Author Archives: KCSTRONGMAN

Sportsmanship Award: Runner-Up

By Eric Todd


Dave DeForest accepting his sportsmanship award

Dave DeForest accepting his sportsmanship award

The sportsmanship award is described as follows:

 This goes to an individual who possesses and shows great sportsmanship within the USAWA. The act of sportsmanship may be by conduct at all events, or by a specific example of exceptional sportsmanship.

This year’s runner-up in this category goes to Dave DeForest.  Dave has competed regularly in the USAWA.  He is a stalwart at the Clark’s Gym meets and has traveled to many competitions as well.  He has been to my place on more than one occasion, and has traveled out of state multiple times, including to national and world meets. Dave is a fierce competitor, buy is always the consummate sportsman. He always leaves all he has on the platform, but win, lose or draw, he maintains a cheerful demeanor.  He is a pleasure to visit with, and is always ready to lend a helping hand when it is needed.  Congratulations, Dave!  Well deserved!

Leadership Award: Runner-Up

By Eric Todd

Runner-up in the leadership category:  Bill Clark

Runner-up in the leadership category: Bill Clark

This award is given the following description:

This is for an individual that has shown exceptional leadership qualities within the USAWA during the past year. Things that should be looked at are: going above the level expected of an Officer position, promoting sanctioned events with emphasis being on promoting National or World Competitions, promoting the USAWA by developing a strong club, writing articles for publications about the USAWA, or through other means.

This year’s runner-up in the Leadership category goes to Bill Clark.  Bill has resurrected his “Clark’s Gym” USAWA club of late, bringing in many new lifters and revitalizing the lifting careers of others.  He has sanctioned and promoted 6 events since last year’s nationals.  I am quite certain he has the only commercial all-round gym in Missouri, and I am sure one of the few in the USA.  His club members have competed in local, and distant meets including worlds, and they have a very strong presence in our quarterly postal events.  This accolade is well deserved.  Congrats, Bill!

Leadership Award

By Eric Todd

Eric Todd receiving the leadership award

Eric Todd receiving the leadership award

This award is given the following description:

This is for an individual that has shown exceptional leadership qualities within the USAWA during the past year. Things that should be looked at are: going above the level expected of an Officer position, promoting sanctioned events with emphasis being on promoting National or World Competitions, promoting the USAWA by developing a strong club, writing articles for publications about the USAWA, or through other means.

I was honored to have been chosen by the membership for this award.  It has been a pleasure serving as the Secretary/Treasurer and Website director.  It was also fun having my mini-me present it to me.



By RJ Jackson and Sanjiv Gupta

Sanjiv Gupta completing a Bench Press-1 arm

Sanjiv Gupta completing a Bench Press-1 arm

Two lifts attended the July Colorado Record Day and we had a great time lifting. Sanjiv came down from Denver and Crystal represented Colorado Springs. The lifts were performed at VASA Fitness which certainly made for some coordinating with the other patrons and some curious glances. Two sessions were held with an early morning session for Sanjiv and a later session for Crystal. RJ Jackson hosted and officiated the Record Day.

Sanjive completing a curl-strict, reverse grip

Sanjive completing a curl-strict, reverse grip



Colorado Springs CO

July 13, 2023

Meet Director: RJ Jackson

Officials (1-official system used): RJ Jackson


WOMEN’S division:

Name                  Age    Bodyweight (in pounds)          Weight Class

Crystal Diggs        36      155.0                                          75 k

Seated Press – From Rack 45#
Weaver Stick 1.5#
Bench Press – One Arm, Right 25#
Bench Press – One Arm, Left 20#
Bench Press – Reverse grip 85#

MEN’S division:

Name                 Age     Bodyweight (In Pounds)          Weight Class

Sanjiv Gupta       52       193.0                                          90 k

Bench Press – Hands Together 126#
Bench Press – One Arm, left 56#
Deadlift, No Thumbs 305#
Curl-Strict, Rev. Grip 70#
Curl-Cheat, Rev. Grip 115

Ed Zercher Strength Classic

When: January 27-28, 2024

Where: Clark’s Gym, 720 Grace Lane, Columbia, MO

Entry Fee: none

Entry Deadline: January 22, 2023

Lifts: Zercher Lift; Steinborn Lift; Clean and Press-Heels together; 2 hand Clean and Jerk; Leg Press in rack; Hand and Thigh; Bench Press-Feet in air; Deadlift-heels together; Hack Lift; Harness Lift; Hip Lift; One Hand Deadlift

There is no entry form for this event, but please let Bill know you are attending. You can reach him by email at; telephone at 573-474-4510; or by mail at 3906 Grace Ellen Drive, Columbia, MO 65202-1739

Please note, this meet is hybrid.  You can compete in person or remotely.  If you compete remotely, you must have a certified official judge your lifts in order for them to be eligible for records. If you enter without a certified official, your results will be noted, but will not be eligible for records. In the event that you are lifting remotely, your results must be submitted to Bill no later than 10:00 PM on Thursday, January 25th.

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