Author Archives: Al Myers

It’s time to get your National Entry in

by Al Myers

JUNE 26 & 27, 2010

The deadline is approaching fast for this year’s USAWA National Championships, hosted by our USAWA President Denny Habecker.  The deadline is May 26th.  Please help Denny prepare by getting your entry in on time.  Considerable time and energy is spent in preparing for a competition like this, and a meet director needs to know how many competitors will attend so arrangements can be done accordingly. Planning for TShirts, awards, and food requirements have to be done way ahead of the meet date, so it is very important to get that entry in on time.  I know the USAWA has in the past been pretty lenient on this, but you never know, this year may be different if entry numbers are up.  Why take that chance??  Just fill out the entry form today and send it to Denny!

Denny had these words to share about this year’s upcoming Championships, ” I am looking forward to a great meet this year. I am expecting some very good new lifters this year, in addition to the great lifters from past years, which should make this a very good and exciting meet.  I hope every member that can make it will come and help make this the best meet ever. I know a lot of lifters liked the two day format, and the cookout in my yard after the meet will be very informal and I hope enjoyed by all.”

Below are the entry forms for this year’s National Championship:
2010 USAWA Nationals – info page


Inspiration Photos

by Al Myers

An autographed photo of Steve Stanko, which is displayed in the Dino Gym, courtesy of Dale Friesz.

I have been collecting pictures for a long time – and if you have been to the Dino Gym you have seen my collection covering the gym walls. There are now over 100 photographs lining the walls of the gym! I find that these photos of lifters, some famous and some just lifters that I have great respect for, inspire me to train harder. I can’t really explain why – it’s just that when I look at these pictures during a workout and KNOW the hard work and dedication that each one of these athletes put into working out – it is INSPIRATIONAL to me. It makes me want to workout even harder! Most all of my pictures in the gym have a story behind them. I didn’t just didn’t pick them out random and throw them up on the wall for a little gym decoration!

My favorite photos are the ones that have been autographed. So far, some of my autographed pictures include great lifters such as Wilbur Miller, Norbert Schemansky, Bruce Wilhelm, Joe Dube, Bill Pearl, John Grimek and Terry Todd. I also have autographed pictures of great throwers such as Al Oerter, Al Feuerbach, John Godina, and Brian Oldfield. Among others are great athletes including Vince Young, the “best Highland Games athlete of All-Time” Bill Anderson, Jesse Marunde, and Tom Manno. I probably have some more that I didn’t mention here. I am not the only one that has this fascination with inspirational photos. Thom Van Vleck has more pictures in the JWC Training Hall than he has weightlifting plates (and he has TONS of plates). I have been in Thom’s gym several times and each time I notice a photo that I hadn’t seen before. When I attended the USAWA Club Challenge this spring hosted by the Ambridge VFW Barbell Club, I noticed the many pictures they have lining the staircase as you descended into the dungeon of iron that is known as the Ambridge VFW BBC. By just looking at their photograph display, you are motivated to lift before you even enter the gym!

This is one on the many reasons why I prefer small club gyms over commercial gyms. You very rarely see pictures on the walls of commercial gyms – instead you see promotional posters trying to sell you something. Inspirational photos give a private club gym the “personal touch” that you don’t get in a big commercial gym – and this results in a better workout!

Eastern Open Postal Meet

Results of the Eastern Open Postal Meet

by Al Myers

The month of March was the first of the USAWA’s Quad Postal Series. John Wilmot is again the Meet Director for these Postal Meets, and through his hard work, put together one of the most participated Postal Meets to date. Thirteen lifters turned in results for this competition, and several placings were very close. The lifts John chose were easy to do which I think helped in the turnout of lifters. John went to the work of sending out nice certificates to the winners, which is more than expected in a meet where you don’t have to pay an entry fee. I want to point out that you do not need a Certified USAWA Official to participate in these Postal Meets – but you do need someone to “unofficially judge” your lifts. You also must be a current USAWA member to participate. Of course, it is best to have Certified Officials judge your lifts as that is mandatory for any lifts to count as records. The USAWA allows the “One Official System” to be used for records, but IAWA (World Records) require the “Three Official System” to be used. This is specified on the results sheet so the Records Chairmen of the USAWA and the IAWA will know which lifters are eligible for records.

