Author Archives: Al Myers

Minutes from 2017 IAWA AGM

Minutes from the 2017 IAWA General Meeting

By Al Myers, IAWA President

The 2017 Annual IAWA General Meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM, on September 29th at the Belmont Sports Club in Perth, Australia by IAWA President Al Myers. Roll call was taken and these members were in attendance: Al Myers, Peter Phillips, John Mahon, Denny Habecker, Anne Whitehead, Sam Trew, Justine Martin, and Sharni Clifford.  After the roll was taken, a few moments of silence were observed for the late George Dick.  Minutes were read by Al Myers from the 2016 meeting, since General Secretary Frank Allen was not in attendance.  John moved to accept the minutes, a second was made by Sharni, and it passed unanimously.  Reports from the IAWA Vice Presidents were next.  USAWA VP Denny Habecker said there was nothing new to report from the USAWA.  A report from the IAWA-UK VP Steve Gardner was given on his behalf by Al Myers.  In his report Steve stated he wanted to stay on as a IAWA-UK VP and that events in the UK are going strong. The ARWLWA Vice Presidents Robin Lukosius and Peter Phillips gave their reports next. They talked about the expansion of All Round Weightlifting in Australia, which included a new club from Melbourne and hosting of the Australian Championships in Bunbury. They also mentioned successfully getting sponsorship from the City of Belmont for the World Championships. Peter moved to accept the Vice Presidents reports, with a second by John, and it passed unanimously. A report on the 2017 IAWA World Postal Championships by promoter Al Myers was presented next. It was reported that 45 lifters participated in the World Postal, with lifters from the USAWA, IAWA-UK, and the ARWLWA participating. As been the tradition, the first day lifts of the World Championships were contested. Recognition was given to the overall club champion – the Western Australia Club. Peter moved to accept the report, with a second by Robin, and it passed unanimously.  A report on the upcoming 2017 Gold Cup was given by Al Myers since the promoters Matt Finkle and Andy Tomlin were not in attendance.  Andy had forwarded a report which stated that the plans for the 2017 Gold Cup were on track for November 4th  in Glasgow Scotland, and entries were coming in.  John moved to accept the report, with a second by Sam, and it passed unanimously. The IAWA Technical Committee report was next on the agenda, but Chairman Dennis Mitchell was not in attendance so no report was given. A discussion ensued with the technical committee members in attendance (Al Myers, Denny Habecker, and Peter Phillips) commenting that they had not heard of any new news from Dennis regarding any new technical issues to discuss.  Al stated the current members of the technical committee – Dennis Mitchell, Denny Habecker, Al Myers, Steve Gardner, Steve Sherwood, and Peter Phillips.  Peter suggested that we formulate a current email address list for all committee members so better communication may be done in the future. This was agreed upon by consensus. A report on the 2018 IAWA World Championships and 2018 Gold Cup was given next by Al Myers.  This report was sent by IAWA-UK Vice President Paul Barette.  The 2018 Worlds will be promoted by Mark Haydock on October 6-7th, 2018 in England, with a venue to be named at a later date.  The proposed lifts for day one include: Front Squat, Clean and Press behind Neck, One Hand Barbell Snatch, and the One Hand 2” Dumbbell Deadlift.  The proposed lifts for day 2 include: Power Row, Continental Clean and Jerk, and the Deadlift.  The 2018 Gold Cup will be promoted by Frank Allen in Leicester England on October 13th.  It was planned to be the following weekend after the World Championships to encourage overseas competitors to make both events. Discussion following the report centered on the lifts selected for Worlds.   Al Myers stated that these proposed lifts should be evaluated by the Technical Committee before they became official, as this should be a responsibility of the Tech Committee.  Denny moved to accept the report, with a second by John, and it passed unanimously.  There was no Old Business.  New Business was the next agenda item.  John Mahon brought up the interest in the Old Time Strongman in Australia, and how he would like to see a IAWA World Championships for it. Discussion ensued how this would be possible with the current IAWA competitions (Worlds and the Gold Cup), and how it could be done without taking anything away from those competitions. John moved that IAWA host a World Championships for the Old Time Strongman for 2018 in a postal format that would include all lifters from their organization performing the lifts on the same day at a set venue place for all countries involved.  Denny gave a second, and it passed with unanimous vote.  The ad hoc committee of John Mahon and Al Myers will make the plans for the 2018 IAWA Old Time Strongman World Championships.  More new business discussion included more discussion about the technical committee. Al Myers commented that he would like to see equal group representation on the Technical Committee and would like to see another person from Australia added to the Technical Committee.  Al explained that having a technical committee of 7 would be better than 6 for voting purposes, as matters are decided by majority vote. John Mahon agreed he would take the position, and a vote was taken and it passed unanimously.   There was no further New Business.   Next up on the agenda was accepting bids for the 2019 IAWA World Championships and the 2019 IAWA Gold Cup.  Al Myers submitted a bid for the World Championships to be held in Abilene, USA for the first weekend of October.   John Mahon submitted a bid for the 2019 Gold Cup to be held in Perth, Australia the first weekend of November.  There were no other bids.  Peter moved to accept the bids, with a second by Denny, and it passed with unanimous vote.  At this point a few words from the World Championships meet promoter John Mahon was given which included details of the weekend’s competition.  John then moved we adjourn the meeting. A second was given by Sam, and a unanimous vote was taken.   The meeting ended at 8:30 PM.

