Author Archives: KCSTRONGMAN

Lifter of the Month-February

By Eric Todd

The Dino Gym hosted the Grip Championship again this past February.  While Laverne Myers would certainly be a worthy recipient, winning his sixth title here, February’s Lifter of the Month goes to Keving Fulton.  Kevin put up the biggest total at the Grip Championship by way of a 127 pound strict pinch grip (doing a 137# record lift outside the competition) and a 205 pound Vertical Bar Deadlift 1 bar 1″ one hand.  Kevin was a fixture in the USAWA 20 years ago, but has not been in action since.  Kevin was the second American (after our own Frank Ciavattone) to lift the Dinnie Stones unassisted. He was the leader of the old Braveheart Weightlifting club from 2000-2003.  It was great to see Keving return to action, and I hope he continues being active in the USAWA.  Great work, Kevin!

Norfolk County Record Day

By Eric Todd

Nils Larson will be hosting a record day at Frank’s Barbell Club in Wapole, Massachusetts on April 30, 2023. Come prepared with a list of up to 5 lifts to break/set records in. If you wish to attend or would like more information you can email Nils at or call Frank in advance at 508-801-6279.  The meet will be held at 204 East Street, E. Wapole, MA 02032.

Lifter of the Month-January

By Eric Todd

I am going a little bit different direction with the Lifter of the month in January.  While both Al Myers’ win in the Dino Challenge and Abe Smith’s win in the Zercher are worthy of consideration, these guys are very seasoned competitors.  Both have won Nationals (Al maybe more than any other lifter) and are expected to win or at least be in the mix of any and every meet they enter.  I am giving the nod for the January Lifter of the month to a newbie.  Wyatt Sawyers had never competed in a USAWA meet prior to this January, when he traveled from his home in Tulsa, OK to Columbia, MO to compete in the Zercher Classic.  He placed third, and put up many lifts that would compete with veteran lifters. His 189 bodyweight makes these lifts even more impressive.  He hit a 350 Zercher, 250 Clean and Jerk,  a 285 Bench Press-Feet in Air, a 450 Deadlift-Heels together, and a 275 Deadlift-1 arm.  These are just some of them that stood out to me.  If he did all of this as a rookie, I cannot wait what the future brings for this exciting young lifter.  Congrats Wyatt!  Well deserved!

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