Author Archives: Al Myers

USAWA Records Fall at Worlds

by Al Myers

82 year old Art Montini broke a USAWA Record in the Steinborn Lift with a lift of 143 pounds. This record was previously held at 105 pounds by the legendary lifter and Stongman Ed Zercher I, which was set at the 1988 Zercher Strength Classic.

Only five USAWA lifters attended the IAWA World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland, but SEVERAL USAWA Records were set by this elite group.  Twenty one new USAWA Records were added to the USAWA Record List along with several new IAWA World Records.   Dennis Mitchell and Art Montini lead the way with 6 new USAWA records each.


Lift Lifter Age Wt Cls Record
Clean and Push Press Dennis Mitchell 75 75 55#
Snatch, One Arm, Left Art Montini 80 85 33#
Snatch, One Arm, Right Denny Habecker 65 85 77#
Snatch, One Arm, Right Dennis Mitchell 75 75 33#
Continental to Belt Denny Habecker 65 85 275#
Continental to Belt Art Montini 80 85 165#
Steinborn Lift Denny Habecker 65 85 244#
Steinborn Lift Dennis Mitchell 75 75 93#
Steinborn Lift Art Montini 80 85 143#
Steinborn Lift Chad Ullom ALL 110 440#
Curl, Cheat Dennis Mitchell 75 75 84#
Curl, Cheat Art, Montini 80 85 77#
Press, Dumbbell, Left Al Myers 40 115 88#
Press, Dumbbell, Left Denny Habecker 65 85 66#
Press, Dumbbell, Left Denny Habecker ALL 85 66#
Press, Dumbbell, Left Chad Ullom ALL 110 110#
Press, Dumbbell, Left Al Myers ALL 115 88#
Press, Dumbbell, Right Dennis Mitchell 75 75 27#
Press, Dumbbell, Right Art Montini 80 85 38#
Deadlift, Trap Bar Dennis Mitchell 75 75 225#
Deadlift, Trap Bar Art Montini 80 85 248#

Several record-breaking highlights occurred which deserve mentioning.  Chad Ullom established the USAWA ALL-TIME best lift in the Steinborn Lift with a lift of 440# (200 kilograms).  This also TIED the best Steinborn Lift in the IAWA Record List, which is held by our IAWA President Steve Gardner when he performed a 200 kilogram Steinborn Lift in 1998.  Art Montini broke two USAWA Records held by the legendary Missouri Strongman Ed Zercher.  Art broke Ed’s records in the Steinborn Lift and the Cheat Curl.  Ed Zercher had set these records in 1988.  It seems only fitting that one legend replaces another legend in the Record List.

The USAWA Record Race between Denny and Art is still going strong.  Denny is now at 369 USAWA Records (compared to 365 in July) while Art is still in second with 362 USAWA Records (compared to 358 in July).  Denny did help himself by breaking a record of Art’s in the Steinborn Lift by 1 Kilo in this meet!!  Art’s Birthday Bash and Record Day is coming up, but Art sets a limit of a maximum 5 records set, so if  Denny and Art both do this, Denny should maintain his lead.

Meet Reminder – GOLD CUP

by Al Myers

2010 IAWA Gold Cup Meet Director Frank Ciavattone

The entry deadline is approaching FAST for this years Gold Cup on November 6th.  Meet Director  Frank Ciavattone was very generous in setting the deadline as late as possible, with the closing date being October 23rd.   That is only TWO WEEKS prior to the meet, and should give everyone enough time to get their entry in on time.

The Gold Cup is an IAWA sanctioned event, and rotates between the countries affiliated with the International All-Round Weightlifting Association.  It is quite an honor and opportunity to compete in it when it is held in the States.  It may be several more years before it is again.  Lets take this opportunity and show the Gold Cup the support it deserves and in doing so, demonstrate the strength of the USAWA.

Entry forms are available under “IAWA Gold Cup” in the USAWA Future Event listing on the right column of the website.

World Championships

by Al Myers




Group picture of the participants in the 2010 IAWA World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland.

Chad Ullom put together the perfect meet and captured this year’s most coveted prize in All-Round Weightlifting – Best Overall Lifter at the IAWA World Championships.  Chad was in the best lifting shape he has ever been in and put up some HUGE LIFTS throughout the two days of lifting.  On day one, he did the highest (poundage wise) Steinborn Lift in the USAWA Record List  and tied the best in the IAWA Record List (with our IAWA President Steve Gardner) with a Steinborn Lift of 200 kilograms.  It was a truly inspiration lift!  He then did a 210 kg Continental to Belt, followed by the next day a Trap Bar Deadlift of 265 kilograms (his personal best).   He also had the top Total of the meet, with a combined two-day poundage of 1015 kilograms.   There was not a single event that Chad struggled with – he is a WELL-DESERVING CHAMPION!!!