World Championships

By John Mahon, World Championships Meet Promoter



Well the dust has settled, lifters have returned home from another fantastic IAWA World Championships. Like every other Worlds so much work goes into organising the meet and the meet itself is done and dusted in the blink of an eye. This year ARWLWA was fortunate to obtain a grant from the local council and was donated a new platform from Bunnings warehouse in belmont. So would like to start this off with saying thank you to the City of Belmont and Bunnings warehouse for your generous support.

We started this World Championships with a moments silence to pay tribute to a wonderful IAWA lifter and friend George Dick. He will be truly missed by the All-Round weightlifting family. We had a great range of lifters this year who were all very competitive. Al Myers and Denny Habecker made the long journey from the USA and they both put on a great display of lifting.

Big Al Myers of the USA

Big Al Myers of the USA

Big Al Myers shoulders may have hindered him a bit through the bench and overhead press but he came back displayed pure deadlift power in the one hand hack and straddle deadlift.

Two new lifters from Australia’s newest club in Victoria made the trip across the country and put in some solid lifting performances. Catherine Dorrestyn and Douglas De Prada are two lifters to keep an eye on in the future. Catherine made up apart of a very competitive female division that had the leaders chopping and changing throughout the meet. Miriam Phillips claimed the Womens Open class title with an impressive display of power while Monica Cook took out the Womens Masters class and was the best overall female lifter.

Sharni Clifford and Mel Parkes-Urls did a wonderful job in at the scoring table. Their work made Al’s and my work much easier over the championships.

The Scoring table hard at work

The Scoring table hard at work

The Mens divisions were also a tightly fought battle with Peter Phillips putting in another one of his trademark tough performances. Javen Waller returned to the All-round platform and blew everyone away with his, rather unique, straddle deadlift technique and strength. Steven Charles hard training work had paid off as he was rewarded with the Mens Open title. Bill Kappel once again proved to be the unstoppable force that his is with a champion performance to claim the Mens Masters and Overall title. Bill is one the strongest pound for pound lifters I’ve ever seen and at the age of 72 he is still blitzing his much younger competitors.

Overall Champion Bill Kappel

Overall Champion Bill Kappel

Peter Phillips with his One Hand Hack Lift

Peter Phillips with his One Hand Hack Lift

Best female lifter Monica Cook

Best female lifter Monica Cook

Picture from the Banquet

Picture from the Banquet

I like to thank all of those who were involved in this World Championships. A lot of work was done behind the scenes to make this happen and all lifters, supported, loaders and officials made this a wonderful event the promote.


2017 IAWA World Championships
Belmont Sports Club
September 30th-October 1st, 2017
Perth, Australia

Meet Promoter: John Mahon

Meet Announcers: Al Myers and John Mahon

Meet Scorekeepers: Sharni Clifford and Mel Parkes-Urls

Meet Photographers: Robin Lukosius & Russ Cook

Meet Caterers: Sharni Clifford & Anne Whitehead

Meet Officials (3-official system used): Peter Phillips, John Patterson, Justine Martin, Julia Phillips, Robin Lukosius, Sam Trew, Denny Habecker, Miriam Phillips, Tom Davies

Loaders: Alex Biasin, Sam Trew, Robin Lukosius, Mirriam Phillips, Craig Biggs and others

Lifts DAY 1:  Cheat Curl, One Hand Dumbbell Snatch, One Hand Vertical Bar with 2″ Bar, Bench Press Feet in Air
Lifts DAY 2: Clean and Press 2″ Bar, One Hand Hack Lift, Straddle Deadlift 2″ Bar


