Author Archives: Al Myers

Grip Championships

By Al Myers


Group picture from the 2022 USAWA Grip Championships

Group picture from the 2022 USAWA Grip Championships

The Dino Gym hosted the USAWA Grip Championships for the 11th time this past weekend.  Usually this championship event gets a good turnout, but this year only three lifters took part.  However it was a heated contest as all participants have been past overall champions of the Grip Championships.

LaVerne Myers took the overall over fellow Dino Gym members Chad Ulllom and myself.  This makes LaVerne a FIVE TIME overall winner of the Grip Championships making him the most overall winner of all past Grip Championships.

I really want to thank Dave Glasgow for coming to the Dino Gym to officiate, which allowed me to compete in the meet.

Meet Results:

USAWA Grip Championships
February 19th, 2022
Dino Gym
Holland, KS

Meet Director: LaVerne Myers

Meet Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Official (1-official system used): Dave Glasgow

Lifts: Dumbbell Walk, Deadlift – 2 Inch Dumbbells, Deadlift – No Thumbs One Arm, Deadlift – Index Fingers


Lifter Age BWT Walk Inch DLNT Index TOT PTS
LaVerne Myers 77 218 113* 240* 171L* 143* 667 851.7
Al Myers 55 230 113* 260* 204R* 198* 775 744.8
Chad Ullom 50 233 93* 260* 193R* 220* 766 699.5

Notes: BWT is bodyweight in pounds. All lifts recorded in pounds. R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight. National records within the meet are denoted with an asterisk (*).


Officials (3-official system used): LaVerne Myers, Al Myers, Chad Ullom

LaVerne Myers – Age 77 years, BWT 222 pounds
Finger Lift – Left Little: 58#
Finger Lift – Right Little: 58#
Finger Lift – Left Thumb: 58#
Finger Lift – Right Thumb: 58#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left Arm: 160#

Al Myers – Age 55 years, BWT 229 pounds
Finger Lift – Right Little: 88#
Finger Lift – Right Ring: 118#
Finger Lift – Right Index: 128#
Finger Lift – Right Middle: 143#
Finger Lift – Right Thumb: 83#

Chad Ullom – Age 50 years, BWT 235 pounds
Deadlift – Stiff Legged: 364#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip: 402#
Finger Lift – Left Ring: 118#
Finger Lift – Left Index: 118#

Year in Review

By Al Myers

The Year in Review is in memory of the great all rounder Wilbur Miller.

The Year in Review is in memory of the great all rounder Wilbur Miller.

I have finished the 2020-2021 Year in Review and it is available for download on the website.  The Year in Review contains all the website information (blogs, meet results, announcements, etc) from the previous year.  Usually I do one review for each year, but due to our “Covid Year” I have combined the review into 2 years this time.  I might be ole fashioned but I still like to preserve history in paper format!

Dino Gym Challenge

By Al Myers


Dino Gym Challenge
“Art Montini Tribute”

Group picture from the 2022 Dino Gym Challenge

Group picture from the 2022 Dino Gym Challenge

The Dino Gym Challenge this year focused on a tribute to the late great lifter of the USAWA Art Montini.  Art was a friend to all lifters.  I picked lifts for the meet that Art really liked.  It gave quite a variety to this meet, which is the way Art would have liked it.

We had four lifters this year which is a little down, but with the bad weather “blowing in” I was glad to see a turnout.   Veteran Chad Ullom put on quite a show and easily won the overall crown.   His big middle fingers deadlift of 325 pounds and one arm deadlift of 400 pounds were impressive. LaVerne Myers made his comeback after his recent carpal tunnel surgeries on both arms, and lifted exceptionally.  Brandon Rein put in a solid performance for third overall, with the longtime Dino Gym member Dean Ross getting fourth.

After the meet we had a special lifting contest in the Arthur Lift to honor Art’s legacy.  Brandon is the only one of us still flexible enough to do this lift, and he did a fine 100 pound Arthur Lift to finish off the day.  I presented him and Chad each a tshirt from past Art’s Birthday Bash meets, which is now a collector’s item.

I especially want to thank Dave Glasgow and Clint Poore for helping me officiate throughout the day.

Clint Poore setting a new USAWA record in the Bench Press Feet in the Air!

Clint Poore setting a new USAWA record in the Bench Press Feet in the Air!

