Author Archives: KCSTRONGMAN


By Dan Wagman

(this is one in a series of proposals submitted by Dan Wagman for discussion at our national meeting)

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Discussions on USAWA’s Forum have revealed that the participation rate in our National Meeting is “dismal.” Some Forum participants admitted to skipping the meeting after a meet. Increasing the ease by which members can participate in the National Meeting is a huge benefit to the organization and can itself be achieved with great ease. The following steps are recommended and put to the Membership for a vote:

  1. Establish a deadline by which the National Meeting Agenda Items must be submitted to the Secretary or other responsible individual(s)—perhaps 30 days prior to the meeting;
  2. Publish the Agenda Items on USAWA’s website and/or Facebook page by a second deadline—perhaps 15 days prior to the meeting;
  3. Use Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, etc., and even smartphones multi-conferencing service that would allow a member to call in to the meeting and participate, even if he/she is on the way back home after competing.
  4. Eliminate the following sentences from the Bylaws:

7.H. Membership votes at the Annual National Meeting are done by the membership present. No absentee or proxy votes are allowed.

The purpose of this is to allow those who cannot attend the National Meeting, for any number of reasons, to nevertheless cast a vote by being present electronically. Moreover, providing for proxy votes also increases representation of the membership.

Nationals Entry Deadline

By Eric Todd


Entry deadline is in 6 days.  Get those entries in soon.  I have lifted at a Habecker championship, and they are top notch.  I hope to get a decent turnout for this fine event.  At any rate, for those of you waiting to the last minute, that is where we are!  Get those entries in the mail today!  Hope to see you in PA soon.


By Eric Todd

I was very excited today to receive 6 new membership applications!  2 were from Frank’s barbell club, and the other 4 were all new Canadian members.  It is very exciting to see new blood in our organization.  And Franks club has been a stalwart in our organization with no indications of slowing down soon.  Hopefully we can continue to grow our presence in Canada.  Welcome aboard, folks!!!

National Meeting Proposals (cont)

By Dan Wagman

(This is a series of national meeting items Dan Wagman is proposing that may be discussed at National Metting)

(e-mail address active until Juli 1, 2022)
Currently, a person wishing to access USAWA’s rulebook and bylaws has to download a PDF from the organization’s website. This makes it difficult to access that vital information quickly and easily, such as at a meet via a lifter’s phone. Although PDF readers are available for smartphones, the good ones require payment and the free ones come with many annoying ads. Having the rulebook and bylaws as webpages would allow anybody to access these documents with the utmost ease on their phones.
Additional considerations that ought to be deliberated
A. The present version of the rulebook contains many grammatical errors and areas requiring clarification and/or clearer, more precise language. Copy editing of the rulebook is essential.
B. As a properly created webpage, the rulebook would allow the viewer to click in the Table of Contents on any lift of interest and go directly to that section; no more scrolling through pages until one finally ends up at the desired lift.
C. A website version of the rulebook would allow the inclusion of more photographs and perhaps even more importantly videos of lifters performing a specified lift. Such videos could include verbal tips/instructions on the finer points of a lift.

national meeting proposals

By Dan Wagman

This is the first part in a series of proposals from Dan Wagman that may be discussed at the national meeting.

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(e-mail address active until Juli 1, 2022)



In addressing a lifter’s foot placement, the current bench press rule (Rulebook XII.C.) reads:


“The feet must be flat on the floor and not braced against the bench during the lift.  Any width of feet placement is allowed. No heel or toe rising is allowed during the lift.”


It is therefore not permissible to place plates, blocks, or any similar thing under a lifter’s feet to raise them off the floor. This, however, is essential for many shorter lifters, to include reasons other than just body height or limb length, and many judges have therefore allowed this, contravening the rules of performance for the bench press. It is therefore advisable to clarify the bench press rule via a sentence that allows lifters to elevate their feet off the floor. It is suggested to add this fourth sentence to the section addressing a lifter’s feet:

The use of plates, blocks, or any similar device under the lifter’s feet is permitted

            in an effort to raise them off the floor.



         Add the Jefferson Lift — Fingers to USAWA’s contested lifts in line with IAWA-UK. The proposed language for that lift is as follows:

         Jefferson Lift — Fingers: The rules of the Jefferson Lift apply except that the lift will be executed with one of the same fingers on each hand.


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