Author Archives: Al Myers

Gracie Judo Club RD

by Jarrod Fobes


Gracie Judo Club Record Day


Gracie Judo Club
8250 Unit 9 Coal Mine Ave.
Littleton, Co 80128

Date:  December 1, 2012

Meet Director: Jarrod Fobes


Phone Number: 720-202-7857

Entry: No entry fee

Start Time: Weigh-ins at 9:30, lifting starts at 10:00.

Gracie Judo Club is a dojo first and a weight club second, so our equipment is very minimalist. We have an Olympic barbell, two Olympic-style adjustable dumbbells, a dumbbell walk handle, a pull-up bar, and about 300lbs of weights (no fractional weights). So you may set any number of records you would like, as long as we have the equipment!

World Meet Report

by Al Myers

Group picture from the 2012 IAWA World Championships in Salina, Kansas.

WOW!  That sums up this past weekend’s World Championships!  I was SO IMPRESSED with the lifters that showed up to participate and celebrate the 25 year anniversary of the International All Round Weightlifting Association.  25 lifters entered, with 24 lifters actually competing.  The competition commenced with an opening ceremony which included lifter introductions and the playing of the anthems of each country represented.  A moment of silence was held in memory of  the late great John Vernacchio.  This was a “moving moment” to start the weekend festivities.

Dan Wagman (right) won the MENS OVERALL BEST LIFTER AWARD.

Competition in the Womens and Mens Divisions was fierce – with newcomer Ruth Jackson winning BEST LIFTER in the Womens Division and Dan Wagman winning BEST LIFTER in the Mens Division. Ruth set several World Records in her IAWA debut as well.  Paula Delamata of England was runner-up as the womens Best Lifter, with Jera Kressly taking third overall.  However, Jera put up the BEST TOTAL amongst the women, including an outstanding Steinborn Lift of 90 KGS and 130 KG Jefferson Lift.

Dan Wagman is NO newcomer to the USAWA.  Dan competed in the 2006 USAWA National Champs in which he did excellent.  Dan has a long and strong  resume of weightlifting accomplishments, so it is no surprise to me that he has now added the OVERALL MENS BEST LIFTER AWARD at the 2012 IAWA Worlds to it.  He is a complete lifter with a strong strength base, and lifts like a man half his age.  I did some checking and  he would have won the BEST LIFTER even without his age allowance.  Chad Ullom gave him a good run throughout the first day, but Chad ended up second overall.  Chad had an outstanding meet (one his best meet efforts that I remember)  and many other days would have walked away with best lifter honors.  Chad’s HIGHLIGHT was his 202.5 KG Steinborn Lift that now resides as the ALL TIME BEST Steinborn Lift in the IAWA, breaking that of 200 KG by Steve Gardner. 

Australian’s John Mahon and Sam Trew made their first appearance in the IAWA Worlds outside of their “home turf”. I met both of these guys last year at the 2011 World Championships in Perth.   These two young bucks have loads of potential – and I can see them being around for quite some time.  I am still marvelling at Sam’s technique in the 1-arm Clean and Jerk.  I had to watch him a couple more times  to really believe I was seeing what I thought I was seeing!  John took the Best Lifter honors for the 20-39 age group.  Great lifting guys!  The IAWA(UK) brought along quite a group to compete – Paula Delamata, Frank Allen, Graham Saxton, and George Dick.  Paula won the Best Lifter award for the 20-39 womens age group, and George took the 60-64 age group Best Lifter award.  The seasoned veterans Frank and Graham lifted exceptional as they usually do.  I was very glad to see this type of International support in our promotional effort of the World Championships. 

