Author Archives: Al Myers

Improved Record List

By Al Myers

Today I updated the website with a NEW IMPROVED Record List.  The Excel File has been expanded to allow for all records to be displayed in a grid format, much like the IAWA World Record List.  I have received requests from many lifters through the past few years that said they would prefer a layout like that.  And finally, now that is the case!

This would not have happened without the work of John Strangeway, who made all of these additions for us.  Please take a little time to check out the new list – it is listed now as the INDIVIDUAL RECORD LIST to distinguish it from the prior record lists.  And please, the next time you see John, give him a big thanks!

Vernacchio RD

by Al Myers


It made me feel good to see this sanction request in the mail today.  Our USAWA President Denny Habecker is hosting a memorial meet to a great man and legend in the USAWA – the late John Vernacchio.  During the early years of the USAWA John was very involved as a lifter, coach, club founder, officer, and meet promoter in the USAWA.  He influenced many to become involved in the USAWA and was a mentor to many all rounders.  John V is one person we want to remember in our organization.  Thank you Denny for hosting a record day in his memory!


Meet Promoter: Denny Habecker

Meet Date: December 15th, 2018

Location: Habecker’s Gym, Lebanon, PA

Contact Denny if you plan to attend.


By Paul Barette

40417723_10155993708856374_217969693351215104_nImportant dates for your diary – the closing date for entries to this year’s World Championships is 22nd September.

The closing date for entries to the Gold Cup is 29th September.

These are the dates that entries and fees should have been received by the promoter. Please do not leave it to the last minute and miss out through late entry!

Updated Record List

By Al Myers

I just put up an updated Record List on the website. With the new record list, I also updated the CENTURY CLUB. Not alot of changes in the CENTURY CLUB.  The Club still stands at 4 women and 25 men – the same as before.

The Womens Century Club doesn’t leave much new to report. RJ still leads the way with 296 USAWA records.

The Mens Century Club is still lead by our Prez, Denny Habecker, with 591 USAWA Records! Denny will hit the 600 mark by next count!!!  There were a couple of changes in the rankings with Dean Ross moving up to 4th, passing John McKean. Since the last count, Dean has set an additional 42 records! That’s the most of anyone in the USAWA.  Chad Ullom moved up from 9th to a tie at 8th with the LEGEND Frank Ciavattone at 286 records. Chad was the 2nd biggest “increaser” with 26 new records. LaVerne Myers moved up from 13th to 12th, passing Scott Schmidt. Both of these two have been increasing their records pretty steady over the past few years, and have stayed within “striking distance” of each other. Bill Clark lost the most records, down 19 but still holds the 11th spot.  However, I bet it won’t be long and LaVerne and Scott will ecclipse him if Bill doesn’t get back on the platform in the USAWA.  Eric Todd made the biggest jump in ranking, going from 22nd to 20th with the addition of 11 new USAWA records.

Now for my prediction of who will be the NEXT member of the CENTURY CLUB –

……  I’m going to go with Jeff Ciavattone.  Jeff has been lifting off and on in the USAWA for over 20 years and is getting close.  He currently holds 90 records, so all its gonna take is a couple more meets for him to make it.

Longshots to get in soon – Dan Wagman and Abe Smith.  Both of these guys are over 90 records now, but it all depends of when and how often they plan to compete in the future.  I hope by me calling them “longshots” that will serve as a little motivation!

Team Championships

By Al Myers



Group picture from the 2018 USAWA Team Championships

Group picture from the 2018 USAWA Team Championships

It was another great year for the USAWA Team Championships, hosted again at the Dino Gym. This was an exciting weekend for the USAWA, with two Championship events being held. They day before the Team Champs, ET hosted the OTSM Championship.  So this created an opportunity for some lifters to take part in TWO championships on the same weekend – and several did – which included Chad Ullom, John Douglas, and Dean Ross.

For the first time in Team Championships history we had one lifter who lifted by himself. John “Big Hoss” Douglas lifted at a huge disadvantage without a partner joining him on the bar, but had an outstanding day.  John has been a great addition to the USAWA, and partakes in as many USAWA events as anyone.

Of course, last year’s Overall Champs LaVerne and Dean came ready to lift. These two match up well in size and strength and make a formidable duo lifting in the over 60 age division.  They now have won the most Best Lifter Awards for the 60 Plus at the Team Championships with 6.

Calvin and Brandon completing a 170 pound Team Middle Finger Clean and Press

Calvin and Brandon completing a 170 pound Team Middle Finger Clean and Press

A new hotshot team entered this year, made up of Calvin Heit and Brandon Rein. Both of these young guys are the same height, and weighed in less than a pound of each other (But still less than Team Douglas, the one man team!!!).  They started off super impressive with the Clean and Press with Middle Fingers, which gathered them an early lead. They almost opened too high with the Cheat Reverse Curl and had to go down to their third attempt to get their opener.  Actually, I was quite surprised they got it considering how bad they missed the previous two attempts! It was probably the most impressive lift of the day.

Chad and I have probably done more Team Lifts together than anyone in the history of the USAWA or IAWA. I would consider us veterans of this discipline.  We both know each others lifting styles, strengths, and weaknesses.  And luckily as we are getting older the same bodyparts are falling apart on both of us so we still have that going to keep us balanced.  I was most proud of us breaking the gym record in the One Arm Fulton Bar Deadlift, with a lift of 467 pounds. We had previously set the record a couple years prior, so we did break our own record but did it with a couple more years on the ole odometer.

Overall, this was one of the best ever TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS. It was a great blend of several age groups lifting against each other.  As Dean put it, he referred to Chad and I as the kids, and Calvin and Brandon as the grandkids!


2018 USAWA Team Championships
Dino Gym
Holland, KS
September 9th, 2018

Meet Director: Al Myers

Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Officials (1-Official System Used): Al Myers, LaVerne Myers

Lifts: Clean and Press – Middle Fingers, Deadlift – Fulton Bar One Arm, Curl – Cheat Reverse Grip, Deadlift – No Thumbs Overhand Grip


Al Myers (52 years, 232#) and Chad Ullom (46 years, 241#)
Calvin Heit (16 years, 154#) and Brandon Rein (23 years, 153 years)
LaVerne Myers (74 years, 236#) and Dean Ross (75 years, 248#)
John Douglas (55 years, 309#)



Al Myers

Chad Ullom

45-49 Age


150 467R 305 750 1672 1445.9

Calvin Heit

Brandon Rein

Open Age


170 317R 265 545 1297 1357.9

LaVerne Myers

Dean Ross

70-74 Age


120 317R 235 505 1177 1265.9
John Douglas

55-59 Age


90 132R 205 335 762 633.2

NOTES: All lifts recorded in pounds.  R and L designate right and left. TOT is total pounds lifts. PTS are overall corrected points adjusted for bodyweight and age.


Overall Best Team – Al Myers/Chad Ullom

Best Team Open – Calvin Heit/Brandon Rein

Best Team 40-59 – Al Myers/Chad Ullom

Best Team >60 – LaVerne Myers/Dean Ross

Best Single Guy Team – John Douglas

1 40 41 42 43 44 321