Author Archives: Al Myers

Lean Mass Building Workouts

by Roger LaPointe

Adding Medicine Balls to your training program can help build lean muscle mass.

Summer is a time when you want to just pack on some great, quick lean mass. Try out this two workout combination. Take a day of rest between these workouts. There is a lot of lower body work here and you will feel it the next day. You will really feel it the day after Workout B. Give yourself two days of rest after Workout B, or just do some easy jogging or medicine ball work.

Workout A

Bodyweight Squats 3 sets of 10
Front Squat 3 sets of 10
Back Squat 5 sets of 5 up to 60%
Stiff Leg Deadlift 5 sets of 5 – see how high you can go using perfect form. You may hit 300 #, which would be great
Iron Boot Leg Ext. 2 sets of 20
Iron Boot Hanging Leg Curl 2 sets of 20
Hanging Frog Crunches 3 sets of 10

Workout B

Body weight squats
5 sets of 6 depth jumps
Isometrics in the power rack: Squat, Standing Press, Deadlift, Bench – in that order

Live strong, Roger LaPointe

National Championships

by Al Myers

Group picture of the 2012 USAWA National Championships (picture courtesy of John Broz).



So much happened over this past weekend in Las Vegas at the “25th Anniversary” of the USAWA National Championships that I don’t know where to begin!  I had been looking forward to this for a long time – and it’s hard to believe that it already over!   The first thing I want to do is thank the people who had a “big hand” in making this year’s National Championship a HUGE SUCCESS!  First – a BIG, BIG THANKS to John Broz of Average Broz’s Gym who hosted the meet venue.  John has an unbelievable facility in Las Vegas – complete with top notch equipment.  John was very supportive of us (the USAWA) and went out of his way to make sure that everything was in order for the meet to run successfully.  I HIGHLY recommend if anyone is ever in Vegas and needs a place to train – look up Broz’s Gym.  Without John’s support in this venture  this meet would not have been possible.  Next I want to thank two of my outstanding training partners for showing up to help – Scott Tully and Darren Barnhart.  These two made the trip to Vegas just to help – and help they did – judging, loading, and helping facilitate the meet.  Scott and Darren are the ones responsible for the meet getting over in a RECORD FOUR HOURS. Up next is the Habeckers.  Denny and Judy are “the backbone” of our organization and are always doing work behind the scenes to insure competitions run smoothly.  They hauled all the awards and tshirts to the meet, as well as Denny helping officiate and Judy doing all the scorekeeping and announcing. Finally, I want to thank Chad Ullom for organizing “all the other stuff”.  Chad took care of all the details of organizing the evening fun, organizing the National Meeting,  as well as providing transportation to and from the meet.

I will keep this meet report to the meet itself. There were several other significant things that occurred – but I will save those for another days story.  A total of 13 lifters made this celebration – 12 men and 1 woman.  Susan Sees won the overall best womans lifter and I won the overall best mens lifter. Susan was “runner up” at last years Nationals, but this year she took the title! Congrats Susan!  It was a close battle between Larry Traub and myself for the mens overall, which went down to the last event.  Larry is one strong lifter, and at age 58, lifts like someone in their 20’s!  Chad Ullom came in a solid third, and only had one missed attempt all day. Fourth place went to the Ledaig AC leader – Dave Glasgow.  Denny Habecker came in fifth, barely ahead of Tim Piper.  It was  really tight to decide 7th from 8th place (only 5 adjusted points, the closest finish of the day), but Dean Ross came out in front of LaVerne Myers. The age group these two were in was  “the hottest” contested age group of the day for best lifter awards. Denny had a “tough fight” to beat out Dean, LaVerne and Bob.  Ninth place went to Bob Geib, with the “top ten” being rounded out by Dennis Mitchell.  However, the two lifters who placed 11th and 12th were the two who “took the show” in my book.  Dale Friesz and Art Montini are two tough ole’ ironheads who REFUSE to give up.  Dale has been facing some difficult physical issues lately and STILL showed up at Nationals and competed, and gave a gallant effort that most lifters in his situation would be mentally unable to do. Art at 84 years of age is living proof that you are NEVER too old to lift and compete in a big competition. Art had some issues with dehydration with the hot dry heat of Las Vegas (why would someone in their 80’s try to cut water weight before weighins??), but made a strong recovery to finish the meet.   Both of these guys are my heros – and give me inspiration to “keep after it” and not give up despite what I may be faced with, because it is NOTHING compared to what they deal with!

