Author Archives: Al Myers

Records Go Down Last Weekend

by Al Myers

I’m finally able to relax and reflect upon the great weekend of lifting this past weekend at the Dino Gym.  It’s surprising how much needs to be done AFTER a competition – equipment needs fixed and put away, the gym cleaned and picked up, meet reports and results written for the website, and of course nursing all the aches and pains I self-inflicted upon  myself  once again.

Mike Murdock, of Ledaig Heavy Athletics, sets the most USAWA Records over this past weekend at the Dino Gym.

If anyone notices any mistakes in the meet results please let me know.   It is easy to fix – and I PREFER for everything to be correct.  It is very easy for a mistake to happen – poor handwriting that I can’t read, a lift written down wrong, etc.  I know of instances in the past (before this website) where mistakes got recorded and never changed, and thus these “errors” go down in history as “the fact”.   What are you saying Al??? Yes I said it  –  some RECORDS in the Record List are not legit!!!  With this website, and the ability to post results immediately and correct them immediately if needed,  those type of mistakes are not tolerable anymore.

Now on to more pleasant things.  I finally got the weekend record count done. WOW – as the Daily News Story says, “Records Go Down Last Weekend” – that is an understatement.  On Saturday at the USAWA National Grip Championships a total of 32 new USAWA records were set.  On Sunday at the Dino Gym Record Day, a total of 113 USAWA records were set by the 11 participants (105 individual records and 8 team records).   That’s a LOT!!!  Joe G (the USAWA Record Keeper) will have to burn the midnight oil getting all that in the list!!  The top record day in the  USAWA last year belonged to the JWC Record Breakers last October where 109 USAWA records were set. (I’m not saying we topped them, but I DID have to mention this fact because I’m a forthright news reporter).  This year’s Dino Gym Record Day now becomes the TOP record day in the history of the USAWA in regards to number of USAWA records broken in a record day.  The TOTAL USAWA records for the weekend was an amazing 145 records.  Mike Murdock lead the way for the weekend with a total of 27 records set.  Mike started the weekend off as 70 years old and ended the weekend at 71 years old.  What a great weekend of lifting he had to celebrate his birthday.

Denny Habecker, of the 2010 USAWA Club of the Year Habecker's Gym, deserves a rest after a busy weekend of setting records. Denny has the MOST records in the USAWA with 399.

Denny Habecker now has a commanding lead over Art Montini in the RECORDS RACE.  With the 18 records Denny set this past weekend, he now leads Art 399 to 370.  If only Denny knew he needed only 1 more record to hit the 400 barrier I’m sure he would have done it!!

USAWA Records from  the National Grip Championships –  2011GripChamps

Individual Records from the Dino Gym Record Day – 2011DinoGymRD

Team Records from the Dino Gym Record Day – 2011DinoRDTEAM

Quiz of the Week

by Al Myers

Which 5 USAWA members have been members since the beginning of the USAWA??

The first USAWA memberships were issued in 1988.  Since that time, only FIVE have been members every year since.  This is what you call LOYAL membership!!!  These five definitely need recognized – and that is the reason for this quiz.   To get the correct answer you need to give me all 5 correct names.  I will even give you a hint if you want to guess.  These 5 are listed in the 2011 membership roster.  You see – they don’t even wait to get signed up for their yearly membership!

As with all Quiz of the Week the rules are the same:  first correct answer I receive wins, only 1 try per day, and send you answer to this email address –    The winner will receive a  USAWA Patch!

We have 2 WINNERS!

Last night I received TWO correct answers to this quiz!!!

Joe Garcia and Tom Ryan provided the names I was looking for.  The five USAWA members that have been members since the beginning (1988) are Bill Clark, Joe Garcia, Casey Clark, Art Montini and Dale Friesz.  During all these years, these members NEVER let their membership lapse.   I had lots of people make guesses on this quiz, and I want to thank everyone for their participation trying to answer this difficult question.

Dino Gym Record Day

by Al Myers


Group picture of the lifters at the 2011 Dino Gym Record Day. Pictured front row (left to right): Mike Murdock, Chris Krenzin, Tyler Krenzin, Denny Habecker. Back row (left to right): Casey Barten, Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, Scott Tully. Not pictured: Chuck Cookson, Tyeler Cookson, Matt Cookson


After the great meet the day before at the Grip Championships, I wondered if anyone had the energy and motivation to come back for “Day Two” to set some USAWA records.  I was surprised to have 11 participants!  Lots of records were set.  One of the first to walk in the door of the Dino Gym was Mike Murdock.  When I was checking Mike in, he informed me that there was a change to his “status” – he NOW was 71 years old instead of 70, as today was his birthday!  What a way to spend your birthday – breaking records in the USAWA!  Mike went on to break more records than anyone else with a total of 20.  That’s a lot of records considering Mike was going all-out on every lift. His 80# Crucifix impressed me the most – considering it was done IMMEDIATELY following his dumbbell clean and press.