The women's division at this Championship was one of the strongest ever in the history of IAWA Championships. (left to right); Paula Delamata, Ruth Jackson, Jera Kressly, Dawn Piper, Susan Sees

I want to congratulate the Ledaig AC (the clubs real name is the Ledaig Heavy Athletics, but I think the way they lift they should be called the Ledaig Athletic Club because they are also very good lifters!)  for winning the Team Title.  Dave Glasgow has really been a big player in the USAWA competitions over the past couple of years. Dave took fourth overall this past summer at the USAWA Nationals in Vegas, and now he adds a THIRD OVERALL at the World Championships!  That’s quite an accomplishment!  I know several VERY, VERY, VERY  GOOD lifters who have never placed that high at the Worlds.  Add in a Team Victory over the host club Dino Gym, and I would say Dave has put himself and his club in the limelight!  I would thank him outright in person, but I already know how he would respond, with a  “whatever”.  LOL  I do have one gripe with him though – he’s stealing members from the Dino Gym!!!  Doug and Jera Kressly recently have “defected” from the Dino Gym, and joined up with the club that has a name no one can pronounce.  I would have to say Dave that their addition is what gave Club Ledaig the win this past weekend!!!  (but well deserved)

After the meet on Sunday, we had a big Neck Lift One-on-One Challenge between the top two Neck Lifters in the World  Chad Ullom and Eric Todd.  These two have been going “back and forth” with the World Record, so I called both of them out for this challenge to decide it “once and for all”!  The show these two put on was beyond description, and worthy of a later blog just covering it.  So I’m not going to go into much detail yet, except to say that the 1000 pound “magical barrier” was broken by BOTH OF THEM, with ET coming out on top.  More on this story will be coming at a later date.

I have SO MUCH more I could write about covering last weekend, but I promised myself that I would keep this story under 1000 words.  I want to finish it by thanking those that were vital in making this event happen.  First of all, I want to thank my co-promoter Chad.  Without his checkbook I would have lost twice as much money.  Second, I want to thank my good friend and training partner Scott Tully for allowing us use of his facility, the Dino Strength Training Center.   Scott went out of his way to make room for us for the weekend.  Next I want to thank Steve Gardner for announcing and making sure the show ran according to schedule.  Chris Bass came all the way from England to do the scoring for us – BIG THANKS!  Chris is one of those “behind the scenes” guys who does alot for IAWA and doesn’t get thanked enough.  I can’t say enough about the loaders that worked all weekend – Eric Todd, Chuck Cookson, Scott Tully, Tyler Cookson, Matt Cookson, and Mark Mitchell.  A meet only runs as smooth as the loaders load – and this was a top notch performance.  I want to thank the officials as well – Frank Ciavattone, Chad Ullom, Dennis Mitchell, Frank Allen, George Dick, Thom Van Vleck, Karen Gardner, and Graham Saxton.  A premier field of judges for sure.  Lastly I want to thank the meet photographer Darren Barnhart for taking over 700 pictures over the course of the weekend.  I will make these pictures available to anyone who wants them – and once you see them you will see why Darren needs a “pat on the back”.  And last of all I want to THANK THE LIFTERS who showed up to compete!!!

World Championships

by Al Myers

(A full meet report will be coming in a day or so, but for now, here are the meet results.)


IAWA World Championships
Dino Strength Training Center
Salina, Kansas
October 6th & 7th, 2012

Meet Directors: Al Myers & Chad Ullom

Meet Announcer: Steve Gardner

Meet Scorekeeper:  Chris Bass

Meet Photographer: Darren Barnhart

Meet Loaders:  Eric Todd, Scott Tully, Chuck Cookson, Tyler Cookson, Matt Cookson, Mark Mitchell

Meet Officials (3-official system used):  Frank Ciavattone, Chad Ullom, Dennis Mitchell, Frank Allen, George Dick, Thom Van Vleck, Karen Gardner, Denny Habecker, Graham Saxton

Meet Lifts: Curl – Reverse Grip, Clean and Jerk – One Arm, Pullover and Press, Steinborn Lift, Snatch – Fulton Bar, Hack Lift – One Arm, Jefferson Lift


Day 1

Ruth Jackson USA 50 47.6 50+/50KG 22.5 22.5L 55 65.5
Paula Delamata ENG 38 49.0 OPEN/50KG 20 27.5R 38 50
Jera Kressly USA 27 95.7 OPEN/100KG 25 32.5R 62.5 90
Dawn Piper USA 41 61.7 40+/65KG 17.5 20L 37.5 40
Susan Sees USA 49 94.8 45+/95KG 25 22.5R 37.5 37.5


