Author Archives: Al Myers

2015 Year in Review

by Al Myers

Cover page for the 2015 USAWA Year in Review is in memory of Mike Murdock. Mike was a very active USAWA lifter who was much respected by all his peers.

Cover page for the 2015 USAWA Year in Review is in memory of Mike Murdock. Mike was a very active USAWA lifter who was much respected by all his peers.

I just completed the 2015 USAWA Year in Review.  This is always a big project for me at the end of every year, but one I feel is very important as to preserve the history of the USAWA.  This summarized review contains all the information that has occurred in the USAWA during the prior year.  It contains all the blogs, meet results, and other USAWA news.

It will be available in printed form.  I plan to take it to the printer next week so if anyone wants a copy this is the time to let me know. Cost for this book is $50, payable to the USAWA. This year it contains 285 pages, many pictures, and close to 60,000 words!  It could be called a book it is so big!  I will make it available on the website in a digital form if you prefer to just download it.  I plan to just make one run to the printer for this so if you want one later you can always take the digital copy to the printer yourself to have printed.

Lifter of the Month – John McKean

by Al Myers

John McKean in action performing a trap bar deadlift at his recent record day.

John McKean in action performing a trap bar deadlift at his recent record day.

The lifter of the month for December is the long time Ambridge lifter, John McKean.  John celebrated his 70th birthday in December by hosting a record day at the Ambridge Barbell Club. In this meet John set several new USAWA and IAWA records to add to his lengthy record count.  John has been involved with the USAWA since practically the beginning.  He competed in York this past summer at the USAWA National Championships and assisted me with the announcing duties. He has been a consistent contributer to the USAWA website by submitting some very interesting stories.  John has been around weightlifting his entire life and is a joy to visit with because you will hear some almost unbelievable tales about past meets and lifters!

Congrats John!

Lifter of the Month – Art Montini

by Al Myers

Art Montini in Glasgow, Scotland competing in the 2015 IAWA World Championships.

Art Montini in Glasgow, Scotland competing in the 2015 IAWA World Championships.

I’m a little behind on announcing the LIFTER OF THE MONTH so today I’m going to get caught up!

Looking back at October it was a “no-brainer” who the lifter of the month should be for the USAWA.  It is none other than the IRONMAN Art Montini. Art represented the USAWA in Scotland at the IAWA World Championships early in the month, where on his 88th birthday,  won another World Title. He followed this up the NEXT WEEKEND by hosting his annual Birthday Bash, which is now the longest running sanctioned meet in the USAWA. That’s TWO weekends in a row of competing, with one being an overseas trip.  That’s deserving of LIFTER OF THE MONTH in my opinion!

Congrats Art!

Past Postal Series History

by Al Myers

I’ve just completed a summary of our past postal series meets.  The complete summary may be found under the history section located at the top of the website.  One of my goals (among many others!) is to collect a complete historical archive of all the USAWA Championship events, which includes our Postal Championships and Postal Series Champions.  I am getting closer to finished on this project with this done – which took a fair amount of research!

It’s amazing how far our Postal Meet Series has come.  Early on in 2007 when John Wilmot first started on this endeavor very few competed in his postal meets. The first year he promoted two meets only.  These postal meets had critics, with a few thinking that it would fail. But thankly John persisted and in 2008 promoted the first Postal Championships. By 2009 interest had really increased with many lifters entering every postal meet. The Postal Series was started that year with lifters accumulating points towards an overall yearly postal series champion.  In 2011 the USAWA officially recognized the postal meets and the title of a Postal Meet Director.  Part of this included the sanctions for the Postal Series Meets to be sponsored by the USAWA . Up to this point John paid out of his own pocket to sanction these postal meets.  In 2013 John passed the duty of Postal Meet Director on to Denny Habecker. Our postal meet program is in “good hands” with Denny in charge.  All of the 2016 Postal Meets are ALREADY announced! I see a bright future for our Postal Meets and I would encourage all to participate as this is an easy way to compete in an informal meet in your own gym against many others across the US.

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