The Krenzin brothers have been regulars these past few years at my record days.  These two young kids, Chris and Tyler,  keep getting stronger as they grow.  They enjoy breaking the marks in lifts that they did the YEAR BEFORE the most.  Their one arm VB deadlifts were very impressive.  Tyler did 100# and Chris was close behind at 97#.  It impressed me when Chris noticed I was wearing my lifting singlet he went back out to the truck to get his youth wrestling singlet – and then he put it on!  He wanted to look like a weightlifter too!!

Scott Tully had a great day.  The day before Scott served as the head official of the Grip Championships.  Based on the grip records he set in this record day – he should have been competing!  Scott performed a 358# Fulton Bar Ciavattone Grip Deadlift, a 232# one arm 2″ VB deadlift, and a 414# 2 bar 2″ VB deadlift – all for overall records in the 125 plus kilogram class.   Pretty stupendous lifts!!!  He topped off his day by breaking the record in the hands together bench press with a lift of 320#, erasing the record held by the Bench Behemoth Dave Beversdorf.  (I’m just throwing this out Dave to give you a little motivation!!)

Matt and Tyeler Cookson pulled a 2-Man Team Deadlift of 860 pounds, for the highest USAWA Team Deadlift of All-Time amongst Junior lifters.

My Dad LaVerne was planning to sit this one out like he did the day before because of a recent eye surgery.  But like a true all-rounder, he decided to ignore the doctors recommendations  and “just lift light” instead. However, once he got started the lifts he did just kept getting heavier and heavier!  His lift that impressed me the most was his 77# one hand Pinch Grip.

Denny Habecker made the long drive to my place by himself (over 20 hours) and still had the energy to lift both days, and on top of that, set many records on Sunday.  His record count for the weekend had to be over 15.  All I can say is “Poor Art” because Denny has just padded his lead in the Records Race over Art Montini.  Denny did a wide range of record lifts, from presses to deadlifts.  Denny doesn’t have any weak areas that he can’t set records in.

Dino Gym member Casey Barten just came in for a Sunday afternoon training session and ended up setting a few records.  Casey always trains Sunday afternoons, and is usually training by himself.  He wasn’t really planning to do anything but I gave him some encouragement (like saying “don’t be a sissy”) and so  he added some USAWA  records to his Sunday afternoon training session.

It was mid-afternoon (and everyone was getting worn out) and I thought the record day might be done, but in walks Chuck Cookson and his two sons, Tyeler and Matt.  We didn’t know it at the time – but the show was just beginning!! Matt, at only 16 years of age, deadlifted with a 12 inch base 484#.  Brother Tyeler showed him big brother still was stronger and pulled 507# the same way.  However, Big Poppa Chuck let the boys know “who their daddy was” and pulled 661# with a 12″ base!! Only multiple time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman has done more in the USAWA with a 728# 12 inch base DL at the 1994 Texas Deadlift Classic.  Matt and Tyeler then joined forces in TEAM lifting and set several two man records. Their Team Cheat Curl of 330# was very impressive, along with their Team Deadlift of 860#.

I want to thank everyone who attended this year’s Dino Gym Record Day.  Participation is what makes these events fun.  Sorry for the short meet report, but I got LOTS of results to enter!!!


Dino Gym Record Day
February 13th, 2011
Dino Gym, Holland, Kansas

Meet Director:  Al Myers

Certified Officials (1-official system used on all lifts): Al Myers, Denny Habecker, Scott Tully, Mike Murdock

Chris Krenzin – Age 10, BWT 157# (Age group 10-11, Class 75K)

Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 bar, 2″, right hand: 97#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 bar, 2″, left hand: 92#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip: 140#
Curl – Strict: 35#
Clean and Press – 2 Dumbbells: 40#

Tyler Krenzin – Age 13, BWT 146# (Age group 12-13, Class 70K)

Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 bar, 2″, right hand: 100#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 bar, 2″, left hand: 82#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip: 140#
Curl – Strict: 30#
Clean and Press – 2 Dumbbells: 20#

Matt Cookson – Age 16, BWT 187# (Age group 16-17, Class 85 K)

Deadlift – 12″ Base: 484#

Tyeler Cookson – Age 19, BWT 172# (Age group 18-19, Class 80 K)

Deadlift – 12″ Base: 507#

Tyeler Cookson & Matt Cookson (Age group 18-19, Class 85 K)

Team Curl – Cheat: 330#
Team Deadlift: 860#
Team Clean and Jerk: 352#
Team Clean and Press: 308#

Casey Barten – Age 30, BWT 180# (Age group 20-39, Class 85K)

