Author Archives: Al Myers

Dino Gym Challenge

By Al Myers


Group picture from the 2020 Dino Gym Challenge.

Group picture from the 2020 Dino Gym Challenge.

The Dino Gym Challenge was a big success again this year!!  Ten brave lifters showed up to take on the challenge, this year dubbed the “Legends and Leaders Showcase”.  It featured lifts made popular by two legends, Ed Zercher and Wilbur Miller, and two leaders, Denny Habecker and Frank Ciavattone.  It was great to have Denny competing in the meet. Denny made the long road trip from his home in Pennsylvania to enter this meet named in his honor.

The top three lifters at the Dino Gym Challenge (left to right): Mike Lucht (3rd), Johnny Strangeway (1st), and Chad Ullom (2nd)

The top three lifters at the Dino Gym Challenge (left to right): Mike Lucht (3rd), Johnny Strangeway (1st), and Chad Ullom (2nd)

First of all, I want to really thank my father LaVerne Myers for “taking charge” of the day’s events by acting as both promoter and serving as the head official all day. I had some unexpected work obligations come up and couldn’t be there as I was hoping to be.   It was disappointing to me, but pretty much out of my control.  I was able to finally show up to watch the final lifters in the last event, the Ciavattone Deadlift.   There were some big weights being hoisted up!!

I want to really thank all the lifters who showed up and participated in the Dino Gym Challenge!

Meet Results:

2020 Dino Gym Challenge
Dino Gym
Holland, Kansas
Saturday, January 18th, 2020

Meet Director: Al Myers/LaVerne Myers

Official (1-Official System): LaVerne Myers, assisted by Dave Glasgow

Scorekeeper: Chad Ullom

Lifts: Miller Clean and Jerk, Zercher One Arm, Habecker Lift, Deadlift Ciavattone Grip


John Strangeway 41 207 130 255L 405 434 1224 1094.4
Chad Ullom 48 224 100 250R 405 424 1179 1078.9
Mike Lucht 37 226 120 277L 360 434 1191 995.3
Denny Habecker 77 184 75 95R 215 278 663 931.9
Dave Glasgow 66 252 95 177R 290 344 906 916.2
John Douglas 56 308 80 202R 375 329 986 827.3
Brandon Rein 24 155 70 130R 215 278 693 722.2
John Janzen 54 265 65 110R 260 329 764 676.8
Dean Ross 77 237 35 95L 190 233 553 676.1
Jason Payne 54 323 80 110R 275 349 814 656.3

Extra Attempts made for Record:

John Strangeway: Habecker Lift 425
Denny Habecker: Habecker Lift 225
Dean Ross: Habecker Lift 205
John Strangeway: Ciavattone Deadlift 441
Chad Ullom: Ciavattone Deadlift 451

NOTES: All lifts recorded in pounds.  BWT is bodyweight in pounds. R and L designate right and left.  TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight.


Officials (1-official System Used): Al Myers, Chad Ullom, Denny Habecker, LaVerne Myers

Chad Ullom – 48 Years, 225 lbs BWT
Bench Press Hands Together: 190 lbs
Bench Press Fulton Bar: 230 lbs
Bench Press Right Arm: 75 lbs
Bench Press Left Arm: 75 lbs
Curl Cheat: 162 lbs

Al Myers – 53 year, 235 lbs BWT
Bench Press Hands Together: 225 lbs
Bench Press Alternate Grip: 230 lbs
Bench Press Fulton Bar: 270 lbs
Bench Press Right Arm: 75 lbs
Bench Press Left Arm: 75 lbs

Denny Habecker – 77 Years, 186 lbs BWT
Deadlift Ciavattone Grip Left Arm: 137 lbs
Deadlift Ciavattone Grip Right Arm: 156 lbs
Deadlift Dumbbell Left Arm: 143 lbs
Bench Press Feet in Air: 160 lbs
Bench Press Fulton Bar: 160 lbs

LaVerne Myers – 75 Years, 226 lbs BWT
Deadlift Ciavattone Grip Right Arm: 187 lbs
Deadlift Ciavattone Grip Left Arm: 187 lbs
Deadlift No Thumbs Overhand Grip: 204 lbs
Deadlift Dumbbell Left Arm: 187 lbs
Deadlift Dumbbell Right Arm: 187 lbs


Grip Strength and Suicide

By Dan Wagman, PhD, CSCS

No, no, no, my fellow meatheads, this ain’t about your grip strength being so superior, that I’m worried about some of you strangling yourselves to death, but February is around the corner–Grip Month for all-rounders…Because I always keep an eye out for new exercise physiology and sport psychology research that will improve my maximal strength, when serendipity brought me to a study looking at the link between grip strength and suicidal thoughts in the U.S., I thought I’d share the basic findings because they’re interesting.