Susan Sees: Curl – Reverse Grip 30KG
Susan Sees: Pullover and Press 40KG
Susan Sees: Steinborn Lift 40KG

Day 2

Ruth Jackson USA 48.1 25.5 67.5L 107.5 365 736.0
Paula Delamata ENG 49.4 0 57.5R 108 300 544.7
Jera Kressly USA 95.3 35 70R 130 445 513.4
Dawn Piper USA 61.9 20 45L 75 255 392.1
Susan Sees USA 95.7 20 47.5R 90 280 349.2


Paula Delamata: Hack Lift – Right Arm 60.5 KG
Ruth Jackson: Jefferson Lift 110KG
Jera Kressly: Jefferson Lift 140KG


Day 1

Dan Wagman USA 50 82.1 50+/85KG 47.5 50L 112.5  163
Chad Ullom USA 40 109.1 40+/110KG 60 62.5R 145 202.5
Dave Glasgow USA 59 110.5 55+/115KG 50 50L 110 132.5
Denny Habecker USA 70 83.7 70+/85KG 35 32.5R 92.5 85
John Mahon AUS 29 103.0 OPEN/105KG 50 55R 135 150
Graham Saxton ENG 50 120.2 50+/125KG 35 52.5R 105 120
Tim Piper USA 42 86.6 40+/90KG 45 57.5R 100 120
Sam Trew AUS 29 113.9 OPEN/115K 30 55L 100 155
Doug Kressly USA 32 114.5 OPEN/115KG 45 50R 115 135
Frank Allen ENG 70 87.3 70+/90KG 32.5 30R 70 45
Art Montini USA 84 78.0 80+/80KG 17.5 15L 55 50
George Dick SCT 63 127.0 60+/125+KG 42.5 35R 60 100
LaVerne Myers USA 68 112.0 65+/115KG 40 25L 55 55
Dennis Mitchell USA 80 68.7 80+/70KG 22.5 14R 35 35
Rudy Bletscher USA 76 100.0 75+/100KG 25 25R 50 55
Lance Foster USA 46 141.5 45+/125+KG 45 32.5R 80 65
Bob Geib USA 69 118.8 65+/120KG 30 25R 37.5 67.5
Al Springs USA 70 90.3 70+/95KG 25 15R 35 45
Frank Ciavattone USA 57 132.2 55+/125+KG 37.5 7.5R 60 0


Dennis Mitchell: Pullover & Press 38KG
Denny Habecker: Clean & Jerk – Right Arm 35.5KG
LaVerne Myers: Curl – Reverse Grip 45KG
Bob Geib: Pullover & Press 40KG
Sam Trew: Clean & Jerk – Left Arm 60KG
Bob Geib: Clean & Jerk – Right Arm 30.5KG
Bob Geib: Steinborn Lift 72.5KG

Day 2

Dan Wagman USA 82.1 71 117.5L 246 805 845.7
Chad Ullom USA 112.0 85 145R 240 940 768.4
Dave Glasgow USA 114.8 62.5 100R 182.5 687.5 663.3
Denny Habecker USA 84.7 42.5 90R 140 517.5 658.6
John Mahon AUS 104.6 70 110R 210 780 650.5
Graham Saxton ENG 121.6  45 120R 240 717.5 613.8
Tim Piper USA 86.9 60 105R 160 647.5 612.7
Sam Trew AUS 114.9 65 112.5L 230 747.5 591.8
Doug Kressly USA NW 62.5 120R 170 697.5 550.8
Frank Allen ENG NW 40 80R 142.5 440 546.5
Art Montini USA 78.0  22.5 55L 90 305 488.2
George Dick SCT 127.9 40 75R 170 522.5 486.3
LaVerne Myers USA 112.5 35 80L 125 415 437.4
Dennis Mitchell USA 68.9 16 50.5L 90 262.5 434.9
Rudy Bletscher USA 100.0 30 60R 100 345 432.6
Lance Foster USA 145.2 40 100R 155 517.5 394.8
Bob Geib USA 121.0 20 57.5R 110 352.5 366.2
Al Springs USA 90.1 20 55R 95 290 353.3
Frank Ciavattone USA 133.8 0 100L 160 365 317.1