I really feel this Nationals will be one that will go down “in history” as one of the best USAWA National Championships of ALL TIME.  We will be talking about the events that unfolded this weekend for many years to come.  I really feel sorry for those that didn’t make it to this one – because I will say this – YOU missed out on a GOOD TIME!  And Happy 25th Anniversary to the USAWA!!!!!


2012 USAWA National Championships
Average Broz’s Gym
Las Vegas, Nevada
June 30th, 2012

Meet Director: Al Myers & the USAWA Executive Board

Scorekeeper: Judy Habecker

Announcer: Judy Habecker

Meet Venue: John Broz and Broz’s Gym

Officials (3 official system used):  Scott Tully, Darren Barnhart, Al Myers, Chad Ullom, Denny Habecker, Art Montini, Dennis Mitchell

Loaders: Scott Tully, Darren Barnhart, and lifters

Lifts: Clean and Jerk – One Arm, Curl – Reverse Grip, Pullover and Press, Hack Lift – One Arm, Jefferson Lift


 Lifter  Age  BWT  C&J  Curl  P&P Hack   Jeff  TOT  PTS
Susan Sees  49  211  22.5R  40  40  45R  80  227.5  216.97


Susan Sees: Clean and Jerk – One Arm 15L
Susan Sees: Curl – Reverse Grip 42.5
Susan Sees: Hack – One Arm 47.5R


Lifter Age BWT C&J Curl P&P Hack Jeff TOT PTS
Al Myers      45 240 65R 95 145 150R 250 705 605.39
Larry Traub 58 201 40R 75 105 102.5R 240 562.5 596.35
Chad Ullom 40 251 65R 95 140 145R 250 695 555.80
Dave Glasgow 58 246 50L 82.5 105 100L 182.5 520 495.04
Denny Habecker 69 194 35R 57.5 90 82.5R 132.5 397.5 469.78
Tim Piper      42 191 52.5R 60 102.5 100R 160 475 448.59
Dean Ross 69 265 30R 60 70 60R 155 375 375.57
LaVerne Myers 68 247 25L 65 65 85L 120 360 370.68
Bob Geib 69 270 30R 50 45 60R 135 320 317.66
Dennis Mitchell 80 152 12.5R 25 30 50R 90 207.5 308.96
Dale Friesz 71 160 7.5R 22.5 40 35R 67.5 172.5 232.62
Art Montini 84 173 0 0 0 0 60 60 84.59


Dale Friesz: Deadlift – Little Fingers 35
Dale Friesz: Deadlift – Index Fingers 45
Dennis Mitchell: Clean and Jerk – One Arm 12.5L
Dennis Mitchell: Pullover and Press 35
Dennis Mitchell: Hack Lift – One Arm 50L
Bob Geib: Hack Lift – One Arm 67.5R
Dean Ross: Hack Lift – One Arm 65R

NOTES:  BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  All lifts recorded in kilograms. R & L designate right and left arms. TOT is total kilograms lifted. PTS is adjusted points for bodyweight and age.


Womens Overall:  Susan Sees
Mens Overall:  Al Myers
Womens Master Overall:  Susan Sees
Mens Master Overall:  Al Myers
Mens Master 40-44 Age Group: Chad Ullom
Mens Master 45-49 Age Group: Al Myers
Mens Master 55-59 Age Group: Larry Traub
Mens Master 65-69 Age Group: Denny Habecker
Mens Master 70-74 Age Group: Dale Friesz
Mens Master 80-84 Age Group: Dennis Mitchell
Team Champion: Dino Gym (Al Myers, Chad Ullom, LaVerne Myers, Dean Ross)

See everyone in Vegas!

by Al Myers

The weekend is approaching fast for the big event of the year – the USAWA Nationals in Las Vegas!!  I have everything “ready to go” and all plans have been made.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there and celebrating the 25 year anniversary of the United States All Round Weightlifting Association. 

See everyone in Vegas!!

Meeting Agenda

by Al Myers

This is the week!!  The USAWA National Championships is now less than a week a way.   Everything has been going “according to schedule” and all plans are in place to have an exciting and fun time in Las Vegas this coming weekend. 

The USAWA National Meeting will be held Friday night at the Silverton.   The plan is for everyone to gather in the lobby at 6 PM.  I will have a meeting room secured by then.  I don’t see the meeting lasting more than 1 hour, as there is not really any “controversial” topics on the agenda.  Immediately after the meeting, we will have the annual USAWA Awards Ceremony.  This will be the HIGHLIGHT of the evening!!!  You will not want to miss the presentation of a BIG AWARD being given to a USAWA lifter who has achieved stardom in the USAWA.