Chad Ullom pulls 265 kilograms (584 pounds) in the Trap Bar Deadlift on way to winning the Overall Best Lifter at the 2010 IAWA All-Round Weightlifting World Championships.

This was my second opportunity to compete in Glasgow, Scotland (the first being the 2006 IAWA World Championships).  Both times I have been overly impressed with the meet, with credit going to Meet Director George Dick and the Castlemilk Gym crew.  These guys are the BEST!!  They deserve a “pat on the back” for a job well-done.  I want to mention some of these guys  – Willie Wright, Andy Tomlin, David McFadzean, and Matt Finkle.   Your club unity really impressed me.  That is what All-Round Weightlifting SHOULD be all about!   I greatly appreciated the arrangements you made for all of us  to meet the Provost at the formal reception Saturday night in the City Chambers.   That is a memory that none of the lifters will ever forget.

Another highlight of the weekend was seeing our one-and-only Art Montini receiving the AWARD OF MERIT, an award specially given by IAWA President Steve Gardner, to recognize Art’s longtime commitment to the IAWA.  This was the first-such award ever given and to a very WELL-DESERVING RECIPIENT (I will elaborate more on this in a future story).   I also want to point out the outstanding performances by “the youngsters” in attendance.  Robbie and Chris Hughes really impressed me with their lifting (especially their Trap Bar Deadlifts), along with Big Wade Smith, who was in the 125+ class at only 18 years of age! (And yes Wade – I noticed when you put up a bigger 1-Hand Dumbbell Press than me!!)  I was glad to finally meet Mark Price.  Mark is a newcomer to the All-Rounds and is a REAL POWERHOUSE, and he has to ability to be VERY SUCCESSFUL with a little more time.  He did a very good Steinborn Lift of 150 kilograms, and squatted it with ease!!  It was great to see Steve Sherwood back in action. Steve has had a long career in the IAWA, but he has been missing the past few years from International competition.  Now Steve is 59 years old, but looks like he has not taken a day off from training in his entire life .  He was VERY PROFICIENT in his lifting technique, and put up great lifts in everything.  What can I say about Gerry Davidson??  (besides not being able to understand a word he says,  lol).   Gerry is 74 years old and solid muscle.  He is a ferocious lifter on the platform, and gives every max lift 100%.  He took a hard fall on the Clean and Push Press, but got up, brushed it off, and went back to lifting (it didn’t faze him!!).  It was great to see Frank Allen back in action again after being sidelined last year with a hip replacement.  He looked in great shape, and really surprised me with his 145 kilogram Continental to Belt.  Dennis Mitchell  has not missed many World Competitions, and again showed his grit, by setting MORE records on fourth attempts than anyone else in the entire meet (total 4).   Denny Habecker was solid as ever, again making the top ten.  It was great catching up with my old friends Steve Andrews and Roger Davis. These two have a WEALTH of information on All-Round Weightlifting and I learn something new with every visit with them.   I HAVE to mention the outstanding lifting in the women’s division, with veteran Agnes McInally taking the overall honors.

I wish I had enough time to talk about EVERY LIFTER in the meet (I got stories on EVERYONE).  I want to sum it up by saying – the lifting was superb, the meet was well organized, and a good time was had by all.

Men’s Top Ten

1.  Chad Ullom, United States – 825.4 Points

2.  Al Myers, United States – 809.0 Points

3.  Steve Sherwood, England – 807.2 Points

4.  Gerry Davidson, England – 806.6 Points

5.  Steve Andrews, England – 777.6 Points

6.  Roger Davis, England – 744.5 Points

7.  Mark Price, England – 725.9 Points

8.  James Gardner, England – 719.5 Points

9.  Denny Habecker, United States – 713.8 Points

10. Robbie Hughes, Scotland – 680.9 Points

Women’s Top Three

1.  Agnes McInally, Scotland – 577.3 Points

2.  Nicola Hughes, Scotland – 480.4 Points

3.  Kim Rawling, England – 356.5 Points


Dates:  October 2nd and 3rd

Location:  Castlemilk Gym, Glasgow, Scotland

Meet Director:  George Dick

M/C Recorder: Steve Gardner

Assistants: Judy Habecker and Chris Bass

Drug Testing: Frank Allen

Referees: Andy Tomlin, Chad Ullom, James Gardner,  Mathew Finkle,  Steve Andrews,Dennis Mitchell, Denny Habecker,  Bill Wright,  Chris Ross, Gerry Davidson,  Frank Allen,  Karen Gardner,  David McFadzean