Lateral Raise – Standing: 70#
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell, Right Arm: 105#
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell, Left Arm: 105#

Scott Tully – Age 35, BWT 343# (Age group 20-39, Class 125+K)

Bench Press – Hands Together: 320#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip: 358#
Press – From Rack: 250#
Pinch Grip – Left Hand: 77#
Swing – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 100#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 105#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand: 232#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 2 Bars, 2″: 414#
Lateral Raise – Standing: 80#

Chuck Cookson – Age 41, BWT 271# (Age group 40-44, Class 125 K)

Deadlift – 12″ Base: 661#
Press – From Rack, Behind Neck: 225#
Push Press – From Rack: 225#
Press – From Rack: 245#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Right Arm: 80#
Clean and Press – 2 Dumbbells, Heels Together: 210#

Al Myers – Age 44, BWT 250# (Age group 40-44, Class 115K)

Deadlift – 2 Inch Dumbbells: 240#
Clean and Press – Fulton Bar: 220#
Snatch – Fulton Bar: 185#
Clean and Press – 12″ Base:  220#
Snatch – From Hang: 187#
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 140#
Bench Dip: 230#

LaVerne Myers – Age 66, BWT 250# (Age group 65-69, Class 115K)

Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell, Right Arm:  120#
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell, Left Arm: 120#
Crucifix: 40#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Arm: 141#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left Arm: 141#
Holdout- Lowered: 30#
Holdout – Raised: 30#
Deadlift – No Thumb, Left Arm: 154#
Pinch Grip – Right Hand: 62#
Pinch Grip – Left Hand: 77#
Snatch – Left Arm: 55#
Snatch – Right Arm: 55#

Denny Habecker – Age 68, BWT 191# (Age group 65-69, Class 90K)

Crucifix: 50#
Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 70#
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 60#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 85#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 65#
Snatch – Left Arm: 55#
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 65#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 175#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 175#
Bench Dip: 135#
Press – From Rack: 135#

Mike Murdock – Age 71, BWT 236# (Age group 70-74, Class 110K)

Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand: 127#
Holdout – Raised: 40#
Clean and Press – 2 Dumbbells, Heels Together: 80#
Crucifix: 80#
Clean and Press: 132#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 55#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 55#
Pinch Grip – Left Hand: 62#
Swing – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 60#
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 60#
Snatch – From Hang: 95#
Clean and Press – On Knees: 95#
Snatch – Left Arm: 55#
Snatch – Right Arm: 55#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 145#
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell, Right Arm: 90#
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell, Left Arm: 105#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 2 Bars, 2″: 224#
Bench Dip: 65#
Lateral Raise – Standing: 60#

Grip Championships

by Al Myers


The FIRST EVER USAWA National Grip Championships was a huge success this last weekend at the Dino Gym!  The bad weather we had earlier in the week  was past, and besides lots of snow on the ground, it was a beautiful day! Eight brave competitors showed for this inaugural event.  The quality of competition was very high and several new USAWA records were set.  I want to thank everyone who made it out to compete, help or just watch.  I was going to go over the “highlights” of the meet but Ben Edwards has already hit them all in the discussion forum!   He did such a great job covering the meet in the forum, I really think it needs to be shared here in the Daily News as the meet report.  Thanks Ben!!

Group picture of the 2011 USAWA National Grip Championships. Front row (left to right): Denny Habecker, Mike Murdock, Rudy Bletscher, Felecia Simms. Back row (left to right): Mark Mitchell, Dave Glasgow, Ben Edwards, Al Myers.

MEET REPORT by Ben Edwards

I had a great time and enjoyed seeing everyone and the after-lifting meal was great too because we all got a chance to just sit around and chat.

I’ve got quite a list of memorable moments but here are just a few since I’m home and want to spend some time with my wife.

Felecia Simms pulled 280 pounds in the 3" bar deadlift, breaking a record held by arm wrestling champion Mary McConnaughey.

-Felecia! Destroying the 3″ bar deadlift record in style. I have no doubt she could’ve pulled the weight I did and made it look a lot cleaner than I did too. It was also neat getting to offer my 2 cents on what weights you should attempt on one or two events – along with Dave. You didn’t think you’d be able to pinch lift the two 45s but you did that with ease – and about 10lbs more!

-Rudy! Beat HIS 2″ vbar record by 10lbs and didn’t even know it until I looked it up and made sure that was the case. I am somewhat of a rainman with certain numbers (usually my own of course) and remembered his lift on the 2″ vbar from last year.

-Mike! Loved the middle fingers deadlift attempt that went from being a failed attempt – no movement at all – to suddenly being a dominating pull after taking a very short break to re-set.