The following day we had a record day.   Clint made the long trip from Kentucky to put up some new USAWA records in the Dino Gym, and that HE DID!  I was super impressed with his big bench presses.   He even got introduced to the Foot Press, which seemed to excite him just a little bit (watch his video!)

I want to thank everyone for attending as it was another great day to remember in the Dino Gym.

Meet Details:

Dino Gym Challenge
Dino Gym
Abilene, KS
January 15-16th, 2022

Meet Director: Al Myers

Meet Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Meet Officials (3-officials system used): Al Myers, Dave Glasgow, Clint Poore

Lifts: Teeth Lift, Deadlift -Fingers-Middle, Deadlift – One Arm, Hip Lift


LIFTER AGE Age Division BWT Weight Class Teeth DLMF DL1 Hip TOT PTS
Chad Ullom 50 50 230 105  — 325* 400R* 1320 2045 1879.7
LaVerne Myers 77 75 222 105  — 130* 180R 500 810 1025.5
Brandon Rein 26 Senior 153 70  — 155 180R 600 935 982.7
Dean Ross 79 75 189 90  39* 105* 115L* 400 659 936.1

Brandon Rein – 100 poundsArthur Lift for Record:

Notes:  All lifts recorded in pounds.  BWT is bodyweight in pounds. R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight. National records are denoted with an asterisk for the competition.

Record Day Lifts  (3 official system used):
Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, Chad Ullom, Clint Poore

Clint Poore – 48 years old, 246# BWT
Bench Press – Feet on Floor: 410 lbs/186KG
Bench Press – Feet in Air: 410 lbs/186KG
Hackenschmidt Floor Press: 424 lbs.
Reg Park Bench Press: 210 lbs.
Foot Press: 1213 lbs.

Chad Ullom – 50 years old, 231# BWT
Deadlift – Index Fingers: 209 lbs.
Piper Squat: 140 lbs.
Curl- Cheat, DB, Left Arm: 105 lbs.
Curl – Cheat, DB, Right Arm: 105 lbs.
Foot Press: 1213 lbs.

Al Myers – 55 years old, 231# BWT
Deadlift – Inch DB, Left Hand: 135 lbs.
Deadlift – Inch DB, Right Hand: 135 lbs.
Deadlift – Index Fingers: 199 lbs.
Pinch Grip Deadlift – Right Hand: 165 lbs.
Pinch Grip Deadlift – Left Hand: 165 lbs.

LaVerne Myers – 77 years old, 224# BWT
Deadlift – Inch DB, Left Hand: 135 lbs.
Deadlift – Inch DB, Right Hand: 135 lbs.
Deadlift – Index Fingers: 95 lbs.
Deadlift – Fulton DB, Left Arm: 165 lbs.
Deadlift – No Thumbs, Right Arm: 164 lbs

Lifting a Giant’s Stone

By Al Myers

The rugged coastline of the Giant's Causeway.

The rugged coastline of the Giant’s Causeway.

I know I keep carrying on about the great time I had in Belfast for the Gold Cup, but I have another story I would like to share with everyone.  First of all, Stevie had invited me to stay with him so I got to “live like a local” for a week.  Stevie and Heather (along with their great dog Hamish) treated me to a week I’ll never forget. They were extremely gracious hosts.  Stevie knew all the best pubs in town and we had a fun time, but those stories are more suited for private conversations – not a public blog.

A few days after the meet Stevie took Brandon and me to the Giant’s Causeway located at the northern point of Northern Ireland.  It’s a place I’ve always wanted to see because of its unique large rock formations.  We enjoyed a great scenic tour getting there which really set the stage for seeing the causeway. We were fortunate to have a nice day with clear skies for our visit (which is a RARITY in Northern Ireland).  On the way as we were driving along the coast Brandon asked “What is that land?” as we looked across the northern channel looking at a large land mass on the horizon.  Stevie replied, “that’s Scotland”, which left both of us amazed how close Northern Ireland is to Scotland!

Once we reached the Giant’s Causeway we had a little hike before actually getting to see this marvel of nature.  You’ve heard the expression “pictures don’t do it justice”, well, the Giant’s Causeway should be the example of that!  I’ve never seen such a large expanse of strange hexagonal stones stacked up in what seems like perfect symmetry.  Parts of it look like its man-made – but you know it’s not.  It all natural made from volcanic activity in some strange manner that I can’t explain.

