Author Archives: Al Myers

Gold Cup

By Al Myers, IAWA President

The 2021 IAWA Gold Cup has been scheduled!

Co-meet promoters Steve Gardner and Stevie Shanks have decided that they will “go forth” with the Gold Cup, knowing that many lifters will be limited with travel restrictions.  I’m not sure what it will take to get to Belfast, Ireland from the US at the first of November.  Lots can happen by that time with new regulations due to the COVID infection rates.

I’m glad to see that the Gold Cup is going to happen though (just as with Worlds) because I hate to see two years in a row these BIG IAWA competitions being cancelled.  I know both will be limited to “domestic” lifters only, but that’s still better than being cancelled.  Call it a “rebuilding year” for IAWA – with the hope that 2022 can be back to full strength for IAWA.

I’m going to explore options of attending.  If anyone in the USAWA is wanting to go please let me know.  Below are the information sheets and entry forms:




Team Championships

By Al Myers



Al & Chad at the 2021 USAWA Team Championships.

Al & Chad at the 2021 USAWA Team Championships.

The Team Championships had a pretty small attendance this year – just one team!  Fellow Dino Gym member Chad Ullom joined up with me in completing the lifts for the Team Championships.  The other 2-Man team from the Dino Gym (LaVerne Myers and Dean Ross) was sidelined because of LaVerne’s recent carpal tunnel surgery so the two of them took charge of running the meet.  LaVerne did the officiating and Dean did the score keeping.  I could tell they were disappointed they couldn’t be competing, but all of us still had a good time telling stories and giving each other a “hard time”.  I’m pretty sure next to Chad and myself, LaVerne and Dean have competed together in the Team Champs more than anyone else.


2021 Team Championships
Dino Gym, Holland, KS
September 12th, 2021

Meet Director: Al Myers

Official (1-official system used): LaVerne Myers

Scorekeeper: Dean Ross

Lifts: Team Rectangular Fix, Team Deadlift – No Thumbs, One Arm, Team Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Fulton Bar

1. Al Myers (55 years, 231# BWT) and Chad Ullom (49 years, 231# BWT)
Division: 45-49 Age Group, 105KG Weight Class

Team Rectangular Fix: 176#
Team Deadlift No Thumbs, Right Arm: 452#
Team Deadlift Ciavattone Grip Fulton Bar: 595#


By Al Myers

This will be my last blog as webmaster for the USAWA.  Now I may write more blogs for the USAWA, but only after the new webmaster ET approves, edits and publishes them.  This also marks the end of my duties of the USAWA Secretary/Treasurer position.  Eric and I have been working together to make a smooth transition over the past couple of months but now all that is done!  The USAWA funds are now in his hands for organizational transactions and I’ve “tidied” up the website so he won’t be burdened by jobs I’ve left undone.

I’m not going to make a sappy farewell speech here, but it has caused me to reflect on the past 12 years of being the administrator of the USAWA.   That should be the official title instead of Secretary/Treasurer because that it what the job is.   It’s a weekly (and sometime daily) duty of attending to something involved with the USAWA.   It may be updating the membership roster, taking in a deposit to the bank, updating the website, attending to Executive Board matters, writing a blog for the USAWA Daily News, or just responding to an email from a lifter.  It’s way more work than anyone realizes.  I know Eric will be up for the job and I encourage all of you to keep giving him encouragement and “pats on the back” because he sure isn’t doing it for the money!

After taking over this position from Bill Clark 12 years ago I had no intentions of doing it forever (or as long as Bill had!).  Bill was the only Secretary/Treasurer the USAWA had known as he held that position for 22 years since the beginning!  Now I know most of us have had our disagreements with Bill over the years, but I give THAT GUY a big hand for holding the USAWA together for so long.  I fully understand the effort and energy he had given to the USAWA, as well as the many hours of his life.  I’m very grateful to him for that. I tried my best to not “drop the ball” after everything Bill had accomplished and I hope what I’ve done will be seen as being successful from my USAWA peers as the years move on.

Now let’s get behind ET and the new Executive Board and keep the USAWA going strong!


Updated Rulebook

By Al Myers

I just finished updating the USAWA Rulebook with the rule changes made by the membership over the past few years. it was last updated in 2017.  It now contains the rules for the new lifts that have been added since that time – the Lurich Lift, the Rim Lift, and the Habecker Lift.

The new USAWA Rulebook is the 11th Edition.  It is available for free download on the USAWA website.

Updated Club Certificates

By Al Myers

I just recently updated the Club Certificates for all member clubs of the USAWA.  These are available under “About Us”/”Member Clubs”.  Any club can easily download their certificate for printout to proudly display in the training facilities.   Currently the USAWA has 8 member clubs – Dino Gym, Ambridge BBC, Clark’s Gym, Franks Barbell Club, Habeckers Gym, KC Strongman, Ledaig Heavy Athletics, and Schmidt’s Barbell Club.

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