In 2016 the U.S. suicide mortality rate was 15.3 per 100,000, well above the global rate of 10.6. Since suicide has been, and continues to be, deeply researched it’s interesting that about six studies have found a connection between lower physical quality of life and suicide along with a hint that weaker grip strength could be an indicator for suicidal thoughts. Therefore, a group of scientists lead by Chao Cao from the Washington University School of Medicine sought to explore this potential link more closely. They investigated 8,903 adults aged 20 years and older and grouped them into age categories of 20-39, 40-64, and 65 and older. Suicidal thoughts were assessed via survey and grip strength with the Takei Digital Grip Strength Dynamometer. Many variables already linked to suicide were controlled for such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, etc., to include sociodemopraphic variables and leisure-time physical activity rates.

Complex and detailed statistical analyses revealed that a handgrip strength increase by 5 kg was associated with 16% reduced odds of having suicidal thoughts in men. No such association was found in women. When broken down by age groups, in men, a significant association between handgrip strength and suicidal thoughts were observed between the ages of 20-39 and 40-64; in males over 65 no link was found.

The main finding of this work is that males younger than 65 with low grip strength are significantly more likely to have suicidal thoughts. Of course all credible researchers mention the limitations of their work. In this particular study, the scientists point out that “this study makes it impossible to determine a causal association.” That means you cannot draw any conclusions as to whether lower grip strength causes suicidal thoughts or whether suicidal thoughts might be the cause for losses in grip strength. The researchers do point out, however, that “the association is likely bidirectional.”

To me, the pursuit of physical strength represents life itself. I find it rewarding to learn that with a scientific approach to training, the benefits can stretch far beyond the pounds lifted. Since effective and longterm strength gains depend upon credible and science-based information, should you run across someone who might appear suicidal, seek out evidence-based help.

Suicide Hotlines

Military Veterans: 800-273-8255/option1

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK [8255]


Cao, C., et al. Handgrip strength is associated with suicidal thoughts in men: Cross‐sectional analyses from NHANES. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine, Science, and Sports. 2020;30:92–99.

2020 Postal Series

By Al Myers

The entire 2020 Postal Series Meets has been announced.  The USAWA has had a long history of promoting postal meets, and for the last several years have hosted a Postal Series, consisting of 4 quarterly Postal Meets with the last one being the USAWA Postal Championships.

The promotion of these meets are done by the USAWA, under the direction of the Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker.  All scoresheets are to be sent to Denny as he does the formula calculations for the final meet standings. There is no entry fee to enter the USAWA Postal Meets. The Postal series is sponsored by the USAWA.  However, you must be a current member of the USAWA to participate.

Postal Meets are a great way to get introduced to All Round Weightlifting. Denny picks a variety of different lifts for each meet.  Rules for the lifts are found in the USAWA Rule Book, which is available for free download from the website.

Now for the lifts of this years Postal Series!

1st Quarter Postal Meet – January 1st to March 31st
Swing – Dumbbell, One Arm
Deadlift – No Thumb, One Arm
Deadlift – 2 Bars

2nd Quarter Postal Meet – April 1st to June 30th
Curl – Cheat, Reverse Grip
Snatch – Dumbbell, One Arm
Clean and Push Press

3rd Quarter Postal Meet – July 1st to September 30th
Lateral Raise – Lying
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, One Arm
Continental to Belt

Postal Championships – October 1st to December 31st
Snatch – From Hang
Deadlift – Dumbbell, One Arm
Pullover and Push

All entry forms for the USAWA Postal Meets are found in upcoming events in the right column of the website homepage.

Postal Championships

By Al Myers

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets, with the grand finale being the USAWA Postal Series.  These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker.  This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.





The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

  • Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
  • All lifts must be done on the same day
  • USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
  • 3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
  • Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
  • Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
  • Record results on scoresheet in pounds
  • At least 1 certified official required for records
  • May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
  • Scoresheet must be fully filled out
  • No entry fee

ENTRY FORM (PDF) –  2020 Postal Championships Entry Form

3rd Quarter Postal

By Al Myers

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets, with the grand finale being the USAWA Postal Series.  These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker.  This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.





The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

  • Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
  • All lifts must be done on the same day
  • USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
  • 3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
  • Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
  • Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
  • Record results on scoresheet in pounds
  • At least 1 certified official required for records
  • May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
  • Scoresheet must be fully filled out
  • No entry fee

ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2020 3rd Quarter Postal Entry Form

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