlon.   Our Official’s Director Joe Garcia has confirmed the status of two officials at Clark’s Gym for Level 2 Lifetime Status  – Steve Schmidt and James Foster.  Both Steve and James were two of the first to ever take the officials exam in the USAWA.   They have both officiated at Clark’s Gym for many years and had no problem meeting the 25 meet minimum.   I do want to mention that it is the person’s responsibility to REQUEST official’s status (if they have meant the criteria), thus the reason they have been added just now.  There’s no point in the USAWA  adding officials to the Official’s List if they do not plan to officiate.

Also – Clark’s Gym member David DeForest has just passed the Rules Exam and is now added to the list “Official in Training”.   Once David has completed his three practical officiating events he will become a Level 1 Official.

Congrats to Steve, James and David!!!


2019 Year in Review

By Al Myers

In memory of Jim Malloy

In memory of Jim Malloy

I have just finished the 2019 USAWA Year in Review.  Every year since I have been secretary of the USAWA I have done this Review Book.  I take all the information that has been put on the website (blogs, meet results, past history archives, etc) and copy it into a book, which is printed off.  I also include this book as a digital file on the website if someone wants to look at it that way or print it off themselves.

I do this for one reason primarily – and that is to preserve the history of the USAWA in paper form.  It always surprises me by the amount of information that this website accumulates every year. This year the Year in Review is 361 pages long and contains 74,744 words!  It would take a few evenings to get all that read.

Every year I dedicate the Year in Review to someone we have lost in the USAWA.   This year it is in the memory of the great Jim Malloy.

If anyone wants a printed copy of the Year in Review please let me know.  I plan to take it to the printer’s next week.  The cost is $50, made out to the USAWA.

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