This story of the Giant’s Causeway isn’t complete without the legend on how it came to be.  Stevie filled us in on this folk tale and it seemed a little unbelievable to me, but then again there’s leprechauns in Ireland so who am I to question it.    I’ll give a quick summary here.  Apparently at some past point in time there was an Irish giant living in the area who had a rival giant who lived across the channel in Scotland and they would hurl insults at each other across the water.  Finally things got personal to the Irish giant and he decided it was time to “face off” and fight the Scottish giant so he built this huge bridge out of stones (the remnants which are now the causeway) between Northern Ireland and Scotland.  However once reaching Scotland he snuck up on the Scottish giant and saw that he was MUCH bigger and stronger than himself, so he fled back to Ireland in fear. The Scottish giant seen him flee and then gave pursuit chasing the Irish giant across the bridge. Upon reaching home, the Irish giant ran into his house and told his wife what was about to happen – that he’s no match for the strength of the Scottish giant and he was on his way to beat him up.  His wife then took matters into her hands, wrapped the Irish giant in a blanket, laid him in the bed, and told him not to speak.  When the Scottish giant reached their house and asked where the Irish giant was, the wife told him that he was out hunting and it was just her there with their small child. The Scottish giant immediately noticed the large size of the Irish giant’s child (which was the Irish Giant!) and thought that this kid’s dad must be huge!  The nice wife then made the Scottish giant some biscuits but she secretly hid an Iron bar in them.  As the Scottish giant bit into the biscuit it chipped a tooth!  The wife profusely apologized and said that never happens to her husband when he eats her biscuits as he has super strong teeth!  Now the Scottish giant was feeling that he may have taken on a fight he couldn’t win, so he flees back to Scotland tearing down the bridge as he goes so the Irish giant couldn’t pursue him, leaving only the Giant’s Causeway on the Northern Ireland coast.

Now that’s a good story!  I still don’t get the moral of it though.  I assume it is that a wife can be quite convincing in telling a lie, or possibly you better not complain about your wife’s cooking or you will get an iron bar in your biscuit.  Either way, it does make a good point about a wife cleaning up a mess her husband got himself into……… but I’m getting off track here so back to the real story.

Lifting a Giant's Stone on the Giant's Causeway

Lifting a Giant’s Stone on the Giant’s Causeway

As we walked along the causeway I was amused watching Stevie pick up stone after stone as we walked along the rocks.  He was like a little boy in a candy shop finding perfect stone after perfect stone.  There were lots of tourists there and I noticed them watching Stevie with intrigue as he was rassling around with the stones.  I’ll say it – he did look a bit like a crazy man showing his extreme enthusiasm playing with those rocks.   Upon leaving we came upon a big stone just sitting right by the path leading down to the causeway.  Stevie and I looked at it as it had called our name and our instincts of being stone lifters and all round weightlifters took over and we just had to lift it!  The beauty of lifting stones is like catching fish – the story only get bigger after the fact.  Stevie estimated the stone to be well over 300 pounds, but both of us knew deep down it wasn’t really that heavy.  But that doesn’t really matter anyways, as it still gave me a great sense of accomplishment lifting a Giant’s Stone, which hopefully as the story grows it will become I lifted a Giant Stone!!!

Enjoying a Bushmills in Bushmills!

Enjoying a Bushmills in Bushmills!

After the long day, Stevie took us to a nice little pub in Bushmills which is located only a few miles from the Giant’s Causeway.  Brandon and I had a couple of drinks to celebrate a day we wouldn’t forget!

(BTW – I did leave the stone right where I found it. It’s located by the path just as you descend down to the causeway.  You can’t miss it.)

Grip Championships

By Al Myers



The USAWA Grip Championships will be here soon.  This has become an annual event in the USAWA over the past 10 years, and is one of the signature championship events of our organization.

LaVerne is the meet director and he has picked a fine selection of official USAWA grip lifts for the competition.  Make sure to put the Grip Championships on your calendar, and I hope to see you there!


Meet Director:            LaVerne Myers  785-479-2285

Meet Date:                 Saturday, February 19th, 2022  1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location:                    Dino Gym, 1126 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410

Sanction:                    USAWA  – Membership required

Weigh-ins:                  12:00-1:00 PM the day of the meet

Divisions:                   Juniors, Women, Masters, and Open

Awards:                     None

Entry:                        None – But please give advance notification if attending


Dumbbell Walk

Deadlift – Inch Dumbbells

Deadlift – One Arm, No Thumb

Deadlift – Fingers, Index

There will be time for record day lifts after meet and the following day.

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