Day 1:  Clean and Push Press, Barbell Snatch – One Arm, Continental to Belt, Steinborn Lift

Day 2:  Cheat Curl, Dumbbell Press – One Arm, Trap Bar Deadlift

Chad and I donned our kilts and made a toast to show our spirit of celebrating the Championships in Scotland.

Best Lifter Awards:

Best Junior Robbie Hughes (Sco)
Best Female Agnes McInally (Sco)
Best Open Lifter Chad Ullom (USA)
Best Master 40+ Al Myers (USA)
Best Master 45+ Mark Price (Eng)
Best Master 50+ Steve Andrews (Eng)
Best Master 55+ Steve Sherwood (Eng)
Best Master 60+ George Dick (Sco)
Best Master 65+ Denny Habecker (USA)
Best Master 70+ Gerry Davidson (Eng)
Best Master 75+ Denny Mitchell (USA)
Best Master 80+ Art Montini (USA)


1st Chad Ullom (USA)

2nd Al Myers (USA)

3rd Steve Sherwood (Eng)

Special Award: The IAWA Award of Merit, presented to Art Montini (for services to all round weightlifting) by IAWA President Steve Gardner

PDF of Meet Results:

World Champs 2010 Day1 World Champs 2010 Day2 World Champs 2010 Both Days

Chris James – Strength Athlete Extraordinaire

by Malcolm Whyatt, D.Phy., M.A.I.C, Historian of Physical Culture

Chris James, of 201 Margam Road, Margam, Port Talbot, S. Wales UK SA132AB

Chris was born 29th July 1970 and is married to Paula and they have 3 children. I first heard about Chris in 1998. I had been judging a contest and afterwards, a member of the audience thought I might be interested in a young man who was setting some remarkable feats of strength. Also, that he had recently nearly lost his life.

Chris James with the Millennium Dumbbell. The Millennium Dumbbell weighs 226 pounds. The hand grip circumference is 7 3/4 inches. The hand grip diameter is 2 3/8 inches and the handle is 3 inches. This picture was taken at the OHF Hall of Fame Dinner in 2002.

As the founder of the Oscar Heidenstam Foundation one of our awards is the Dr.Tom Temperley award. This is for those who having suffered trauma, continue to inspire others by outstanding endeavour. From my initial enquiries it was clear that Chris was a more than worthy honouree.

In December 1998 late at night, he was walking home with a friend when an unknown assailant stabbed Chris in the lumbar spine. The 9 inch knife missed his kidneys and spleen but the repair to his Colon and abdominal wall, left a scar from his pubic bone to the sternum. The surgeon said it was a million to one chance that he wasn’t killed and only his muscle density saved him. A normal person would almost certainly not be alive today. 8 weeks later he was back in light training and 3 weeks later, March 1999, we honoured Chris at the 8th annual OHF Hall of Fame Dinner. He impressed everyone by his refreshing modesty and surprised me on the night when I enquired about his hand grip strength. Quite casually he picked up the No:3 IronMind Captains of Crush Gripper and with audible clicks closed them for 3 reps with either hand!

At the 9th OHF Dinner 2000, Chris who at the time weighed 16st 4lbs, cleaned two handed the Thomas Inch Dumbell and single handed, push pressed it over head at 11.30pm. The first man in history to do so and witnessed by David Webster, myself and 60 of 179 guests. Earlier in the evening, he had also cleaned and single handed pressed John Citrones’ famous 112lbs blacksmiths anvil and did 20reps with the ships 92lbs anchor! Just for a laugh, Chris also cleaned & pressed his father overhead for 15 reps. (All above is on OHF Video No:6) His father Eddy, born 1944, share the same birthday 29th July and who won the 1994 Drug Free world power lifting championship and recently on the dead lift, did 11 reps with 400lb (age 59yrs, weight 12stone (210lbs), height 5ft 8inches). His father Wilf Len James, was a famous strongman and mentioned David Websters’ book Sons of Samson.