Congratulations to the Best Lifters and thanks to everyone who participated. Your continually support of these Postal Meets is what is needed to keep them going!


Eastern Open Postal Meet
March 1-31, 2010

Meet Director:  John Wilmot

Lifts:  Clean and Press – 2 Dumbbells, Heels Together, Continental to Belt, Deadlift – 2 Dumbbells

Officials for lifters using 3 official system:
Al Myers – Chad Ullom, Mark Mitchell, Scott Tully
Chad Ullom – Al Myers, Mark Mitchell, Scott Tully
Jesse Landes – Al Myers, Chad Ullom, Scott Tully
Scott Tully – Al Myers, Chad Ullom, Mark Mitchell
Mark Mitchell – Al Myers, Chad Ullom, Scott Tully
Joe Ciavattone Sr. – Frank Ciavattone Jr., Mike O’Brien
Frank Ciavattone Jr. – Joe Ciavattone Sr., Mike O’Brien
Mike O’Brien – Joe Ciavattone Sr., Frank Ciavattone Jr.
Joe Ciavattone Jr. – Frank Ciavattone Jr., Joe Ciavattone Sr., Mike O’Brien

Officials for lifters using 1 official system:
Kohl Hess – Denny Habecker

Lifters using an individual to judge who is not a Certified USAWA Official:
Orie Barnett
John Wilmot
Denny Habecker

Lifter Age BWT Cls DB Press
Con to Belt
Total Points
Al Myers
43 250 115 170 424 578 1172 967.18
Chad Ullom
38 235 110 170 402 490 1062 869.88
Joe Ciavattone Jr.
16 212 100 140 350 400 890 846.94
Orie Barnett
49 230 105 160 350 402 912 831.15
Joe Ciavattone Sr.
41 245 115 180 375 410 965 788.92
Mark Mitchell
49 365 125+ 210 363 424 997 779.64
Jesse Landes
30 238 110 150 308 490 948 771.29
Denny Habecker
67 184 85 110 242 275 628 752.53
Mike O’Brien
27 145 70 80 275 310 665 724.25
Scott Tully
34 352 125+ 200 308 490 998 709.48
Frank Ciavattone Jr.
55 285 125+ 60 335 410 805 694.56
John Wilmot
63 211 100 100 225 280 605 650.80
Kohl Hess
15 283 125+ 110 220 341 672 577.17

BWT is body weight in pounds. Cls is bodyweight class. Total is total pounds lifted. Points are adjusted points for bodyweight and age.


Junior – Joe Ciavattone Jr.

Senior (20-39 age) – Chad Ullom

Master (40-44 age) – Al Myers

Master (45-49 age) – Orie Barnett

Master (55-59 age) – Frank Ciavattone Jr.

Master (60-64 age) – John Wilmot

Master (65-69 age) – Denny Habecker

Master Overall – Al Myers

Overall Lifter – Al Myers

USAWA Awards Program

by Al Myers

It is exciting to be able to announce the start of the USAWA Awards Program. Discussion on the development of this Awards Program happened on the USAWA Discussion Forum, with everyone showing overwhelming support. These awards will be given out the USAWA National Meeting which occurs at the same time as the National Championships over the weekend of June 26th and 27th. Nominations must be sent to me by April 30th. The two individuals receiving the most nominations will be listed as the candidates for the awards, with voting done by May 15th by the membership. You must be a USAWA member to make a nomination or cast a vote. Only one individual may be nominated per person per award. The awards are for the year 2009. An individual may be nominated for more than one award. The award categories are as follows:

Athlete of the Year – This award is for the individual who has accomplished the most athletically within the last year in the USAWA. Top placings at the Nationals and World Championships should figure in high. Also, participation in other National Competitions such as the Heavy Event Nationals or Team Nationals could factor in, along with the Gold Cup.

Leadership Award – This is for an individual that has shown exceptional leadership qualities within the USAWA during the past year. Things that should be looked at are: going above the level expected of an Officer position, promoting sanctioned events with emphasis being on promoting National or World Competitions, promoting the USAWA by developing a strong club, writing articles for publications about the USAWA, or through other means.

