Author Archives: KCSTRONGMAN

Ed Zercher Strength classic

By Bill Clark

When: January 28-29, 2023

Where: Clark’s Gym, 720 Grace Lane, Columbia, MO

Entry Fee: none

Entry Deadline: January 22. 2023

Awards: Certificates

Lifts: Zercher Lift; Steinborn Lift; Clean and Press-Heels together; 2 hand Clean and Jerk; Leg Press in rack; Hand and Thigh; Bench Press-Feet in air; Deadlift-heels together; Hack Lift; Harness Lift; Hip Lift; One Hand Deadlift


There is no entry form for this event, but please let Bill know you are attending. You can reach him by email at; telephone at 573-474-4510; or by mail at 3906 Grace Ellen Drive, Columbia, MO 65202-1739

2009 Nationals

Here is the next installment of past nationals transcribed in an effort to preserve a more complete history. This one is from 2009.  They are all transcribed from the “Strength Journal” by Bill Clark.  This was an idea of Frank Ciavattone’s and was presented at the national meeting.  Enjoy a little piece of history:

2009 Nationals

Lifter of the Month-June

By Eric Todd

Beth Skwarecki  executes a Full Gardner earning her the 2021 Presidential Cup.

Beth Skwarecki executes a Full Gardner earning her the 2021 Presidential Cup.

With our national meet being in June, it is hard to not recognize our national champions as being the best of the best.  That is why our June Lifter of the Month goes to Beth Skwarecki for not only winning the women’s division at nationals, but was named the overall grand champion for having the highest point total among all of the lifters.  This is the third time Beth is being recognized with the lifter of the month honor, having also been recognized in October 2019 and August of 2021.  Well deserved Beth!  Congrats!

Lifter of the Month-May

By Eric Todd

tony Hose-Benchpress Decathalon Champ!

Tony Hose-Benchpress Decathalon Champ!

This month’s selection goes to Tony Hose of Clark’s Gym.  Tony gets the nod for May’s recognition due to his impressive victory in the Bench press Decathlon in Columbia,  MO.  This was Tony’s first ever all-round competition making his win even more impressive.  He defeated bench press specialist, Dave Beversdorf by 175 points.  Congrats Tony!  Well deserved!

Records List Upated

By Eric Todd

Thanks to our records director, John Strangeway, the USAWA records were updated on September 27th.  This newest record update is current through the Clark’s Gym vs, Franks Barbell Club postal.  Huge thanks to Johnny for all the work he does to keep this records list current.

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