Chris James clean and pressing John Citrone's famous Blacksmiths Anvil, which weighs 115 pounds. This picture was taken at the OHF Hall of Fame Dinner in 2000.

At 13yrs Chris trained in his garden, became the schools boxing champ and a Karate black belt. He works at a Steel Foundry and where workmen often ask him to try lifting various items. Two examples are that he cleaned and did 10 reps with a 2inch diameter railway axle weighing 260bs and with either of his little fingers, curled a locomotive coupling; which normally takes two men to lift. Chris trains at local a youth club Tai Bach (little House); which has 3,000lbs of Olympic & free weights plus block weights, scrap iron, axles, chains etc.

He is 6ft tall and varies his bodyweight from 16 stone to 21stone Absolutely DRUG FREE he doesn’t use a lifting belt, wraps or other aids. He follows the world of weights with passion and is an avid reader of olde-time strength feats. His main interest is unusual strength lifts; usually for reps and to emulate the feats of Arthur Saxon, Hermann Gӧrner, Louis Cyr, Doug Hepburn and Marvin Eder et al. Seeing is believing! I have a video of Chris in training. His incredible feats almost defies description. Chris James Strength Athlete Extraordinaire.


All lifts witnessed with many on film and photographed.  Doesn’t use weightlifting belt, straps or other aids. Equipment used: Dumbells, 2 inch diameter bars – main plates 25lbs, Olympic Barbells, 2 inch diameter bar, Pinch Grip, Thumb & first two fingers, Block weight 80lbs – 4ins thick – 6ins wide – 12ins long

PINCH GRIP BLOCK WEIGHT –  80lbs carried 15yards – clean and press – either hand

PINCH GRIP WEIGHT PLATE –  75lbs clean and press – either hand


ONE HANDED DUMBELL SWING  –  180lbs (Louis Cyr used a 1inch diameter)

ONE HANDED DUMBELL SWING –  110lbs x 48 reps



ONE HANDED BARBELL FARMERS WALK – 350lbs (carried suit case style)

BARBELL FARMERS WALK – One in each hand 300lbs each (carried suit case style), 2 home made oxyacetylene bottles each weighing 165lbs plus 135lbs iron blocks welded on side!

SEATED DUMBELL PRESS – 150lbs x 5 140lbs x 8

STANDING DUMBELL CLEAN & PUSH PRESS – 160lbs x 2 150lbs x 7 140lbs x 12 125lbs x 21 either hand

INCLINE DUMBELL PRESS – 175lbs x 10 x 3 sets

CHINS (full hang) –  200lbs x 4 150lbs x 8

TWO FINGER CHINS – 110lbs x 8

PARALLEL BAR DIPS – 242lbs x 8

ONE HANDED DEADLIFT (overhand grip) – 500lbs x 2 400lbs x 10

STRAIGHT LEGGED DEADLIFTS (overhand grip) – 500lbs x 20

DEADLIFT (overhand grip) – 660lbs x 5

DEADLIFT FROM KNEES (overhand grip) – 1,100lbs x 3

BENCH PRESS – 505lbs x 8 460lbs x 6 420lbs x 10 400lbs x 20 308lbs x 40


INCLINE DUMBELL BENCH PRESS  – 175lbs dumbells 10 x 3 sets

STRAIGHT ARM PULLOVER (strict) – 166lbs x 8 (bodyweight 14st 4lbs)

BARBELL CURL (Strict with back against wall) – 210lbs (bodyweight 14st 4lbs)

BARBELL CURL (loose style) – 220lbs x 5 (bodyweight 14st 4lbs)

EZ BAR CURL – 315lbs!

BENT OVER BARBELL ROWS – 400lbs x 5 x 4 sets 360lbs x 5 x 4 sets

BARBELL PUSH PRESS off rack Awesome! – 410lbs x 3 310lbs x 10 250lbs x 20

SQUAT (lift from the bottom of power rack) – 650lbs x 3 580lbs x 10 410lbs x 20

HALF SQUAT – 770lbs x 18 (to protect knees – does not specialise on the squat )



880lb Barbell at rack high pin – just short of lock out – Press to Lock out and hold (same as John Grimek)

200lb Kit bag of sand plus two 56lbs coal weights inside (312lbs) – Clean and shoulder

Two 125lbs Olympic barbells. Clean one with left hand – bend down, clean the other with right hand, stand up and press both overhead.