Sportsmanship Award – This goes to an individual who possesses and shows great sportsmanship within the USAWA. The act of sportsmanship may be by conduct at all events, or by an specific example of exceptional sportsmanship.

Courage Award – This goes to an individual who shows the courage to overcome an obstacle in order to return to competition. This may be a comeback from an injury, or just having to deal with difficult personal issues but still shows the courage to compete in the USAWA.

Newcomer Award – This award goes to an individual who in new to the USAWA or has become involved again. It doesn’t have to go to someone in their first year of being involved in the USAWA.

All nominations are to be sent to me at by the 30th of April. I will keep the nominations confidential. The voting will end by May 15th to give me time to have the awards made. The USAWA Discussion Forum will be the place to discuss reasons why a certain candidate should be voted on, or for individuals to make the pitch why their candidate nominated should receive the award.

Interview with Scott Schmidt – Part 4

by Al Myers

Scott's best official lift in the Hip Lift is 2000 pounds.

Al: I was glad to see you recently register your club with the USAWA and help with the growth of the USAWA Club Program.  Could you tell me the history of your club?

Scott: My club, The Schmidt Bar Bell Club, was founded in March, 1967. I was 14 years old at the time, lifting with my friends in my parents garage. We registered with the AAU later to be eligible to compete with the other clubs in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Our goal was to win team trophies, and that’s what we got good at! Our toughest competitor during our early years was the famous Olympic Health Club. Old Scotty Boy had to get some good talent to beat those guys! Ultimately, our winning strategy was boiled down to prepping our guys to be in the right weight class at the right time to have the best shot at winning. With weight control knowledge learned from High School Wrestling, our young guys in the light classes often scored more team points then their big guys. And if we were good enough to win the head to head battles, we often walked away with the title. As we got older and gained weight, by now we could still put up a good fight, because we had gained experience. One of our greatest accomplishments was winning the Ohio State Teen Age Weightlifting Championships. Believe it or not, when we won in 1971, it was the last year they held that specific tournament in our State. So, 39 years later, we are still the defending Champs!!

We stayed active as a club until the early 80’s. Since The Schmidt Bar Bell Club was not competing actively as a team, I personally have represented The Westpark YMCA for Olympic Weightlifting and The Prechtel AC  for All Round events since then.

But after a conversation with Al Myers, who is doing everything he can to grow our organization, I decided to resurrect the old club name for competing again in team competition. I love to train other folks to help them reach their potential. I have coached my family members and friends to World Titles and Records over the years, and my new goal is to repeat that process under the Schmidt Bar Bell Club banner!

Scott is doing a Zercher Lift at the 2009 IAWA World Championships. At this meet Scott was the Open 120 kg Champion and the Best Master 55+.

Al: What do you think the future of the USAWA will be?  What does the organization need to do in order to grow?

Scott: The future for the USAWA looks promising. I think it’s all about telling others of our activity, and engaging them to have fun with us.

I think we are on an outstanding track of communication methods to have the best shot at growth. As in most endeavors, the best way to grow is by word of mouth. If we can all encourage others face to face in addition to our event postings, I feel we have a great chance to attract more members.

I thought of this idea the other day: As you know, the fitness industry is booming with participants. Moving weights is no longer looked down at, like when weight training was in it’s infancy. So to appeal to that audience, with the intent of drawing them into a few of our “exercises” , here’s my thought. What if we touted the prestige of becoming a “World Record Holder” to those folks who haven’t jumped on board yet?

In other words, stress the honor a new comer could achieve by setting a record in one of our over 200 events.  I’m sure there are a lot of folks out there who are good at some of the events we have. And to encourage them to try to obtain a “World Record” may just be the spark to get them to try our All Round Lifting.  The details of how, when and where we post this type of “advertising” would need to be figured out.  But it might spur some interest, in someone who trains hard at a fitness place and finally wants to test themselves against the record books.

Al: I agree!!  We have a great sport and all it takes is getting the word out. Thanks Scott for doing this interview.

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