Lifter Age BWT Curl Sn1 VB1 BP C&P Hack Strad TOT PTS
Monica Cook 53 67.7 35 23R 40R 82.5  40 60R 110 390.5 475.8
Miriam Phillips 35 121.0 60 40R 65R 75 52.5 80R 135 507.5 390.1
Catherine Dorrestyn 46 83.5 47.5 25R 52.5R 60 42.5 55R 100 382.5 383.7
Mel ParkesUrlus 39 91.2 35 22.5R 40R 65 45 45R 135 387.5 345.3
Sharni Clifford 29 91.6 40 22.5R 50R 47.5 40 55L 100 355 315.5

Catherine Dorrestyn: Cheat Curl 50
Monica Cook: 1H Dumbbell Snatch 25R
Monica Cook: 1H 2″ Vertical Bar 45R
Sharni Clifford: 1H 2″ Vertical Bar 55R
Miriam Phillips: 1H 2″ Vertical Bar 70R
Monica Cook: 2H Clean and Press 2″ Bar 45
Catherine Dorrestyn: 2H Clean and Press 2″ Bar 46
Catherine Dorrestyn: 1H Hack Lift 57.5R
Sharni Clifford: 1H Hack Lift 57.5L
Miriam Phillips: 1H Hack Lift 85R
Monica Cook: Straddle Deadlift 2″ Bar 120
Catherine Dorrestyn: Straddle Deadlift 2″ Bar 105
Miriam Phillips: Straddle Deadlift 2″ Bar 145


Lifter Age BWT Curl Sn1 VB1 BP C&P Hack Strad TOT PTS
Bill Kappel 72 71.4 55 35R 65L 85 65 90R 145 540 740.9
Al Myers 51 101.2 80 50R 85R 120 55 130R 210 730 688.1
Peter Phillips 63 98.2 62.5 40R 77.5R 112.5 60 87.5R 170 610 647.2
Javan Waller 46 114.7 85 55L 70L 95 70 120L 220 715 603.7
Alex Biasin  49 123.8 80 44R 72.5R 140 85 90R 170 681.5 569.5
Denny Habecker  75  87.1 50 22.5R 45R 82.5 55 80R 110 445 553.4
Steven Charles  36  86.5 60 40R 72.5L 75 60 95L 170 572.5 525.6
Tom Davies  74 76.3 45 20R 60R 60 46 60R 100 391 522.2
John Mahon 34 121.1 80 42.5R 70R 135 93 90R 167.5 678 520.8
Sam Trew 34 126.7 75 51L 85R 105 70 100L 185 671 504.1
Robin Lukosius 63 99.5 65 30R 65R 70 45 80R 120 475 500.5
Douglas dePrada 24 113.1 90 50R 67.5L 112.5 70 70R 140 600 476.8
Russ Cook 55 76.2 40 27.5L 55L 62.5 40 67.5L 100 392.5 451.0

Denny Habecker: 1H Dumbbell Snatch 26R
Tom Davies: 1H 2″ Vertical Bar Lift 63R
Denny Habecker: 1H 2″ Vertical Bar Lift 50R
Russ Cook: 1H Hack Lift 80L
Russ Cook: Straddle Deadlift with 2″ Bar 102.5
John Mahon: 2H Clean and Press 2″ Bar 97.5
Alex Biasin: Straddle Deadlift 2″ Bar 185
Sam Trew: Straddle Deadlift 2″ Bar 195

Notes: All lifts recorded in kilograms. BWT is bodyweight in kilograms.  R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total kilograms lifted.  PTS are overall points adjusted for age and BWT corrections.  Robin Lukosius and Douglas de Prada did not weigh in on day 2.  Steven Charles was in the 85 KG class on day 2, and all other lifters weighed in in the same class on day 2.


Bill Kappel Overall Best Mens Lifter and Best Master Lifter
Monica Cook Overall Best Womens Lifter and Best Master Lifter
Steven Charles Best Overall Mens Senior Lifter
Miriam Phillips Best Overall Womens Senior Lifter