Denny Habecker: Snatch – Fulton Bar 45KG
LaVerne Myers: Snatch – Fulton Bar 40KG
John Mahon: Snatch – Fulton Bar 78KG
LaVerne Myers: Hack Lift – Left Arm 90KG
Sam Trew: Hack Lift – Left Arm 115KG
Dennis Mitchell: Hack Lift – Right Arm 50.5KG
Dan Wagman: Hack Lift – Right Arm 117.5KG
Frank Ciavattone: Hack Lift – Right Arm 115KG

NOTES:  All lifts are recorded in kilograms.  BWT is bodyweight in kilograms.  NW means the lifter did “not weigh” or the bodyweight was not recorded on day 2. Total is the total kilograms lifted.  Points are adjusted points for bodyweight and age. 


Womens Open: Paula De La Mata
Womens Master: Ruth Jackson
Womens Overall: Ruth Jackson
Mens Open: John Mahon
Mens Master 40-44: Chad Ullom
Mens Master 45-49: Lance Foster
Mens Master 50-54: Dan Wagman
Mens Master 55-59: Dave Glasgow
Mens Master 60-64: George Dick
Mens Master 65-69: LaVerne Myers
Mens Master 70-74: Denny Habecker
Mens Master 75-79: Rudy Bletscher
Mens Master 80-84: Art Montini
Mens Master Overall: Dan Wagman
Mens Overall: Dan Wagman
Club Champion: Ledaig AC (Dave Glasgow, Doug Kressly, Jera Kressly) – 1727.6 pts
Club Champion Runnerup: Dino Gym (Chad Ullom, Rudy Bletscher, LaVerne Myers) – 1638.4 pts


by Al Myers

The past weekend was a great success for the 2012 IAWA World Championships in Salina, Kansas.  A full meet report will be coming later, but for now, here are the BEST LIFTERS for the 2012 Championships.  Congrats goes to the OVERALL BEST MEN and WOMEN LIFTERS Dan Wagman and Ruth Jackson!!!


Womens Open:  Paula De La Mata
Womens Master:  Ruth Jackson
Womens Overall:  Ruth Jackson
Mens Open: John Mahon
Mens Master 40-44: Chad Ullom
Mens Master 45-49: Lance Foster
Mens Master 50-54: Dan Wagman
Mens Master 55-59: Dave Glasgow
Mens Master 60-64: George Dick
Mens Master 65-69: LaVerne Myers
Mens Master 70-74: Denny Habecker
Mens Master 75-79: Rudy Bletscher
Mens Master 80-84: Art Montini
Mens Master Overall: Dan Wagman
Mens Overall: Dan Wagman
Club Champions: Ledaig AC

Straddle Deadlift (Jefferson Lift)

by Al Myers

Chad Ullom performing a 550# Jefferson Lift at the 2012 USAWA National Championships.

The last lift of the TWO DAY competition will be the Straddle Deadlift, or the Jefferson Lift as it is often called in USAWA competitions.  This is another “classic” All Round Lift and has been contested often in World Meets. 

The IAWA Rules for the Straddle Deadlift are:


The rules of performance for the deadlift  apply, except that the lifter will straddle the bar. The lifter can face any direction, and the foot spacing is optional, but the feet must be placed one either side of the bar. The bar may ride against either leg during the lift, but must not be supported, or make any descent.

Causes for Failure:
1. The causes for failure are the same as for the deadlift, except that the lifter stands astride the bar, in the straddle position.

The USAWA Rules are practically the same, except the USAWA Rules state that the bar is allowed to rotate during the lift.  Of course this is allowed under the IAWA rules as well, since it is NOT stated that it not allowed.  I just want to point out that this IS ALLOWED since it often occurs (the bar rotating) during the execution of the Jefferson Lift.

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