The Chain (Die Kette) one of Hermann Gӧrner favourites. One hand dumbell snatch swing, followed by one hand press, followed by a curl or clean to shoulder and then another press. Starting at 50lbs working up to 180lbs – either hand.

One hand barbell snatch Right hand snatch to across left shoulder or left hand snatch to across right shoulder. Start weight 220lbs working up to 232lbs and Chris makes it look easy – either hand.

Continental & Push Press Behind Neck – a favourite of Arthur Saxon. 330lb barbell 2inch thick – hack lift with palms away from body – bend over lift bar to lumbar spine, roll bar to upper back – change to normal hand grip – push bar to nape of neck – Stand up Push press behind neck to lock out – lower bar to neck – push press over head – lower to front of shoulders – lower to floor.

Absolutely awesome! and no W/L belt! This is on film.

Malcolm Whyatt D.Phy., M.A.I.C 12 Nimrod Drive Hereford HR1 1UG England Tel:(01432) 358 339 Tel int +44 (0) 1432) 358 339

Summary of USAWA Team Records

by Al Myers

Two Man Deadlift of 661 pounds by Roy Mason (on left, 76 years old and 151 pounds) and Bill Decker (on right, 76 years old and 161 pounds). This Team Deadlift record was set on January 29th, 1994 at the Texas Deadlift Classic. (photo courtesy of the Meet Director Joe McCoy)

I knew alot of USAWA Team Records were set last weekend at Team Nationals, but I didn’t realize it was the MOST EVER team records set in one day in the history of the USAWA!  A total of 16 USAWA Team Records were set.  The previous best was 12 Team Records set at the 2005 Deadliest Duo Competition, which was slightly ahead of the the 2009 Team Nationals which had 10 records set.   The Team Record List is not near the length of the Individual Record list – only 98 records are recorded for Team Lifts versus over 9000 records for Individual Lifts.  That’s a tad over 1% represented by Team Records in the Total Record List!

This review of Team Records lead to many questions I had – of which I’m going to share the answers with you.

1.  Who has the oldest record in the Team Record List?

Joe McCoy and Bill Drybread teamed up to set several Team Records at the 1989 Nationals Record Day, on June 26th, 1989.  They currently hold together 9 Team Records in these lifts: Team Deadlift, Team Snatch & Clean, Team Snatch and Clean, 1 hand, Team Snatch – One Arm, and Team Clean and Press.

2.  How many 2-Person (man and woman) records are there in the Team Record List?

Only three  2-Person Teams have any records.  In 1996, John McKean teamed with Diane Burger to set a record in the Team Clean and Press at Art’s Birthday Bash.  In 1995, Kerry Clark teamed with Dale Spry to set a 2-Person Team Record in the Deadlift, with a pull of 500 pounds, set at the ’95 Nationals in Columbia, Missouri. In 2001 at Art’s Birthday Bash, John McKean teamed with Lynne Burnell to lift 405 pounds in the 2-Person Team Jefferson Lift.

3.  Has there ever been any 2-Women Teams set records?

At the 2000 Buckeye Record Breaker, Noi Phumchaona and Anna Holter set the first 2-Women Team Record with 309 pound Team Deadlift.  At the 2003 Buckeye Record Breaker, Carolyn Anderson and Montia Wade teamed up to pull a Team Deadlift of 220 pounds.

4.  Which Team is the Oldest in the Record List?

That honor goes to Roy Mason and Bill Decker, who teamed up for a Team Deadlift in the 75 year old age division at the 1994 Texas Deadlift Classic.

5. Which Team is the Youngest in Record List?

In 1991, the brothers Robbie and Sean McKean teamed up in the 10 year old age division and performed a 265 pound Team Deadlift.

6.  Which Team has the MOST records?

Chad and I have the most at 13 records.  Second place goes to the team of Joe McCoy and Bill Drybread with 9 records.  Third place is a tie with 8 records, with the team of Thom Van Vleck and John O’Brien and the team of Mike Murdock and Rudy Bletscher.

7.  How many different lifts have been contested as Team Lifts?

There has been 21 different lifts contested as Team Lifts.

8.  Which lift has been contested the MOST as a Team Lift?

The Team Deadlift is the most contested Team Lift.

9.  Which Team has lifted the MOST weight in any Team Lift?

That was set this year at the 2010 Team Nationals  when Chad and I lifted 1100 pounds in the 2-Man Trap Bar Deadlift, but that might not last long as I have heard the rumor that the Team Hip Lift may be contested at next year’s Team Nationals.

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