Lift at Lou’s

By Lou Tortorelli

Group - Lift at Lou'sThe Lift at Lou’s meet held at my Lou’s Physical Culture Studio Garage Gym was a most enjoyable and memorable experience!  Our two lifters, Aiden Habecker and Brooke Tortorelli, both did an outstanding job with their chosen lifts and setting records in their weight classes and age divisions.   In the group shot, you’ll find left to right myself, my daughter and competitor Brooke, My dad John (who is a NJ state record holder in the 80-84 division in WNPF powerlifting), our other competitor Aiden, and his granddad and our USAWA President Denny Habecker.  The top lifts of the day – Aiden’s 175 lb. Deadlift using an Overhand Thumbless Grip; Brooke’s 170 lb. Deadlift; Aiden’s Dumbell Snatch with the Right Hand with 47 1/2 lbs.; and Brooke’s 50 lb. Push Press from the Rack.    Both lifters received a fun t-shirt and some lifting related reading material as their prize for their great achievements.  I would like to thank most of all USAWA President Denny Habecker for making the trip to Howell New Jersey to be our official judge for this event and having his grandson Aiden participate.  It was a great pleasure for my family and I to meet these great folks and share our common interest in the iron game.


Lift at Lou’s
Lou’s Physical Culture Studio Garage Gym
Howell, New Jersey
September 23rd, 2017

Meet Promoter: Lou Tortorelli

Meet Official (1-official system used): Denny Habecker

Lifts: Record Day

Aidan Habecker – Male 14 years old, 70 KG class
Deadlift – No Thumbs, Overhand Grip 175 lbs
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Hand 47.5 lbs

Brooke Tortorelli – Female 15 Years old, 55 KG Class
Deadlift – 12″ Base 170 lbs.
Push Press – From Rack 50 lbs.


By Al Myers

(Webmasters Note: Over the next month I will be running a series of biography blogs covering all past USAWA Hall of Fame members.  These bios will be added to the history section, under Hall of Fame.)





Frank Ciavattone lives in Walpole, Massachusetts. He is a self-employed Excavator Contractor two-thirds of the season and a Heavy Snow Remover the remaining time. He started to lift weights after he received a 75lb. weight set for Christmas in 1966. Frank’s uncle Ralph was a bodybuilder in the early 1950’s who placed 5th in the 1951 Mr. Boston Contest. Frank’s dad was a Marine during the Korean War and was a Power Shovel operator (steam shovel). These two men were Frank’s early inspiration to take up weight training.

Frank trained for many years (1971 to 1988) with his coach Joe Mills of The Central Falls Weightlifting Club in Central Falls, Rhode Island. Frank started out doing some Olympic lifting but soon found out that he had tremendous potential with All-Round Weightlifting. It was at this time that he got help from Bill Clark, John Vernacchio, and Howard Prechtel – all of which were very accomplished and experienced All-Round Weightlifters. Frank was a charter member of the USAWA, and competed in the organization from the start. Frank is a very sincere and honest person who always gives thanks to those who help him. He commented, ” John & Howard gave me endless phone time on educating me how to do a lot of the lifts before upcoming contests. I can not leave without mentioning Frank Gancarz and Ed Jubinville (both deceased) who played a big part in making me feel Allround lifting was just as important as life itself! To these MEN I truly admire and respect and I thank them from the bottom of my HEART! ”

Frank was also involved in meet promotions. He was the Meet Director for several National Championships (1996, 1998 and 2016) and World Championships (1993, 2000, and 2014) in both All-Round Weightlifting and The Heavy Lifts. His most memorable All-Round meet was definitely the 1st one in 1993, in his home town of Norwood/Walpole, Massachusetts. Frank had his family, friends, the towns people, and lifters from other countries all together in one meet. Frank said, “With that combination it was a week of comradeship, competitiveness, and support. The rest was a true celebration of what this sport is by bringing a half dozen countries together as human beings. This is a time I will always cherish in my heart.” One of his most cherish meet wins was winning the Outstanding Lifter Title at the 2005 World Heavy Lift Championships in front of his home town Norwood/Walpole. Regarding this, Frank said, “I was in the 275lb. class. I gave the award to my daughter Domenique. That was a Hallmark moment for me.”

