Author Archives: KCSTRONGMAN

Century Club Update

By Eric Todd

Dave DeForest-One of our newest members of the Century Club

Dave DeForest-One of our newest members of the Century Club

With the newest record update, I figured it was time to take a new look at the Century Club.  And there has been some movement.  The men’s Century Club, our biggest mover was no surprise.  It was Abe smith, and if he is in a meet, you know he is challenging for top honors, and records are going to be one of the many casualties in his wake.  Abe jumped up 39 records in his count, and that moved him up 9 spots to number 17.  Randy Smith jumped up the second most spots by moving four to number 25 on our list.  Big Frank Ciavattone improved his count by 21 records, and that saw him go from eighth on our list to seventh.  Myself and our founder, Bill Clark moved up 20 and 19 records, respectively, but maintained what place we sit in.  Biggest news in the men’s division is the addition of Dave DeForest, of Clark’s Gym.  This makes Dave the fifth member of Clark’s Gym to make the cut.  Dave sits at 111 records and is tied for 28th place.

Phoebe Todd becomes the fifth member of the Women's Century Club, and the youngest member to ever do it at age 12

Phoebe Todd becomes the fifth member of the Women’s Century Club, and the youngest member to ever do it at age 12

The Women’s Division once again saw very little movement.  RJ Jackson stands firm in first place, Noi Phumchona stays in second, Mary McConnaughey in third, and Susan Sees in fourth.  This is the way this list has looked for some time.  There is a new name on the list, though.  Young Phoebe Todd has broken through the Century mark at 104 records.  Unless I am missing something (and I am not), Phoebe is the youngest member ever of the Century Club.  She joins the ranks at a mere twelve years of age.

Below is a link to the club:

Record List and Century Club

Plese note, our records director John Strangeway has been doing some work on cleaning this list up.  So if you are unsure why your count is lower than you think, that is why.  There were duplicate records for the same lift spanning decades.  So, for a time, you might have had a record listed that had since been beat, but your record remained on the books.  So, while we are not claiming it is perfect, this should be a more accurate reflection of where you stand in the record count.

New record List Out

By Eric Todd
The newest record list is out and posted. This list is current through the “Lift for Leroy Record Day.” If you are uncertain if your record should be included or not, please refer to the results page. If your lift was completed in a meet that was posted after “Lift for Leroy” it is not and should not be posted yet. Hope you guys enjoy Johnny’s work, and to see where you and your friends fall on the records list. Will be posting an update on the century club soon.

Recording Records-Converting Kilos to Pounds

A few years ago the call was made to allow partial pounds in our record book. This was mostly due to converting kilograms meets to pounds to not shortchange the US crowd. This carried over to using half pounds throughout. It has been requested by a member we adhere to the organization’s rules and no longer use partial lbs. All current partial records will be rounded down as per the rules of the USAWA. Please remember for future record attempts to no longer use partial pounds.

Frank’s Barbell Club 2022 New Year’s Eve Record Breaker

By Mark Raymond

Frank’s Barbell Club

2022 New Year’s Eve Record Breaker

Results are as follows:

2022 New Year’s Eve Record Breaker Frank’s Barbell Club, East Walpole, Massachusetts December 31st 2022

Meet Director: Mark Raymond

Host: Frank Ciavattone

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Frank Ciavattone

Officials (3 official system used): Frank Ciavattone, Jeff Ciavattone, Mark Raymond

All lifts recorded in pounds

Wade Marchand Age: 53 Weight: 162 Lbs. 75K Class 50+ Masters

Mark Raymond Age: 59 Weight: 226 Lbs. 105K Class 55+ Masters

Jeff Ciavattone Age: 43 Weight: 240 Lbs. 110K Class 40+ Masters

Frank Ciavattone Jr. Age: 67 Weight: 276 Lbs. 125K+ Class 60+ Masters

Lifter                         Lift                                          Pounds

Jeff Ciavattone           Vertical Bar-2 Inch-Right           185

Deadlift – Fingers – Index           241

Clean & Press – 12 Inch Base      210

Clean & Press – Middle Fingers    155

Jefferson Lift                             605


Mark Raymond          Bench Press – Hands Together     120

Bench Press – Alternate grip        115

Weaver Stick – Right – Front        5.5

Weaver Stick – Left – Front           5.5

Weaver Stick – Left – Rear            7.5


Wade Marchand       Weaver Stick – Right – Rear          7.5

Weaver Stick – Left – Front            5

Weaver Stick – Left – Rear             7.5

Wrist curl                                    100

Wrist curl – 1 Hand – Left              50


Frank Ciavattone    Weaver Stick – Right – Front           6

Weaver Stick – Right – Rear            9

Weaver Stick – Left – Rear              9

Curl – Reverse Grip                       90

Rectangular Fix                            80

Fourth Quarter Postal

By Eric Todd

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets. These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker. This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.


Snatch from Hang
Deadlift-  2 Dumbells
Pullover and Press

The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
All lifts must be done on the same day
USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
Record results on scoresheet in pounds
At least 1 certified official required for records
May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
Scoresheet must be fully filled out
No entry fee


1 38 39 40 41 42 76