The evening meal Friday night will be “on your own”.  I know several lifters will be trying to make weight, so I don’t want to have any function that might interfere with that.  Weighins will be early on Saturday morning (announced at the meeting), and will be done at the hotel instead of the meet site to allow for time to eat and rehydrate afterwards.  Denny will be in charge of these weighins.

Transportation will be arranged to get lifters from the Silverton to the meet site.  Details of this will be announced Friday night at the meeting.  Also, the group entertainment for Saturday night and Sunday will be discussed following the meeting and orders will be taken for anyone interested in participating. So bring your money to the meeting Friday night!!!  The meet awards will be presented immediately following competition on Saturday.  Hopefully, the meet will keep a good pace so plenty of time will be left to have time to relax and get ready for the evening entertainment (which Chad has spent considerable time arranging for us).

I think that pretty much sums of the plans for this weekend.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone!!

Business Agenda for the 2012 USAWA Annual National Meeting

  1. Meeting called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  2. Reading of previous meetings minutes by USAWA Secretary Al Myers
  3. Report of financial status by USAWA Treasurer Al Myers
  4. Report from the Officials Director Joe Garcia
  5. Report from the Website Director Al Myers
  6. Report from the Records Director Joe Garcia
  7. Report from the Awards Director Al Myers
  8. Report from the Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom
  9. Discussion and vote of new proposed lifts
  10. Discussion and vote on Rulebook Changes
  11. Discussion and vote on By Law Changes
  12. Discussion of other new business brought forth by the membership
  13. Accept bids for the 2013 National Championships
  14. Meeting adjourned

National Records for Lifts at Vegas

by Al Myers

I know everyone has to be wondering what the National Records are for the lifts being contested at this years Nationals.  I sorted them off and included them in this blog (at the bottom).  Four of the five lifts have been contested at several past Nationals, but the Curl – Reverse Grip will be contested for the first time.  This means that the top lift in each weight class will be a NEW National Record in that lift! 

The One Arm Clean & Jerk has been contested at 6 past Championships (2010, 2008, 2005, 2004, 2002, 1994).  The best women’s National Record belongs to Carolyn Goolsby, who at the 2002 Nationals, performed a 1-arm C&J of 66 pounds.  The top men’s lift is held by Matthew Doster, who lifted 166 pounds at the same 2002 Nationals in Ambridge. Close behind is Barry Bryan, who lifted 160 pounds at the 1991 Nationals.

The One Arm Hack has been contested 5 times (2005, 2004, 2002, 2001, 1994), and is the 13th most represented lift at the National Championships. The best women’s mark belongs to Amorkor Ollennuking, who at the 2001 Nationals lifted 220 pounds!  That is an unbelievable lift!  The best men’s record belongs to Frank Ciavattone – who at the 2002 Nationals in Ambridge lifted 402 pounds with his right arm. That great lift is also the best one arm Hack of ALL TIME in the USAWA.  That’s one reason why Frank is the GRAND BEST LIFTER in the history of the USAWA – he has put up BIG LIFTS in BIG NATIONAL MEETS!

The Pullover and Press has been contested in three past Nationals (2009, 1998, 1996).  The top womens record belongs to Cara Collins, who lifted 77 pounds at the 1998 Championships.  The top men’s mark also is held by Frank Ciavattone, who lifted 336 pounds at the 1996 Nationals in Mansfield.  I’m close behind with 320 pounds at the 2009 Champs, followed by Chad Ullom at 311 pounds.

The Jefferson Lift has been contested 3 times as well (1994, 1993, 1992). As you can see, it has been several years since this lift has been in a Nationals, so it is nice to see the Jefferson Lift (or Straddle as some call it) has made it’s way back to the big stage. The top womens mark belongs to Jacqueline Caron/Simonsen who lifted 342 pounds in the 1993 Nationals, while the top mens record is held by Bob Hirsh, who lifted 634 pounds at the 1994 Nationals in East Lake.  Bob did this huge lifted while lifting in the 75 kilogram class!!! Other top lifts were by Bob Moore (1992) and Frank Ciavattone (1993).

I fully expect to see several National Records to be broken this year.  After all now we have an incentive to do so since these National Records will be available to give everyone something “to shoot for”!



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