Frank has lifted overseas in 6 World Championships and 1 Millennium Gold Cup for a total of 7 trips. When in Scotland at the 1995 IAWA World Championships Frank achieved something no other American had ever done previously. This story is best told in his own words, “The Dinnie Stones story got started by Willie Wright and his team wanting me to go north and give them a try! They offered to take time off from work and take me. For this I said yes and would give it my best shot. Well after lifting in 2 day competition with 10 lifts at the 1996 World Championships, and the 9th lift being a 507lb. right hand- 1 arm deadlift, I was beat. After the meet we all got ready for the banquet, which anyone who’s ever lifted in Scotland know their banquets are right up there with the best of them. Well around midnight Willie informed me that the mini-bus was leaving at 5 a.m. sharp, tomorrow morning with about a 4 or 5 hour drive. The next day everything goes on schedule and we arrive there with a full mini-bus. I never saw the stones in person before but have to say I was overwhelmed at them. They were both chained to the wall, and it was drizzling out. Everything had a film of water over it, and the marble size piece of chalk I brought was disintegrated. So I found an area not so wet and dug my hands through the dirt to dry them up and it helped. At this point I picked up the little stone right and left, then I did the same to the big stone. Well now I thought I did it. They all yelled NO – do the 2 stones together. Since they were chained to the wall I decided to keep my 2 feet together since the stones were close to the wall. It was hard for me to straddle them and definitely too tight to have one on each side. So finally on my 1st. attempt I reached down and slowly stood up, and stood there while Willie Wright gave his down signal. I was in another world as I felt like I could not put them down. I got an IAWA World record certificate and the honors of being the 1st. US citizen to lift up the stones without straps or other assistance. Also to be one of few to lift them feet together. I am not sure who the others are. The truth to all this is I lifted them fatigued, never seen them before, and never trained to lift them. No excuses – just got of the bus and within 5 minutes lifted both of the ground. I did it my way!!!!!!”


Franks favorite lifts are the three Ciavattone lifts, the One Arm Deadlift and the Neck Lift. He also excelled at these lift and set many USAWA records in them. His records are One Arm Hack Lift -right hand 402 1/5 pounds, One Arm Deadlift – right hand 562 1/5 pounds, One Arm Ciavattone Lift – right hand 331 pounds, Neck Lift 808 pounds, Hand and Thigh 1610 pounds, and a Hip Lift of 2515 pounds. Frank has won 15 IAWA World Championships, 14 USAWA National Championships, 3 Heavy Lift World Championships, and 5 USAWA Heavy Lift National Championships. Frank was the Overall Best Master lifter at the 1998 National Championships. He has placed in the top 10 Overall at 9 National Championships.

There is more to Frank than just being one of the best All-Round Weightlifters of All-Time. He is a man of integrity and outstanding character. He always is willing to help those who need it, and is the perfect role model for the young generation of lifters. When asked what advice he would have for a new lifer, this is what Frank said, “Stay away from any artificial way of getting ahead. Hard, hard, hard work is what got me to do the best I could without jeopardizing my number one thing in my life, FAMILY. Keep your priorities in the right order. This formula keeps everyone happy and supportive.” I would say this sums up Frank Ciavattone.

Frank is a true Pioneer in the Sport of All-Round Weightlifting. He is the ultimate sportsman by demonstrating that a big man can be very strong without the use of drugs, showing that strength comes from within, and displays the unselfish attitude of always helping out his fellow competitors.


By Al Myers

(Webmasters Note: Over the next month I will be running a series of biography blogs covering all past USAWA Hall of Fame members.  These bios will be added to the history section, under Hall of Fame.)





Jim Malloy was born July 7th, 1941 and currently lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Following High School graduation, Jim went to work in a steel mill where he has worked for over 47 years. He has been married to his wife, Sandy, for over 45 years. They have one daughter, Tracey, who now lives in Texas. Jim started out with Olympic Weightlifting in 1968, and then got involved with the USAWA in April of 1990 after being introduced to all-round weightlifting by Bob Karhan. Jim spends most of his training time lifting in his garage. When asked if there were any lifters that inspired him in all-round weightlifting, Jim named two great lifters – Howard Prechtel and Art Montini. Jim worked out with Howard quite often, and often helped Howard in the promotion of several competitions, which included a National Championship, a World Championship and several Gold Cups. Jim is a true all-rounder with his lifting and has set USAWA records in many lifts that are very different from each other. Jim has done a 400# Front squat, a 400# one handed Deadlift, a Continental to Chest and Jerk of 300#, and a 420# Zercher Lift. I should also mention that these were all done after the age of 50!!!! Jim has set over 100 USAWA records and has lifted in close to 100 competitions. Among his greatest accomplishments in the USAWA was winning overall Best Lifter at the National Championships in 1997. He was the Master’s Best Lifter in 1994 and 1997 at the National Championships. He has also won many Championships in his age and weight class. Another thing that is very impressive is Jim has placed in the Top Ten Overall in 12 National Championships!!!! He has also placed in the top six in 4 IAWA World Championships, with his best placing being 3rd Overall in 1995. When asked what he likes about the USAWA, Jim replied, ” I have lifted in several other weightlifting organizations, but nothing compares to the people I have met in the USAWA.” Jim is a great Champion and role model in the sport of All-Round Weightlifting.


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