Author Archives: Al Myers

Row Handle

By Al Myers

Scott Tully hitting some big weights with a Row Handle!

Scott Tully hitting some big weights with a Row Handle!

I’ve added the Row Handle to the USAWA Online Store, under Spec Equipment.  I do want to say that this Row Handle is not a piece of equipment that is needed for any USAWA lift.  However, it is a great training device for One Arm Rows and many other exercises. It is extremely heavy built – constructed out of 1-15/16″ solid steel shaft with elevated handles.  It is 24 inches long so it will handle loads over 200 pounds!

Instructions for Worlds

By Steve Gardner


At the Weigh in: You will be required to give your opening poundages for the lifts that day, and which hand you will be using (if a One hand lift).

Every lifter must weigh in on day one, that will determine your bodyweight class for the weekend. On day two you do not have to weigh in BUT if you don’t, you cannot claim any records on day 2 (so most people just weigh in anyway)

When you weigh in, you must strip down to your underpants to weigh, other clothing cannot be worn on the scales. Females can be weighed the same way with a female weigh master or they can weigh in wearing their lifting suit for which a half a kilo is subtracted from the body weight.

Platform Dress: Lifting suit with or without t shirt underneath – OR – a T Shirt and Shorts (T Shirts sleeves above elbow and shorts must be above the knee) Do not wear two pairs of shorts (eg. Long tight shorts under loose shorts is ONE PAIR only)

Equipment Allowed: The only substance allowed is chalk, and even then, it can ONLY to be applied to hands – a belt and wrist wraps are allowed for all lifts (Belt no wider than 4 inches) Knee Wraps/Sleeves are allowed for Front Squat only.

If you have a blood injury see the Technical Officer and seek permission to cover it with a plaster

Do not step onto the platform until the bar is loaded and your name is called

If you wish to ask Referees a question about a decision, ask quietly when off the platform, do not call out from the platform

Definitely no swearing on the platform – this can be cause for disqualification

We will all be Reffing and Loading and Catching for each other in the groups where we are not competing, so please refer to the schedule and know when you are required on duty – Thanks for your help and assistance!

Do not leave the Venue until you are sure you are not needed for Drug Testing

Referees:                                                                                                                                                                                 1 Please be in possession of your refs shirts AND  Please read through all of the lifts as a refresher before the event, for remembering the rules and causes of failure!

Basics for lifters to remember and be aware of on the lifts:

Lifts Day 1:

Front Squat: Same Rules as for the regular Back Squat, wait for the signal to squat, break parallel then come back up to stand upright and wait for the signal to Rack the bar – At this point the loader/catchers will help replace the bar in the racks

Clean & Press Behind Neck:   Same rules as for the regular strict press, place bar behind neck, wait for the press command by the centre ref, press out to arms length and hold, waiting for the down signal from the ref, bring down in front back to the platform   (remember it’s a strict press so knees remain braced, no bending) and no lowering of the bar during the ascent.

One Hand Barbell Snatch:   Nominate at weigh in which hand you are using for the snatch, approach the bar, snatch to arms length in one movement, come up to the finish position, awaiting a command from the referee ‘Down’ then replace the bar using 2 hands if you wish to the platform (snatch to arms length in one movement – no pressing out)

One Hand 2” DB Deadlift:  Rules are as for the one hand deadlift, again nominate which hand you will use at weigh in. deadlift the dumbbell so you finish with the legs braced and both ends of the dumbbell are above the knee. Wait for the Head Ref to give the command ‘Down’

Lifts: Day 2:

Power Row: The bar is placed on the platform in front of the lifter, who will grip the bar overhand with the palms facing the lifter, the width of the grip and feet placing is of the lifters choosing, but the feet must be in line with the bar. The lifters body should be bent forward at the waist, and the upper body must not straighten past 45 degrees parallel to the platform at any time during the lift. The legs may be bent during and upon completion of the lift. The bar will be lifted up to touch the abdomen or torso by bending the arms, the bar must touch the abdomen higher than the belt (or the navel) if a belt is not worn. The bar must not touch the belt and the belt must never support the bar. When the bar is held motionless and in contact with the abdomen or chest, the official will give the command to replace the bar

Continental Clean & Jerk: The rules of performance for the clean and jerk apply, except that the bar can be lifted onto the belt, then cleaned to the chest, and then jerked overhead. The jerk can be done from a position in front or behind the neck, it is the lifters choice. There is no limit to the number of attempts made to clean or jerk the bar, once it is lifted from the floor. The lift may also finish with a press out. The Referee will give the Down signal when he is satisfied the lifter is locked out and motionless.

Deadlift: The lifter will grasp the bar with both hands and raise the weight. The lifter may use a grip in which palms are opposed if so desired. The bar may be uneven during ascent, but it must finish evenly. The bar may touch the legs during ascent, but should not be rested, bounced or hitched on the legs, or lowered at any point. No substance of any kind may be applied to the legs. Footwear must be worn, Heels and toes may be raised during the lift, but the feet should not move position. The lift is completed when the legs and arms are straight, shoulders braced, with the bar motionless across the lifters thighs. On completion of the lift the referee will give the ‘Down’ signal, where the  bar should be controlled back to the lifting surface.

NE Fall Championship

By Mark Raymond




Presented by Mark Raymond and Franks Barbell Club
781-801-0947 –

Saturday, October 27th, 2018  10:00am


Frank’s Barbell Club
204 East Street
East Walpole, MA 02032


Zercher Lift

Clean and Seated Press

Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip


USAWA Membership Required to participate


9:00am-10:00am the day of the meet


Juniors, Women, Masters & Open


None but please notify Mark in advance if attending.

There will be time for record day lifts after the meet.

Spec Equipment: Trap Bar

By Al Myers

trapbarThe Trap Bar has been added to the USAWA Online Store.  The Trap Bar for sale here has elevated handles in addition to the low handles that are used in the Trap Bar Deadlift.  I only have a few in stock and once they are gone this item will be discontinued.

The Trap Bar can be found in the Online Store in the top header, under “Spec Equipment”.

Lifter of the Month – Amorkor Ollenuking

By Al Myers

Amorkor in action with the Steinborn Lift at the 2006 USAWA National Championships, in which she won Overall Best Female Lifter.

Amorkor in action with the Steinborn Lift at the 2006 USAWA National Championships, in which she won Overall Best Female Lifter.

The USAWA LIFTER OF THE MONTH for April, 2018 is Amorkor Ollenuking.  She participated and won overall best female lifter in the 2018 1st Quarter Postal Meet.  Amorkor is not a newcomer to the USAWA.  She has participated in USAWA meets dating back to the early 2000’s.  I competed many times with her in Clark’s meets several years ago.  She has always been a tremendous lifter, and it is great to see her back competing in USAWA competitions.

Congrats to Amorkor!!!

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