-Mark! Huge pinch strength! He made 175lbs look like a feather pillow and seemed to be close on the 190+lbs attempt too. And he doesn’t train his grip. Which would make me dislike him slightly – if he wasn’t one of the nicest guys in the world.

-Denny! Had very good and balanced strength on all the lifts that it’s hard to pick one that stood out in my head. Plus the aforementioned super integrity.

Al Myers had the highest 3 inch bar deadlift of the meet with a lift of 555 pounds.

-Al! MONSTER 3″ bar deadlift – 555lbs! – to end the meet in great style. Dave and I were puzzled by your 1-pound weight addition though to the 2″ vbar weight that you ripped off the ground and could’ve seemingly held for a day. I thought you were joking us, haha! Also considered “saving” a 3rd attempt on the 3″ bar deadlift and asking for 1 pound more than what you did on your best attempt. Then of course not being able to lift it wouldn’t be so funny, but hey.

-Dave! That 360lb (?) 3″ bar deadlift was the most impressive IMO of your lifts. Very nice!

Ben Edwards had the best Vertical Bar Deadlift of the meet with a lift of 222 pounds.

-Me. So glad to pull that 310lbs on the middle fingers deadlift! I thought the 275lbs was going to rip my fingers off and really didn’t “want” to try the 310lbs but I knew that with the great crowd behind me I would at least have a chance if I could block the pain. Well, I couldn’t block the pain, lol. But the lift inched up and I just reviewed the picture that Felecia took of me on that lift and it looks like I’m about to fall apart. Little disappointed that my 2″ vbar strength was down 13 pounds from my best pull. Pinch strength was right where it always is – in the crapper, lol. The thick bar deadlifts were very challenging and I’m glad I had enough sense to not choose more weight and hurt myself on either of them. Was embarrassed to only get 325lbs to my knees since I’ve been able to pull that weight on the Apollon’s Axle since 2004.


USAWA National Grip Championships
February 12th, 2011
Dino Gym, Holland, Kansas

Meet Director:   Al Myers

Certified Official (1-official system used):  Scott Tully

Lifts:  Deadlift – Vertical Bar, 2″, One Arm;  Pinch Grip;  Deadlift – Fingers, Middle;  Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip;  Deadlift – 3″ Bar

Loaders:  Alan English, John Connor, Matt Cookson, Tyeler Cookson

Lifter Age BWT VB Pin MF DLFB DL-3 Total Points


44 249 183-R 132 275 325 555 1470 1226.9
Ben Edwards 35 219 222-L 162 310 300 300 1294 1099.8
Dave Glasgow 57 248 152-R 132 190 275 360 1109 1042.5
Denny Habecker 68 189 132-R 102 165 225 250 874 1040.0
Mark Mitchell 50 360 152-R 174 245 330 450 1351 1001.3
Rudy Bletscher 75 220 122-R 87 165 225 250 849 979.2
Mike Murdock 70 234 132-L 102 165 225 205 829 891.3
Felecia Simms 28 313 132-R 102 155 205 250 844 600.6

NOTES:  BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  Total is total weight lifted in pounds. All lifts listed in pounds. Points are adjusted points for age and bodyweight. R and L identifies right and left hands.

Extra lifts for records:

Pinch Grip:  Rudy Bletscher 92#
Deadlift – Middle Fingers:  Denny Habecker 180#, Mark Mitchell 275#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: Denny Habecker 275#, Felecia Simms 280#


Best Senior Women:  Felecia Simms
Best Senior Men:  Ben Edwards
Best Master 40-44:  Al Myers
Best Master 50-54: Mark Mitchell
Best Master 55-59: Dave Glasgow
Best Master 65-69: Denny Habecker
Best Master 70-74:  Mike Murdock
Best Master 75-79:  Rudy Bletscher

And we have a WINNER!

by Al Myers

Over a week ago when I announced this writing competition to find the best “secret tip or training idea” I wasn’t sure how it would fly.  Would anyone even participate??  I didn’t want it to look like I was trying to bride people to write for the Daily News (when truth be known that is probably a correct assumption!).  I was SO impressed when I received 4 EXCELLENT website stories from Thom Van Vleck, John McKean, Joe Garcia and Scott Tully.

Next – I left the vote up to the membership.   Would anyone even take the time to send in a vote?  Or is anyone really even reading all this garble that I turn out?  I have to admit I was a little nervous!  However, all my worry was for naught and the votes came flying in!!  Close to half the USAWA membership must have cast a vote, and the votes were for ALL the stories!  Not one author dominated.  In fact, it was a tie till last night when the last vote came in to determine who won a set of my hanging dumbbell handles.  Now THAT is a vote that counts!!!!

It’s time to announce the winner..  and the winner is….(drumroll)…..John McKean!!!!

1 255 256 257 258 259 321